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The nightly ritual.

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My father was a very talented musician,  he earned a living for some years playing piano in hotels and other venue's for about 10yrs after WW2, and even until a couple of years before his death he often played the organ or piano in local pubs/hotels on a weekend.

So I was heavily influenced by him over my life and his love of music passed to me too,  I also play the keyboard,  but my Yamaha keyboard has not been played once since my wife passed away.   Your right of course music can bring back many memories and thoughts,  which always start the tears to flow.

My wife and I had one song which we called 'our song'  we first heard it on the radio back in 1968 she was 18yrs and I was 23,  we had no TV,  just this cheap transistor radio,  it was our very first flat we rented back then,  just two young kids excited by their very first day in their first accommodation together, this tiny flat cost 4 Guinea's a week I

That song,  remained popular with my wife and I right through our married life,  I also played if often on my keyboard,  and of course it was also one of the numbers played at her funeral,  and I'm sure you all remember it... it was Herb Alpert playing "This Guys in Love with You"   this is a real tear jerker for me as many others are too, but particularly this one.

Did you as a couple have a favourite song too ?,  I bet many married couples do.

Julie Magson:
Oh Brian- just reading 'This Guys In Love With You' has brought tears to my eyes- that was one of ours too, our era. Ours was 'In My Life' by the Beatles (which we had at his funeral) and Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet which we courted too.

So many things catch us unawares don't they. My known weak spots are photos, video and music and Estee Lauder Youth Dew.

There are indeed George,  I just wish I had more photographs of my wife than I have,  I do have quite a few obviously,  but out of the thousands I've taken over the last 49yrs there are only a few dozen decent one's of my wife, as neither of us were keen on having our photo's taken.
I've had several camcorders too over the year's and again there are barely any featuring my wife,  mostly the family and grand-children, and lots of holiday scenery type of video's, same goes for photo's.  So I wish I had taken many more of her than I did...sad, but too late now of course.

Like most married couples, we do have the wedding album of course, and I've recently scanned all those into digital format to prevent them deteriorating further as a few were showing early signs of fading,  and I uploaded them to my dropbox so the family could view and download them,  I also printed a few off.   In fact until my wife passed away,  there were no photographs at all in our home of my wife or I,  just lots of pics of the family and grand-children,   something I've remedied since she went,    there are now many photo's of her in every room.

Julie...  yes I like that Beatles number too,  it's lyrics are very poignant,  Judy Collins did a lovely version as well, though many artists have also done some nice covers of it too...nice choice Julie.

On the subject of music... but a little off may or may not find this interesting.

I've spent most of my life in the pub/club gambling fruit machine,  Juke boxes business when they were popular and later video games of course,  including pool tables...hiring them out and repairing them.

Anyway back in the 60's and 70's almost every pub would have some form of a juke box, where one inserted a coin and you selected a record of course.   However, did you know that there was a certain record on some pub juke boxes,  especially ones in busy pubs in Birmingham/Manchester etc,  and people could select a record called "4 mins of Silence"   where for 5p you could actually have 4 minutes of true.   What prompted this post was me finding one of those old 45 records in a box in my attic this morning,  I didn't know I had one,  made by MAM in Play Ltd specifically for juke boxes, it's certainly well over 40yrs contains no audio track,   any of you olduns ever pay 5p for a bit of silence in a noisy music


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