Author Topic: Do you believe in the afterlife?  (Read 71701 times)

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Offline Fleur

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #45 on: October 13, 2017, 09:40:09 AM »
I wish I could feel my husbands comforting presence around me, I have always believed in the afterlife but am full of doubt now because he was so good at comforting anyone in distress.
This too shall pass.

Offline Maria66

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #46 on: October 14, 2017, 05:10:47 AM »
Morning Fleur, i believe when you can feel them around you they havent gone to the afterlife yet, they cant leave they are not ready. I believe it, my father was with me a lot then suddenly i stopped feeling him, and he finally moved over.  I dont know if that is fantasy or wishing, but i did feel him really strong, then also my ex husband i dont feel him now either.

My mum i didnt really feel but weirdly enough she died in february and her sister in Italy died a week later and her other sister a month later I beleive they were all waiting for one another and now she is with all her family she grew up with.   

I feel mike when i am just sat quietly and really feel connected to him. sometimes i feel he is standing near me. It could just be imagination.   

I think just because i cant always feel him it doesnt mean there isnt an afterlife, perhaps its just someone was calling him strongly from the afterlife.   :candle: he was very close to his mother.

I am sorry you lost your beloved husband its really hard isnt it, i lost mine on the 3rd october and everyday is a challenge to get through it, but i am busy organising his funeral so that helps a bit. xxxxx

Offline Fleur

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #47 on: October 14, 2017, 06:35:14 PM »
Hi Maria. Thank you for your kind words. It is very hard, I hope you get through the following days, the funeral and after it knowing that the friends you have made here will keeping you in their thoughts.
This too shall pass.

Offline Twinkle

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #48 on: November 27, 2017, 03:28:20 PM »
I did always believe I really did, even after losing Dad 25 years ago and a medium telling me dad didn't want to talk to me, but since I have lost Mum I have lost all belief, I know she would have let me know it was okay if she could,  but nothing, I am thinking about seeing a medium again though...

Offline Jody27

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #49 on: February 03, 2018, 04:07:58 AM »
My brother who is a non believer rang me 2 nights ago to tell me he had just met with a friends mum who is a medium. She had asked to speak with him. I was quite surprised because of his views on this.

What surprised me even more was that he actually sounded like he believed her. She described things that happened when my father was ill. Talked about my grandfather who we lost just before my dad and also told him a few things that are completely random, which she said was her way of confirming things, like an issue he is having with keys at the minute... he keeps loosing them!!!! Having helped him to pull his house apart to find them one day I can also confirm this. She said about a problem with electrics, but this could not be connected. His girlfriend rang him the next day to get him to contact the electrician as she thought there was an issue as the downstairs lights, they had tripped twice and she thought they needed to get someone to look at it.

I honestly don't know what to believe, I would like to think that there is something but then I think there is a logical reason for everything!! However at a concert one night, the encore song was the one my dad requested be played at his funeral, which came as a bit of a surprise as we were not expecting at all. I returned to the hotel and was standing outside around 1am when a white feather out of nowhere floated down and landed just in front me. My dad loved to walk and was always trying to get me to be more active. So as i bent down to pick it up, a gust of wind caught it and I had to chase it up the street!! As quick as it blew away it stopped, settled on the ground and lay there until I got to it. This also happened to be on father's day, his 1st away from home. I really would like to think it was him letting me know he's still around. xx

Offline Whyme

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #50 on: March 06, 2018, 12:14:27 PM »
This is not about believing but a question to see what others think.
On my first visit with my daughter to the funeral home to see my husband, we took some family photos to place on the table near him. I also took a heart shaped candle which was one of six shaped ones id got as a present for xmas. It was a real white candle but when you lit the wick, the heat activated an  led light that then made a white candle into a colour changing one.  No mains power to plug in and no batteries. As I placed it on the table I asked my daughter to make sure I blew it out on leaving. Anyway after a few minutes I got my lighter out of my bag, then nudged  my daughter with my eyes rolling but said quietly , look at the candle, so she peered at it and said how lovely and peaceful it looked changing colours. Yeh but I've not lit it yet. I've not even lit my lighter. We didn't know whether to laugh or cry and on leaving and it still changing colours, I remarked, Well ???? I can't blow it out cause it's not been lit ????? . My brother in law went to visit about 15 mins after we had left. So I just said, Did he like the colour changing candle but he said he hadn't realised that and thought it was a plain white one. His face was a picture when I explained and I said I was soo glad my daughter was with me to see it or nobody would have believed me. The candle is now on a unit at home and has never changed colour once since without lighting it ?????

Offline Doug

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #51 on: March 07, 2018, 10:37:54 AM »
My lovely loving soulmate, the love of my life for 40 years died from pancreatic cancer last May. With her death I lost virtually everything of real value to me- laughter, joy, delight, passion, peace, sharing, trust, honesty, kindness, empathy, indescribable closeness, tenderness, playfulness ....... with her my heart had found its home. Then it was ripped apart and became frightened of the dark future ahead.

Four days after she died I was standing at the sink about to clean my teeth when quite out of the blue I “heard” her say “don’t fret, it’s wonderful here”. Then just after that “ I love you doug”. Her voice. Right inside my head.  Fret is not a word I’ve ever used and she rarely called me doug but usually a crazy “ pet” name. Startling. So very clear and real. I’ll never forget it and it has made an enormous difference to me. I feel she lives on in some way, somewhere. There is still a strong connection between us and she has somehow encouraged me or guided me towards a new turn in life. She taught children including those with special needs and I feel I want to continue in some way with her work.
So I’m flying out to Zambia in early July and working as a volunteer for just five weeks, as a taster, on teaching, orphan care and community work projects and I’ll see what happens.
I’m 75 now and want to spend my days making a difference to peoples lives in my own small way

I feel/hope that she will “be” there with me. Maybe a crazy dream but it’s a good dream isn’t it?

So I cannot say my experience was imagination, the result of stress or a hint of more beyond what we can see. All I can say is that it really doesn’t matter. Her love has given me meaning to my life and she is still in my heart and always will be.

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #52 on: March 07, 2018, 06:08:01 PM »
I think that's wonderful  :hearts: xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Karena

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #53 on: March 08, 2018, 01:08:14 PM »
Wow Doug that is something i would love to do -i have done some short term volunteer stuff in Africa - setting up school food gardens -but work, a neccesary evil to fund it, means i cant go out there for long. My husband also worked with young people with special needs until his retirement.

I believe absolutely she will be there with you every step of the way - and there is something about Africa which is so deep rooted and spiritual despite all the humanatarian problems it very quickly feels like home, even on the second landing at the airport  i had a smile plastered on my face and a feeling of being home. much more than any UK landing has done.

The bond we have with our loved ones inevitably changes with this unwelcome and forced physical separation but it is never lost. Just as in physica no energy is lost but takes a different form.

Its actually my mum i sometimes hear speak very distinctly.
Keith i feel surounds me as a giant hug or sometimes a hand on my shoulder or something symbolic i find or see.
I remember one moment in Africa on this terrifying zip wire that i couldnt wait to get off -when there was a pause and i turned my head and saw a rainbow in the waterfall - it was almost as if he said for goodnees sake woman -you have always said you wanted to see a waterfall rainbow - now stop panicking and look.

Another time i was just watching a dolphin and could feel some-one behind me -there were other people there but if it had been a stranger it would have been uncomfortably close and i would have turned -but it was so right and so comfortable -i didnt turn because i didnt want to lose it - and when the feeling went and i did turn -everyone else had moved off -no-one was anywhere near me.
I always said from losing hime that i would try to be the eyes on the world for both of us -that i needed to be, because if there is an afterlife and we meet again i want to tell him everything -but i do sometimes wonder if he will just say,  "i know - i was there."

Offline Tony07

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #54 on: April 18, 2018, 02:26:58 PM »
My lovely loving soulmate, the love of my life for 40 years died from pancreatic cancer last May. With her death I lost virtually everything of real value to me- laughter, joy, delight, passion, peace, sharing, trust, honesty, kindness, empathy, indescribable closeness, tenderness, playfulness ....... with her my heart had found its home. Then it was ripped apart and became frightened of the dark future ahead.

Four days after she died I was standing at the sink about to clean my teeth when quite out of the blue I “heard” her say “don’t fret, it’s wonderful here”. Then just after that “ I love you doug”. Her voice. Right inside my head.  Fret is not a word I’ve ever used and she rarely called me doug but usually a crazy “ pet” name. Startling. So very clear and real. I’ll never forget it and it has made an enormous difference to me. I feel she lives on in some way, somewhere. There is still a strong connection between us and she has somehow encouraged me or guided me towards a new turn in life. She taught children including those with special needs and I feel I want to continue in some way with her work.
So I’m flying out to Zambia in early July and working as a volunteer for just five weeks, as a taster, on teaching, orphan care and community work projects and I’ll see what happens.
I’m 75 now and want to spend my days making a difference to peoples lives in my own small way

I feel/hope that she will “be” there with me. Maybe a crazy dream but it’s a good dream isn’t it?

So I cannot say my experience was imagination, the result of stress or a hint of more beyond what we can see. All I can say is that it really doesn’t matter. Her love has given me meaning to my life and she is still in my heart and always will be.

Good for you Doug, I wish you well I really do, go for it and may the force be with you.
amor vincit omnia

Offline Doug

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #55 on: April 19, 2018, 01:26:11 PM »
Thanks for that Tony

Offline KC

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #56 on: May 15, 2018, 09:16:21 PM »
I've never really had any strong views either way, but I'm more inclined to believe there is something after death and that the "spirit" for want of a better word still exists. The reason I think this is a bit long winded but here goes..
2 months after my husband died our daughter disovered she was pregnant, we were overjoyed of course but saddened that he would not be here to see the baby.
We have 3 daughters, 2 of them have children and they are all boys. We all used to joke about it would be this daughter who would give him the one thing he wanted- a little Grandaughter (the 2 with kids always used to laugh and say "Forget it Dad..were not going there again talk to +++, she'll give you a grandaughter !)
whilst our daughter was pregnant, strange things kept occuring- nothing frightening- Keys missing and several people looking and then suddenly turn up in an odd place.The smell of his aftershave being strong in the bathroom, missing reading glasses being found in the place that 3 people had looked in.

well, yes you guessed it - she had a beautiful baby girl in august last year

After she was born, at a few weeks old when they are too young to smile and respond consistently really...she started to look at the ceiling at the light fitting and smile.As weeks went on she consistently smiled and giggled at the light fitting just as if someone was talking to her. We made a joke of it and just put it down to her talking to the "ceiling people" It still happens.
She's 9 months old now and still is quite obsessed with the bookcase and the pictures on there,i thought it was because of our wedding photo with us both in it - she can obviously recognise me but when i picked it up the other day to show her a closer look she put her hand over his face and then looked at me and gave me a big grin from ear to ear.

maybe coincidence,maybe not. I'm none the wiser really, but does make me think...also made me a bit tearful...but happy in a strange way..

sorry for the essay.

Offline Karena

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #57 on: May 16, 2018, 12:22:30 PM »
No need for apology KC I think you might be right about this,  until logic steps in or we are constantly told we didnt see something, i do believe we see a lot more and as young children dont question it but take it as a naural part of life. My eldest grandson was born just a few months after my mum died, and my daughter was living in her house with him,and similar things happened. Firstly the first time i took him out in his pram a neighbour and friend of my mums stopped me to have a peek, and just for a second it seemed my mums eyes were looking back at me, the neighbour saw it too and took a loud inward breath - i have never seen it before or after he doesnt look anything like her. But he would often lie and his eyes follow something we couldnt see, and later would be talking and giggling as though some-one was in the room with him. He is almost 14 now, with 3 rough and tumble brothers, but it seems he has inherited the same gentle soul as her.I,m sure your little grandaughter will continue to remind you of your husband in some way even if she can never express seeing him or doesnt see him as she gets older he will be there in another way :hug:

Offline Tracey

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #58 on: May 25, 2018, 02:41:35 PM »
I would like to think there is a after life has I have  a sister and my mum in heaven I lost my mum  in January 3rd this year.still to this day  it is very hard .
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 09:14:07 AM by Tracey666 »
It is getting very hard  ❤

Offline GHOST

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #59 on: June 15, 2018, 10:19:48 PM »
« Last Edit: November 15, 2022, 04:21:46 PM by GHOST »