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Offline Steven

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So alone
« on: December 22, 2017, 11:01:12 PM »
Hi, My name is Steven, I lost my mother 2 months ago. The pain is just getting worse everyday, I feel I am starting to break apart, my brother and sister have fallen out, and are not speaking to each other. I feel so alone, I miss my Mum so much. I just don’t know where I go from this, I have no support.

Offline Dave Administrator

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Re: So alone
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2017, 11:36:09 PM »
Steven I'm so sorry for your loss I know that agonising pain loosing a mum only to well.

Pour your heart out here it really does help to write down all those pent up emotions I promise.
Take care and please keep posting however small or large you can manage, we need them.

Offline Emz2014

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Re: So alone
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2017, 08:27:27 AM »
Sending a welcome hug Steven  :hug: xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Woodlands2017

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Re: So alone
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2017, 10:49:36 AM »
Steven that sounds tough.

I am only a week in to it and the pain feels unbearable.

Is there anything which makes you feel better? Even momentarily?

I know everyone is different, so sorry if not you, but I am going to see about bereavement suppprt in the new year. For me and my son. Not sure what it will involve but worth a try.


Offline Karena

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Re: So alone
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2017, 04:08:32 PM »
Hi Steven and welcome.Its not unusual for family's to fall out at this time sadly.I lost my mum many years ago but still miss her,I know I always will.Mums are often the glue that holds everything together, and Xmas probably isn't helping because that's a time perhaps when it that was most at the forefront.Do you have any friends you can talk too or other family than your siblings,perhaps they could help.I came here after my husband died and found just having somewhere to write helped,but also through sharing and meeting others here you feel less alone.

Offline Twinkle

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Re: So alone
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2017, 09:51:11 PM »
Hi, i am sorry for loss I really am, like you I lost my Mum but mine was in August this year and I am still struggling, every second of the day I miss her and with Xmas it is even worse BUT I am still here, sometimes I smile about things she would say or do, I try anything and everything to get through, my Dad died 25 years ago and I didn't think I would survive that, but I had my Mum,  the only thing I know for sure is you need to  feel whatever you need to, don't apologise or feel it is wrong, post on here saying whatever you need too, this forum has been a lifeline for me, and I hope you will find it the same, don't try to force yourself to conform or be better than you feel ready,

As for families, I was the only child of my Mums second relationship, the other 3 were from mum's first husband so I  was on the back foot being the youngest anyway,  but I was amazed at the strength I could summon when I knew it was all for Mum, and now we all muddle along again, you want them to feel like you do but everyone really does deal with it differently

Offline Emz2014

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Re: So alone
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2017, 10:24:09 PM »
I totally agree twinkle, sometimes we have to allow the feeling, and be gentle with ourselves to support ourselves through it.  Talk with others, or write it down privately if dont feel ready to share, increase the things that look after us (what would we do if it was a friend, and do that for you too)
Its a rollercoaster journey and it is often best to concentrate on baby steps - dont worry about the future, focus on the current day. Xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Steven

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Re: So alone
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2017, 12:06:36 AM »
Thank you so much for your messages and support. My Mother and I had such a special relationship, she was truely wonderful. My brother and sister have made it clear to my wife that they knew I was her favourite, but then I always put more into our relationship, always on the phone and visiting her, she always said she felt as ease with me. I always gave my mother hugs and kisses and told her how much I loved her every time I saw or spoke to her. Something my brother and sister never did, Mum talked to me on many occasions that she wanted that from them also, but got it. I believe what you put into a relationship, you get back. To my brother and sisters credit they both adore me, I am the youngest, the baby of the family, even though I am 46. Maybe fortunately from them as they weren’t as close the aren’ feeling the same level of pain as me. They have both told me that their relationship is over, which I am feeling harder to deal with, as Mum would have been so upset. Deep down I think it was always going to happen, as family secrets have come out over the years, my brother is biologically my sister and i’s half brother. He is the eldest. My brother didn’t even know until he was 15. He asked my mother to keep the secret, as he didn’t want my sister and I to think differently of him. My sister found out years later when she met up with her and mine blood father, who walked out on all of us when I was 18 months old. My sister developed a loving relationship with our father, I wrote him a letter, with the help of my mother, to meet him, but he never replied to it. I found out the truth 3 years ago. Which as you can imagine, span me out quite a bit. The thought that everyone knew but me, I felt my life had been a lie. My sister was very angry as Mum begged them not to tell me, through fear of losing the special relationship I had with her. I had a very difficult night with Mum talking it through, but I understood why she did it, to protect my brother at first, then as years went by,it got harder for the truth to come out. I hugged my mother, she begged for my forgiveness, which I did, I understood. It must have been so hard for her, she truely was so lovely. My sister I now feel held that against my mother and brother, although I see it that she had our father, and I had my mother. I can’t imagine how it must have felt for my brother. When the truth come out, he texted me, a told me in his eyes it didn’t change a thing, I was his little brother. In my eyes too, nothing changed, he was my brother and I loved him, I felt sorry for him that he had to deal with abandonment from his real father, and fear of losing his younger sister and brother due to blood fathers. I love my brother and sister so much, equally. For years I was the glue of my family, the cheeky, funny one that all of them loved. Nothing really bothered me, they always thought I was carefree,and they love that about me, always smiling,but if something was bothering them about another one, I would confront them and tell them to do right by the other.Now though, I just don’t have the strength to bat it off. Them falling out, is making the loss of Mum so much harder. Mum’s ashes have been at the crematorium for the last couple of months. I collected Mum today to bring her home for Christmas, Mum always had Christmas with me and my family. I just couldn’t bear the thought of her being at the crematorium on her own. I really am in a bad place at the moment, the only thing that is keeping me going is my gorgeous wife, my two children,although having a difficult time with my beautiful 14 year old daughter, I wish she believed in herself,which is very stressful. My wonderful 20 year is moving back home tonight, again has some difficult teenage years with him, but has grown into a wonderful young man. Our huge 9 month puppy is a big help, although he is slowly eating our house. I don’t want to fail my fail,I have always tried to be strong.My wife and I were asked tonight to be Godparents to our lovely friends beautiful daughter tonight, which is is wonderful, although I left early as lots of friends there, and I felt I was suffocating. I don’t want to ruin our friends happiness or Christmas, by being so emotional. I don’t think Christmas is helping. I apologise for such a long post, once I started I couldn’t stop, maybe I need it. I am normally quite strong, it really has hit me lately, I thought I was coping, but I really am not. I realise that now. It really is quite strange how alone you feel, even though I have family and friends around me, who love me dearly. I just don’t want to upset, or make them feel awkward. No one can give me want I want for Christmas, I just want my Mum.

Offline Twinkle

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Re: So alone
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2017, 08:52:12 AM »
Steven, I do think this Christmas will be hard for all us, it does sound like you have the support of a loving family which I know you feel you don't want to burden, but take it for the next few days at least hour by hour, your puppy will make you smile at some point for sure and that's okay, my Mum loved my little 8 year old Jack Russell and sometimes when she stands there with her ball in her mouth, or shaking her duck, I just have to smile and it is okay, I gave no children, my husband is no support as battling addiction problems, but I search for ways to do little things that make me feel better, naming a star was something I did, not the others as well as having a piece of jewellery made from her ashes, ( maybe think about just doing a little something with some of your mums) but either way I chose something that was unique to our special relationship and only ours.

I think many of us are finding ourselves in a very bad place at the minute but you will get through it, keep sharing on here, it helps you by thinking you not upsetting the people around you

Offline Emz2014

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Re: So alone
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2017, 08:54:11 AM »
Never need to apologise for length of post here  :hearts: it helps us to get things out/talk about things

Allow yourself to rest, try not to pile on extra pressure. It's OK if you need to let a few things slide a little at the moment, grief can be exhausting and have to use your energy wisely
It's totally understandable to be shaken and having family fall out on top makes it harder.  It could be your brother and sister are hitting out whilst they are going through their grief, it may be something that can be sorted/settled in time. Sometimes grief doesn't seem so straightforward,  we lash out in anger whereas we're really just in pain
Just like if you had a physical wound you need some time - don't worry if other things feel harder at the moment, that will get easier as your energy returns.  Grief is not a quick journey,  but you will make it through. Hope we can be a help on your journey  :hearts: xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Lyn Taylor

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Re: So alone
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2017, 11:58:04 AM »
Steven so sorry for your loss, I lost my dad 2 weeks ago and I have a dog who brings me such great comfort. Animals have no expectations of you (apart from their food and walks) they offer so much unconditional love. Take it day by day, there is no right or wrong way of feeling, being or doing. Be kind to yourself. I too have experienced the family falls out's but you have to take care of you and let them do the same. Things change. x

Offline Rach1972

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Re: So alone
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2017, 09:05:03 PM »
Hi Steven, I am sorry for the loss of your Mum.  I lost my Mum in May, followed by my Uncle in October.  I too am having some family disputes and feel that alongside grieving I am walking on egg shells.  Mum was ill for a long time and I spent a lot more time with her than the others and kind of feel that I am on a different page.  Although I am missing her constantly (especially her wise words) I feel that I did everything that I possibly could & in some ways that has helped.  Some days it still does not feel real.  A good friend bought me a lovely memory box and I have also been able to collect some small items of hers, photos, eulogies etc from her funeral to keep.  This is not only for me but for her grandchildren too.  As others have said take it a day at a time and be kind to yourself.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2017, 11:33:39 AM by Rach1972 »

Offline Steven

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Re: So alone
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2017, 09:37:22 PM »
Thank you all so much for your support and time. You really are amazing people, I never thought anyone really understood how much pain I really am in, and you all are helping me, I hope I can return it in some way. Christmas Day is going to be so hard to get through for us all, I hope our lost ones give us the strength to get us through it. I will be thinking of you all, and any strength I can get, I will send it your way. Good luck tomorrow. XXX