Author Topic: Do you believe in the afterlife?  (Read 71647 times)

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Offline pete stacey

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2016, 05:50:47 PM »
very well put karena,

yes people have a fear of being cast out, i dont fit into that category, i like you believe there is something there, wether it be a parallel universe or different plane, past or future one day we will find out, my wife died in the house and for one i do not feel uncomfortable being here one bit, in fact it feels homely, it was our home for 4 years, we both used to do paranormal research looking for answers and have done many investigations, the group which we go with even let me do individual investigations , which is a good way of testing your nerves, i still want to carry on doing this and would love to find somebody close to me that wants to do the same.

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2016, 07:53:10 PM »
I believe there is something there, and have had various things happen which makes me believe.  Seeing things and random electronic things happening and also a story from when I was young

On a slightly different note, we went on a ghost walk ages ago and afterwards the guide let just a few of us climb to the top of the tower afterwards.  The guide had some kind of meter/reading thingie with him (supposed to make noise when there was a presence there) and was funny&weird, every time he put it near me it went berserk lol!

Im interested and open minded with the topic, and dont understand fully but finding quantum mechanics intriguing.  Read a really interesting theory recently that we are constantly walking from one universe to another, as they come in and out of existence based on probability and that time is not really linear, it just appears that way to us Xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Soleil

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2016, 08:23:21 PM »
I'm also a believer in spirit afterlife but also in some telepathic communications in the present life. When my mother was sick in 1981, things happened that could only be explained that she was trying to communicate from somewhere else either in the house or miles away. I would get this kind of 'itchy' restlessness which I actually told her about after it happened a couple of times. I would either call at the exact right moment she needed me, or go to her room at the exact right moment. Just being open to these things will give consolation.

Another thing was after she died I almost never dreamed of her as I believed she was at peace. One morning I woke up and had a dream of her, and my pillow was absolutely soaking wet with my tears. It was an awful foreboding feeling. I carried on and got ready for work and I was only in the office and that was the day we all remember. September 11, 2001.  I am sure the afterlife know there are things on the horizon and she was trying to let me know.

Pete I am always interested in knowing about afterlife and paranormal.  Time for a  :coffeetoast:

Offline colin

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2016, 04:05:16 PM »
I firmly believe in a life after death,since my darling passed away I have had my darling visit me,she sat on the end of the bed dressed in a blue blouse and white skirt,her hair was shoulder length like it was when we first got married 52yrs ago,also whilst in the kitchen with all the windows and doors shut some-one blew on the back of my neck,firmly believe it was my darling Pat.Nothing will change my mind on this subject we will meet again and be together again and happy.
                                                                            Colin. :hearts:

Offline woods

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2016, 05:25:39 PM »
no, absolutely not.
gone is gone

Offline Janka

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2016, 02:15:35 AM »
I firmly believe in a life after death,since my darling passed away I have had my darling visit me,she sat on the end of the bed dressed in a blue blouse and white skirt,her hair was shoulder length like it was when we first got married 52yrs ago,also whilst in the kitchen with all the windows and doors shut some-one blew on the back of my neck,firmly believe it was my darling Pat.Nothing will change my mind on this subject we will meet again and be together again and happy.
                                                                            Colin. :hearts:

Dear Colin,

you´re right!I also believe,as well as you.I´ve got many signs from my beloved Jan since he died,as well.I also experienced something between these two worlds that made me sure about it,too.I´m very sorry for your loss and please,don´t be sad,because one day we´ll meet our loved ones again,being as one,for eternity!

Send you hugs and hold you close to my heart!

With love Janka

 :hug: :hug: :hug:
​I always kiss you from the heart,my endless love,
you know how much I love you,also stars above,
you will always be my dearest and only one,
I can not wait to be with you,my beloved Jan.


Offline Brian71

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2016, 02:39:16 AM »
I firmly believe in a life after death,since my darling passed away I have had my darling visit me,she sat on the end of the bed dressed in a blue blouse and white skirt,her hair was shoulder length like it was when we first got married 52yrs ago,also whilst in the kitchen with all the windows and doors shut some-one blew on the back of my neck,firmly believe it was my darling Pat.Nothing will change my mind on this subject we will meet again and be together again and happy.
                                                                            Colin. :hearts:

Hello Colin,  Ive been reading quite a lot of the posts on here since I came across the forum yesterday, and the question posed here did prompt some thought.   My wife Ann and I occasionally discussed this very subject,  but we both were of the opinion that when we are dead that's it, there's nothing left, as much as we would like to believe there may be something we always discounted the possibility, and I still don't believe there is anything after death.

However,  I did have a weird aberration experience on the evening when retiring to my bed on the very day my wife passed away in April.   On getting into bed and snuggling down, pulling the bedclothes around me in order to get warm, to the right of our bedroom door which I always leave open to circulate air in the darkness of the room I could see what looked like a rectangle shape with fuzzy crazed edges of a lightish grey colour, with my wifes face appearing clearly in the centre looking down at me.  Strangely it appeared higher than her height at almost 2 mtrs from the floor, taller than she was, as she was only about 5ft.2 or 5.3".

 I remember speaking to her, telling her to get in the bed so we could talk,  it seemed to be floating slightly, slowly side to side a little, I spoke to her a few times,  I didn't feel frightened...well perhaps a little, anyway I turned the bedside light on and as I did so it seemed to disappear out through the door.  I remember getting out of bed and walking into kitchen...saying are you here Ann ?,  but nothing so I returned to bed, a few seconds after turning the light off it reappeared again in about the same position,  I looked around the room for possible reflections from the windows or any mirrors but couldn't see anything obvious,  I again asked her a few times to come to bed so we could talk, then strangely it seemed to float across the bed, but it didn't go around the bottom of the bed where one has to walk to get round the bed to my side nearest the window, it seemed to float over my lower leg area, and then I felt what can only be described as a down pressure on the bedclothes,  I was lying on my right side so I felt the pressure on my left arm and shoulder, and that was it.

It's never occurred since,   I put it down to the fact I had not slept for 4 nights, as I stayed by my wife's bedside the 4 nights she was in hospital before she passed away, so obviously my mind was all over the place that evening, basically sleep deprivation.  Was it my imagination ?  I honestly don't know, I can only assume it was my mind playing tricks on me, as I really don't believe it's possible, though I respect other peoples desire to believe such things, me personally I've always thought there's rational explanation for such aberrations or phenomenon, whatever one wants to call it.    I suppose it's no dafter than me talking to her sometimes, knowing I'm talking to myself.

You take care wishes......Brian...(out in the sticks of Herefordshire)

« Last Edit: August 04, 2016, 02:46:00 AM by Brian71 »

Offline Karena

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2016, 04:02:55 PM »
Brian until science proves otherwise i think it is logical, science proves energy cannot be lost but that it transfers to another form,quantum science equations demonstrate it is possible to be in two places at once and that there is an overlap of dimensions - it seems to me the further science progresses the clearer it becomes that some of the established theory is wrong or incomplete, and that there are more possabilitys than we know.

Offline Susievic

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2016, 10:45:23 PM »
Hi Brian, all
The reason I registered today was for this topic, a few things happened to me 18 months ago, which at the time I was shocked. I was not sleep deprived, was I just overwhelmed with grief and looking for things. Although i have never believed in this sort of thing, am not religious.

My father died suddenly, i was staying with my mother. It must have been a few days after he died as I was finding it too difficult staying strong for my mum.  They were together for fifty years.  I was in the lounge whilst my mum was upstairs, i remember thinking I can not do this, I can not cope or be strong for my mum, go upstairs and see her anymore that day.  The lounge joins on to the kitchen, and suddenly the kitchen light flickered.  I did not think too much of it, i got up and turned the kitchen light off. Within a couple of minutes the light in the lounge flickered.  I was quite shocked I remember, but if that did not happen i do not think i could have gone upstairs to her.   Its not happened again.

The next day i was texting a friend about him dying,  i checked the text back, and his first name was on the text. I only ever called him dad, I would never use his first name.  But contact via a name in a text, I was worried about my mind. But why not, I know what I saw....

I was not sleep deprived, would my bereft mind do this?

I remember years ago a friend's mother experienced things and I thought (did not say) she is just grieving.  But now I have..

I so want it to be true and not my mind grieving. I would love to speak to my family about it, but do not want to upset them...i have spoken to my partner.

It must be on my mind, last night i woke up after having a dream that my dad gave me another sign. I do not have them as often now, but how i loved the dreams when he hugged me, said do not worry I am ok.

Anyway, sorry for long post

Offline Norma

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2016, 07:05:29 AM »
Never apologies fir long posts Susie xx
Sending acwelcome hug

Its been a rough week but i made it. How about you 💐

Offline Karena

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2016, 06:55:01 PM »
Sending a welcome hug too.Many times I have questioned my sanity over things like this ,were not supposed to believe i we are toldt there a logical answer for everything and yet this thread has been so long pages and pages on the old site too that you start to wonder who are the insane ones.If something happens that is a warning or a comfort then perhaps it is more insane to ignore them.

Offline Brian71

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #26 on: August 14, 2016, 02:36:06 PM »
Just want to share something that happened last week, and being a fairly rational guy (well I thought I was until my wife passed away) I believe it to be pure coincidence.
My daughter and her two girls came up from Cornwall and stayed with me for a week, where we went out every day in my car on trips, such as visiting Stratford on Avon etc. and many other places of interest.

Well like many people I have a large collection of music which are stored on a SD card which slots into my cars media centre, and it contains well over 1000 songs.  I have it set to play randomly, which is what my wife preferred rather than listen to the same artist for half hour or so which can get boring after a time she said.

We were talking about her mum,  ie my late wife, and my daughter asked if mum had ever given any indication no matter how small when I had been talking to her, which I occasionally do, and I said no, as I don't really believe in such things.  I told my daughter that I had often asked my wife if she wanted me to join her, but of course the dead cannot answer, this was when I was at my lowest in the days following her death.

Anyway,  I said quite loudly in the car,  Ann if you are there and can hear me, give me a sign, and what happened next bought us both to tears and indeed I had to pull over.  When Ann and I rented our very first flat after we were married, we had no TV, just a cheap portable transistor radio,  she was 18yrs and I was 23 and we heard a song play on the radio which became our own personal song, and it remained so right through our married life,  I'm sure other couples have their own personal favourite song too which means something special to them.
The song was Herb Alpert's 'This Guys in Love with You'   and I actually had it played at her funeral, so I was rather surprised and taken aback,  when the random song selected from over 1000 songs on that SD card at that very point suddenly started to play in the car, and more bewildering was the fact I saw the volume slider on the lcd display increase slightly, yet I had not touched it (as I tend to have my music in the car pretty quiet).

My daughter said 'oh my god', as she started to cry, because she knew that song was rather special.   
Co-incidence ?  or what ?  but to select that particular song out of well over 1000 at that particular moment, even for a sceptic like me does seem very weird indeed,  but obviously it was mere co-incidence, it has to be.

Hope your all keeping well - a big hug to everyone.    :hug:

Best wishes....Brian
« Last Edit: September 12, 2016, 12:26:39 AM by Brian71 »

Offline Brian71

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2016, 02:42:42 PM »
Deleted duplicated post.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 05:29:20 PM by Brian71 »

Offline Julie Magson

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #28 on: August 14, 2016, 03:00:07 PM »
Doesn't matter what it was Brian if it brought you something. I don't know what I believe but I won't discount anything because no one really knows after all.
I haven't had any signs yet apart from Alan's air purifier switching itself on one evening and I wasn't anywhere near it- really can't explain that.

Offline Susievic

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Re: Do you believe in the afterlife?
« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2016, 06:38:08 PM »
Hi Brian
I was a sceptic, but after my experiences I am finding it hard to discount..

It was lovely whatever it was, a volume increasing is surely more than coincidence

I wish there was a way of knowing for sure..