Author Topic: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in  (Read 177744 times)

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Offline longedge

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #405 on: November 05, 2017, 07:59:00 PM »
There were a number of thefts from parked cars in our area a while ago and I've gone way o.t.t. and fitted p.i.r. lights all around the house and security cameras. My new hobby in the mornings now is going through the previous nights videos. Up to now I've found out that there are 2 x cats that wander about my driveway on and off all night, Hedgehogs can run quite fast, I also have a Fox that hunts in my front garden, Blackbirds are early risers and our local Spar shop has a delivery at about 4:30am  :smiley:
I'll never get over losing her and I used to think that eventually
I would learn to live with it - that's not happened yet.

        ~ I'm George by the way ~

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #406 on: November 05, 2017, 09:33:59 PM »
Your step aerobics made me laugh karena!  That is so something I would do!!  :rofl:

Ooo, I've only seen a hedgehog run once - they are so fast!  Years ago went to let my old dog out and she refused, I looked closer and found a little hedgehog in the porch (which used to be open at the back).  He/she ran off at quite a speed when they saw me
I've had foxes living at the end of my garden, one year they had made their home in next doors garden and would bring their cubs to play on the mound at the end of my garden.  I love wildlife :-)

Was feeling the sunday blues trying to settle in, so did my nails this eve.  I now have autumn nails, covered in sparkly leaves  xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Karena

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #407 on: November 06, 2017, 06:41:04 PM »
I think having CCTV would scare me more than not ,but i dont have to worry about my camper,it cant be started withoiut keys because it wont shift out of park unless its got the key in the ignition,and and its parked at work overnight so thieves are not likely to associate it with the house and break in for the keys.(plus a 22 year old rust heap is probably not high on the blags hit list ) but hadn't thought of using it for wildlife.I do own  a camera trap but it lives in za .There is a lovely video it caught of a porcupine,that can move fast too like their smaller cousins..I might retrieve it this trip and put it near a birds nest.
I envy you the fox though,most of my life in rural areas I have only caught the odd glimpse of one.

Emz your nails sound fantastic you put me to shame,mine are more the  chipped pink look.

Have been looking for shoes for this za wedding online.I,m not really a shoe person,but found a pair I was almost drooling over.decided if I use my old walking sandals for just one more year I can justify the price,then read in the reviews they are all narrow sizes.Oh well that's me out then,I will return to looking for what will probably be more boring ones tomorrow,my heart isn't in it now.

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #408 on: November 06, 2017, 09:11:18 PM »
Camera for wildlife sounds fab!

Awww sending a hug for your shoe disappointment  :hug:  that sucks.  theres a pair of awesome shoes stalking me - keep seeing them everywhere, but am holding back as I have plenty already and rarely wear heels now xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #409 on: November 08, 2017, 07:27:23 PM »
How has the day been for everyone?
It's turned alot colder today, I had to pop up to the drs first thing and hadnt expected ice on the windscreen so i was almost late.  Was my non working day so I hid in the warmth of the house, after filling up all my bird feeders.  Had a list of things to do but have been feeling a bit overwhelmed so decided to relax a bit more instead, with a couple episodes of a series I'm watching and a film between a few short tasks. Do feel a bit better for doing that xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Karena

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #410 on: November 09, 2017, 08:46:30 PM »
 :hug: I never wear heels that's part of the problem normally I could just dig out something else which will "do".But the dress deserves better than that and its a bit on the long side but doesnt lend itself to being taken up,hence the need for at least a small heel.Might get chance to go too a shoe shop on Sunday otherwise amazon prime is my friend.
I think sometimes Emz we should actually take a day off  do relaxing things and ignore lists of things we should be doing instead.Hope you are feeling less out of sorts now.
It is cold and the s word was mentioned on the weather forecast for the weekend,admittedly referring to Scotland but its only a few hills away.

Offline Karena

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #411 on: November 11, 2017, 07:12:29 PM »
I have a colleagues dog for the weekend.He is lovely and no trouble but 3 times I have tried to take him for a walk,in 3 different directions,but a few yards in he refuses to go any further.The first couple of times he just sat down.The third time it was dark and he slipped the lead and ran hell for leather back too the house. Thankfully mine not his own or i would have had a long run.
I knew he wasn't keen on walks in the dark so wasn't over surprised about that one but I have had him before and walked him before.He is perfectly happy mooching round the house and garden so its not that he is unhappy being left with me.
Before they got him he was going to be a gun dog but he wasn't cut out for it so was sold off cheap as a pet.It is shooting season so maybe he is hearing shots I am not.I know the nighttime walking paranoia started with fireworks a couple of years ago.
My only other theory is he thinks if he leaves the house his owners won't know where he is.Maybe a bit far fetched that one though.
So that's been my day mostly.I pruned the plum tree and tied up some raspberry canes that are still fruiting. it was lovely and sunny s but it got cold very quickly at 3pm so I came in and finished crocheting a shawl.Was going to fringe it but the tutorial for fancy fringing was YouTube and for some reason it won't let me in.Don't fancy computer frustration tonight so that's that idea out of the window.Time for TV and  :coffeetoast:

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #412 on: November 11, 2017, 11:25:29 PM »
My dog can be random with walks sometimes - sometimes I let him choose which was he wants to go and now and again we end up only circling the house.  Maybe its the continuous fireworks - they always last weeks now so might unsettle them, so they expect it to happen

Its been raining all day here.  Zipped out for a bit earlier then have been home. Played a game then had a random spurt of energy and inspiration and finally cleared the study floor (one half of the room was gathering piles and boxes stacked) Feels good to have cleared it
This eve I finished another course I've been doing then decided to do my nails - I now have unicorns on my thumb nails and rainbows on another finger nail.

Sending hugs to everyone xx
« Last Edit: November 11, 2017, 11:28:18 PM by Emz2014 »
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Karena

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #413 on: November 12, 2017, 07:31:21 PM »
I think its the guns,I got him to go out in the garden and play ball today,but I heard gunshots and he just looked at me and ran back in again.something obviously freaked him out in his past life.Anyway he is back home now,and I have a thank you cake sitting in the fridge.So much for dieting,I might cut it up and freeze the avoid temptation.
I am also being creative,I have a parka coat that has been in the "should really throw out " pile because the pockets are all frayed and it has a hole in it.But it would be perfect for za as its lightweight but windproof so I am sewing ribbon on the pocket edges and some left over Autumn leaves from last years steampunk costume.One to go over the hole the rest will just scatter.Might not work but have lost nothing if it doesn't.

Offline Charm87

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #414 on: November 16, 2017, 11:08:46 AM »
Hi I don't know where to begin.. I lost my boyfriend 17 years ago and I'm still crying over him I can't stop I thought I've moved on but I haven't. I feel like I'm wearing a mask but deep inside I'm hurting. Any advice please

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #415 on: November 16, 2017, 03:46:38 PM »
Hi charm, sending you a welcome hug  :hug:
When you're ready tell us a little more, you might find it helps to talk it through

Have you considered seeing your dr for some counselling too? Xc
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline longedge

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #416 on: November 21, 2017, 09:05:05 PM »
Went out to fill up the bird feeders this morning and there was a sparrow fast asleep in one. At first I thought it had expired but then I could see it was just asleep with it's head under it's wing.

As soon as I touched it it shook it's feathers and flew away like a rocket

I'll never get over losing her and I used to think that eventually
I would learn to live with it - that's not happened yet.

        ~ I'm George by the way ~

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #417 on: November 21, 2017, 10:06:13 PM »
Awww thats sooo cute :-)  he/she must have felt quite safe there - or ate so many seeds couldn't fly away without a nap  :rofl:
I do love the birds.  I need to remember to go out to stock up my birds early tomorrow, have some work being done in the garden which starts tomorrow, so may not have easy access out there for a few days at least
How is everyones week going? Xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #418 on: December 23, 2017, 08:49:09 AM »
Finally had the last day of work before Christmas and looking forward to having a break until returning in January

Still finding feeding my wild birds rewarding - last few days my robin has been the first for food each day when I throw some out. I even managed to identify a few birds during the week, recognised a great tit at the feeder the other day. (Usually I'm assuming they're all sparrows!)   And had to laugh when a group of sparrows appeared to come and bully me at the dining room window - making a racket until I went outside where they all gathered in the apple tree with extra birds expecting more food! (Which I of course took out!) :-)

Finished at lunchtime and had a lovely trip out yesterday, went to a book barn for a cuppa and cake with my mum before meeting up with my sister, nephew and niece.  Barn completely full of books, all mainly for £1 each! Had a lovely pub lunch then took flowers and wreaths to my nan and gramps grave. Such a beautiful little church in the countryside
Had a weird experience which made me think though. At the book barn I had a sudden intense pain in my chest, and more than anything I just worried it would worry my mum so I took a Rennie and hoped it would pass quickly.  I just worried about it worrying my mum.  So it made me think, when people say their loved ones passed when they had left the room/weren't there and it really upsets them, it is so likely they have waited until people have left the room as their loved ones are trying to protect them

Christmas will be different again this year following a family fall out, which is going to be strange/hard. I'm concentrating on making it different - already lost Christmas with my dad so am going to recreate it totally with new meaning this year.

Sending out big hugs to everyone - it's a tough time but you're not alone and it does get easier xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Karena

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #419 on: December 23, 2017, 07:25:33 PM »
 :hug:Hope your chest pain has subsided now.Perhaps it is all the stress you have been going through so try and fit some relaxation and me time into the Xmas break.You are right though I think my mum sent me home pretty much knowing the end was close.I am also reticent to mention any health scares too the girls.

I am still feeling the cold of returning to the UK and a dose of food poisening kicking off on the first flight plus delays at Schipol didn't help.I,m still being careful with food and zero alcohol which made for a dull work Xmas party.Also started taking vitamin D by the gallon  in an attempt to ward off the SAD
My robin is also first down and scruffy is no longer scruffy at all but still recognizable by her behaviour.

So this years holiday achievement was body boarding.Spent years wanting to have a go but always worried about the beached whale effect of a wetsuit.Once in the water I didn't even think about that.
The penguins were very cute .They mate for life and there were a few solicitous dads who seemed to be protecting the females from the wind with outstretched wings.Perhaps that was my imagination but that's how it felt.
The sad part was seeing the volume of plastic in the sea,we removed a lot from the beaches.The Capetown aquarium has a turtle that someone found.It had swallowed a huge amount but vets had saved it,and it will be released after Xmas.I found myself sitting eye to eye with it and felt like it was telling me something,like it was communicating a great sadness ( OK I know I,m weird) but in silent communication I found myself apologising for human behaviour and promising to try and do my part to stop it .So that's my mission for 2018 sorted then. :rofl: