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Offline Emsy

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« on: December 18, 2017, 01:24:52 AM »

I'm not sure what to write here or if I'm even writing in the right place.

Last weekend I lost my best friend. We spoke every day either hours on the phone or short messages through out the day. If somthing happend in my day as simple as my child throwing a fit on the floor or hers throwing his dinner on the floor we would message, call and just be there for each aother. And often did playmates. But hardly saw her in November because I was doing my stupid house out.

She was 29 and full of life. She leaves behind 3 gorgeous kids.

I am in so much pain, I feel so angry that's she been taken, so guilty for feeling this bad when her family are the ones that should feel like this and they were her parents and her poor chuldren. I should be strong for them should they need me but I'm not. I'm deveated, she was a massive part of my life. I haven't slept more than 3 hours a night and I feel like I'm loosing control. I don't want to be around my own kids , I don't want Christmas even if she did love Christmas and even if she would be annoyed at me for this because she's not here. I I wish i could swap places.
To think I still have  all my grandparents and parents and may have to feel this pain again one day makes me wonder what on earth is the point.

My friend was a fantastic person and she was gone in a flash. We spoke most days but didn't speak the day before and that kills me the most. If I had known she was unwell I would have been there , I wouldn't hav let my epileptic friend lock the door and have a bath when she was already so poorly. Why didn't we speak on Saturday? Why am I left here when it's her who loved Christmas.  How do I just get through Xmas without ruining my children's week.
Sunday 11am I realised I hadn't heard from her since Saturday and she was odd one but it wasn't till 6 I started asking other people and her dad phoned me. Her accident was Sunday morning but they turned life support off at 6.45 Monday 11th December.
This just diesnt feel real. I'm alone and that would be fine if she was at the end of a phone or I just knew she was ok.

Offline Karena

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Re: Hello
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2017, 02:33:02 PM »
 :hug:sending you a welcome hug,this is such a tragic loss.
 Grief is not something that has degrees of "right" too clearly you were very close friends.families and friends gather strength from each other.It is very early days and a difficult time with xmas coming up -but no time is not difficult.Grief isnt a quick journey more of a nightmare rollercoaster, and a time when we fear for all our loved ones more yet perhaps also a time when we take stock of their value too us and maybe change our prioroties in a positive way too.In time sharing your happy memorys will be one way in which you can help her children and continue to be an important part of their lives.But in thes early days just getting through the next hour and the next day is as far ahead as we can look.
I doubt there is a single person on this site who hasnt at some time blamed themselves and felt guilty in some way -there are always those what if questions that plague us -maybe f we had said or done something different this wouldnt have happened.It is part of grief to feel like this as is the anger.
Without knowing your friend its difficult to say -but if you had phoned, would you have known she was unwell, would she have told you, - perhaps she had no pre - warning of this herself,and felt fine when she went for her bath.
None of us are professionals here but all of us are at different stages of grief, so do understand where perhaps those who havnt find it difficult too.Keep coming and keep talking it does help. :hug:

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Hello
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2017, 08:43:12 PM »
Sending a welcome hug too  :hug: xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Emsy

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Re: Hello
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2017, 11:50:49 AM »
Thank you both. I'm not sure how much talking I can do. I want my friend back so much it hurts, I want to have no regrets about the times i didnt go to see her because I had the house to do. What was the point. I just need to get through Xmas and once that's done I guess I will face the lonely year ahead with with her, the daft thing is I didn't realise what a major part of my day to day life she played till now.
She did know she was ill because she had a fit in the night, i can't help being annoyed with both her and her friend for having that bath. If she was here I would tell her so. I think of that everyday and her lovely children thankful  they have a good family to take care of them but so sad for them.

Offline Emsy

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Re: Hello
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2017, 08:03:57 PM »
So the family have said I can go and visit My friend. The casket will only be open for 4 days. That really only gives me the weekend to go and tonight to decide if I should. I don't know what I should do for the best. I would like to say good bye in private but will this last image of my friend be the main one I remember if I go?

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Hello
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2017, 10:44:04 PM »
It's a difficult decision, which is very personal.  I chose to go and see my dad, it was hard but I'm glad I did.  I wasnt there when we lost dad so I needed to say goodbye and also see him peaceful. I took a letter which I put in with him.
Whatever you decide, needs to be what feels right for you xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx