Author Topic: My Mum has passed away and my whole life is turned upside down  (Read 5301 times)

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Offline Kbel88

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My Mum has passed away and my whole life is turned upside down
« on: January 13, 2023, 06:03:52 PM »
I don’t want to believe my mum is gone, she passed away on Sunday just after midnight from sepsis at the age of 61, She has been unwell with liver disease and lots of other things caused by that for a while now but this has come as a complete shock. She has had many hospital stays, going to a & e and g.p visits but has always got better but this time she just couldn’t fight it. Me and my 8 year old daughter have lived with my mum for the past 5 years as she broke her pelvis and was left disabled. I left my job so I could care for her, we are a team and she basically was like my daughters other parent, we shared bills, took it in turns to buy the food shop, she was always here every time I got home from the school run, she honestly is the funniest , kindest woman anyone could meet, she never complained even though she had every right to as was in pain a lot. I’m hurting so much and trying my hardest to be strong for my daughter but I can’t take it, everything in our lives will change, I have so many people to contact, I will need to get a job, we have a motability car which will go back, I have to sort out our benefits, probably move as we are in a council house which was adapted for her needs (stair lift, wet room etc) I know I have to contact them all but I just can’t face the world right now and only just managing to look after my daughter. we can’t register her death until the 23rd so all I can think about is her funeral right now. I can’t stop re playing in my head the Saturday she went into hospital what if I’d woke up and called and ambulance earlier would she still be here now. I love her so much and I don’t want my life to not have her in it xxx

Offline Dave Administrator

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Re: My Mum has passed away and my whole life is turned upside down
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2023, 10:01:53 PM »
Hello Kbel88

I know exactly the pain and disbelief of what has happened and my heart truly goes out to you.

Please if you haven't already joined our Facebook group where we have 1000s of members, they will give you unconditional support and guidance during these early days I promise.

Sadly this forum is not as active as it once was which is why I want you to join the FB group please.

You can copy and paste your heartbreaking message there which will get lots of response I'm sure.

Dave .

BUK site owner.
Take care and please keep posting however small or large you can manage, we need them.