Author Topic: Lost my husband 8th August 2016  (Read 7644 times)

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2016, 10:31:30 PM »
My heart goes out to you Millie. It must be so hard waiting for the body to be released. I only had the wait for the undertakers to do their stuff and that seemed like forever.  :hug:

You talking about tasty eggs reminds me of another thing about my wife's uncles chickens. He fed them on scraps from the kitchen and the eggs seemed to taste of whatever they had been eating. Sometimes they were not tasty at all. Nobody expects an egg to taste of curry, fish or garlic.  :undecided:

Offline Karena

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2016, 12:46:52 AM »
Millie we will be here for as long as you need us  :hug:

Hubby I guess the flavoured eggs would mean you could have omelettes of many varieties without needing extra ingredients,I reckon you could market that idea.

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2016, 01:01:43 PM »
So sorry I haven't been here. My sister came to stay with me for a couple of days. We had to go to my husband's works to finalise pension etc. They all said he was a well liked and respected man. That was lovely to hear but reduced me to tears. Then we had to go back to the council tax office. Then I eventually received the death certificate stating cause of death as unascertained.

The funeral directors came round. Then they called to say they had my husband at the parlour and that he looked fairly good as though he had just fallen fast asleep. Then the vicar called to make an appointment to see me tomorrow Friday at 2.30pm.

The flowers have been ordered and the buffet has been booked and I've written the Eulogy. It's been so hard to keep myself together but I tried to keep strong and wanted to make sure everything is in order.

The funeral is Tuesday 30th August at 10.30am. Three weeks after he passed away. I think this is when I will really crack up and break into thousands of pieces.


We used to have frogs before we got the hens, but the hens have eaten the frogspawn.


I've never given the hens curry, they poop enough as it is. I give them poultry pellet food and as a treat on a daily basis, they have tinned macaroni cheese, spinach leaves, grapes, grated cheddar and chopped green grapes. If there was any food left over after our meals they would eat that too. The yolks were orange and beautiful.

Offline Karena

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2016, 10:30:49 PM »
 :hug: you've done a lot of running around,  the funeral is going to be ha,rd but we will be here to try help you pick some of the pieces back up.

Offline Hubby

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2016, 11:30:50 PM »
I dreaded the funeral Millie. On the morning I didn't want to get up and go at all. Waiting outside with people watching me was difficult and I'll never forget the shock that went right through me when the hearse turned up. The service was also upsetting but after that the day got much easier.

Be prepared for the possibility that. things seem worse after the funeral. That is when he numbness wears off and people stop calling round thinking that you are moving on. Those of us unfortunately finding ourselves on the same journey know that it takes a lot longer.

Wishing you strength


Offline Julie Magson

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2016, 11:59:10 AM »
For me Alan's funeral went by in a blur, I was sick to the stomach dreading it and everybody tiptoeing round me but somehow and from somewhere we all made it through. The sun even shone and there were blossoms all around, there was a delay of about 3/4 of an hour but that actually turned out to be easier than expected because it gave everybody chance to come together BEFORE the service and introduce themselves if I didn't know who they were, which helped to know exactly how many unexpected people were there.

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2016, 06:56:51 PM »
Karena, thanks, It is always a bonus, no matter how bad one feels, to know somebody is thinking of you.

Hubby, I'm dreading the funeral too. I met the Reverand today. He said my Eulogy covered everything and said that is praised my husband's life. The Reverand was lovely, we discussed lots of things on his one and a half hour visit.

I think I will become extremely upset when I see his white coffin with his favourite flowers on the top and then following him in the limousine for half an hour. I am prepared and I do realise that people have their own lives but they don't realise that we are still grieving and wanting to turn back the clock.

Julie, Yes, I understand about people being at the funeral that you may not actually know or other people not knowing the others that are attending. I think though that everybody at some point will intermingle and have one subject matter on their minds and that will be of the loved one that has passed and exchanging memories with each other.

I pray for blue sky and sunshine as he starts his journey.

Thanks again.