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Counselling Help

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 :hug: it is normal to get setbacks like you're experiencing now,The first weeks you're in shock and there's everything to do,then it seems everyone else goes back to normal lives,the world keeps on turning but you don't know what normal is any more because for you everything cannot be normal and you don't want the world to keep turning because your world has ended.The poem stop all the clocks by wh Auden is really a good way to describe this,and came from the heart when the poet lost his lover.
We are not councillors here but we do have a myriad of experiences when it comes to grief.If it helps you could start like a diary here like Hubby has done.Writing things down helps especially when you can't talk because talking means losing control.

Hi Gogga.

I started counselling last week and had my second session today so it's difficult to say if it's having any effect. Last week I had to face up to a few things I had put to the back of my mind and it set me back a bit but this week was not too bad.

As Karena has said I keep a sort of diary on here and it helps me to write things dos at the end of the day to try and keep track of my ups and downs and clear my head.

In the earlier days, before counselling was an option, I used to ring the Samaritans. They aren't just there for suicide and It really helped to pour everything out to a stranger at the end of a phone and not be judged or told what to do. I found that after a call to them I could get a handle on some of the whirlpool of thoughts running round my head and think more clearly. They even used to ring me weekly to check on how I was doing.

Perhaps giving them a call might help you in the short term. You don't have to give them any details if you don't want to and can end the call at any time.

Take care


Thank you Hubby. Yes, although I'm fairly new on here I have been reading your posts and think you're doing amazingly well, although I doubt that you see this ! That is good to know about the Samaritans, I never realised they would actually call you back to check on you. Having read some of the FB postings recently about what some counsellors have been saying to people in our situstion, well it beggars belief and makes you wonder what sort of training these people have had to come out with the things they do.

I'm glad your sessions have started well, I pray that continues for you. Keep us posted. In the meantime big hugs and thanks for your reply x

Thank you Karena, I totally agree with all that you say and it's exactly the way I feel and probably for the exact reasons you give.

Agree the people on here are not counsellors but, in all honesty, it seems they give better advice and support then many of the counsellor seem to do !  The support I've received in the last couple of weeks has been amazing. Xx


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