Author Topic: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in  (Read 177134 times)

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Offline Karena

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #600 on: November 11, 2019, 11:29:14 AM »
well i am going to need it, -  because so far in clearing a space for the polytunnel yesterday i fell in the mud which with recent rains is currently my gardens default state and hurt my ankle and my arm (thankfully not too badly) so i am now considering putting the partridge winter quarters in the conservatery so i can access it to put food in without sliding down there over this winter and then cutting some steps into the slope before next.  :rofl:

Offline Jill

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #601 on: November 11, 2019, 12:25:42 PM »
Yes this wet mud is as slippery as ice.  Sounds like a good idea keeping the partridge a bit closer by.  I have to drive very slowly in our little lane because you can slide all over the place!  At least we have had some sun here today so have been doing some outdoor jobs.  Hope you didn't hurt yourself too bad.

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #602 on: November 11, 2019, 06:26:54 PM »
Hope you feel better soon karena, take care  :hug:

The mud and leaves are becoming a bit treacherous. Keep safe everyone  :hearts:
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Karena

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #603 on: November 12, 2019, 10:29:43 AM »
I,m fine just a bit battered but it is a warning (again) -i need to take better care i forget every so often that i am not 20 anymore.   :rofl:

snow forecast now - but didnt materialise this morning - much to the disapointment of my grandson as although he can walk to school the teachers come fom further afield so often ends up closed - he was looking longingly at pictures on his phone of this mornings snow in the cairngorms - had to point out that as it is the UK,s only  ski resort theyre going to get snow where most of the rest of us dont. :whistle:
To be fair despite the inconvenience i quite like it myself (but not being snowed in for 7 weeks and having to walk 4 miles each way through fields to work carrying shopping )  -white makes a nice change from grey in winter and on a clear day you get some fantastic sunsets.

So my focus has changed back to partridge cage that will fit in conservatory through the door or is collapsible = theres always a snag to the best laid plans - and meanwhile my colleague whose care he is in is being dictated too by siad partridge about which food he wants - apparently dried meal worms being the sweeties of the partridge world - and definitely something not available in the wild.

Outside i put the food out for the collared dove and Mr bent beak ( original rescued pigeon ) kicked him off the table  - and apparently he has a partner or child in tow judging by the apparent affection between him and the one that arrived straight after him - poor collared dove having been upsurped sat in the tree looking at me as if to say = what are you going to do about that then came to the back door and got his own dish of food. The day will come when i spend half the morning feeding wildlife and am late for work on a regular basis. :rofl:

Offline Jill

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #604 on: November 12, 2019, 11:51:45 AM »
Hi Karena,  Reading your post reminded me of something I had forgotten.  When I was a child I had a siamese cat and she would only eat Paws cat food.  She would starve rather than eat anything else from a tin.  Used to drive my mum wild!!  Just like the fussy partridge.  Glad the collared dove got a look in.

Offline Sandra61

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #605 on: November 14, 2019, 09:28:49 AM »
My cat was like that too. If you offered her anything other than something she liked, she would rather starve! Funny how animals can be as particular as people about what they eat. At the opposite extreme, the cat that currently visits sometimes will eat anything that isn't locked away, even if it makes him sick! He's the greediest cat I have ever seen! Mind you, I have someone at work who's a bit like that too!

Offline Karena

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Re: Everyday general chat, everyone welcome, just join in
« Reply #606 on: November 14, 2019, 10:33:31 AM »
 :rofl: sounds like the perfect colleague - poor patridge has gap worm theyre vile parasites if the bird doesnt die of starvation it dies of oxygen deprivation - unless you catch it in time. It goes through cycles so we reckon he has had it from his days in the breeding pens and survived one bout already but it accounts for why he was starved but having had loads of food between and built his strength up he stands a chance of surviving this round - medication wasnt easy to source as it tends to be for mass numbers but we have tracked some down and it should arrive today so there is hope for him.

meanwhile this morning a new pigeon has appeared it was literally staring in through the conservatory window i went out with some food because it is pitifully thin - but  then later there were pigeons fornicating on the roof - what is going on with them at this time of year i dont know. But maybe this one was trying to partner up with its reflection in the glass.

A friend was telling me today about a friend of his who is feeding squirels - not in a feeder -she leaves the kitchen window open and a bowl of nuts on the sill and they just come in and help themselves  :rofl: