Author Topic: Newbie  (Read 2263 times)

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Offline Milojoker

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« on: August 13, 2022, 06:12:22 PM »
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie here so I thought I would introduce myself, I'm newly bereaved 3 weeks today, Dave and myself were on holiday in northern ireland in our motorhome with our 3 dogs, Dave suffered a massive heart attack and despite having surgery he never regained consciousness and passed 23rd July aged 59, Luckily I managed to get our 3 sons over to help me get back home , and organise repatriation of Dave , the funeral was 9th August and to be honest if it wasn't for my dogs I wouldn't bother getting out of bed anymore I'm so lost, sorry for the long post

Offline Sandra61

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2022, 09:55:02 AM »
Hello. so sorry to hear of what happened to you and your husband. I hope your dogs are still providing a reason for you to keep going. I haven't visited this website for a while, which I hope it evidence that things do get better with time. I first came here in 2017 after my mum died, so I am a lot further along this path of loss than you now, but although a loss is something I can't say you fully recover from, I can say it becomes something you learn to live with. I still have bad moments and bad days. October is a hard month for me. Perhaps that's why I'm looking in again just now, but if you take each day as it comes and get through them one day at a time, slowly the days get a little easier to cope with. When my loss was as new to me as yours, I found it helped to have flowers around and to take walks in the park. Being amongst nature and having beautiful flowers to look and their scent in the room reminded me that there were still good things in the world and helped calm me and helped me to cope somehow. I did find loss changed me as a person and I don't think there's any going back to who you were before that, but I think that's part of life and you just have to learn how to be the new person it makes of you. That takes time too, so please be patient and be kind to yourself. Look after yourself and remember to eat and drink enough ang just take things one day at a time. All best wishes and sending you a hug.  :hug: