Author Topic: Lost my soulmate  (Read 2033 times)

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Lost my soulmate
« on: March 14, 2021, 05:56:36 AM »
Am struggling after the loss of my wonderful husband
Find going to bed alone really difficult
Also i cant seem to find his ‘smell’ on any of his clothes which i would find comforting
Has anyone else felt like this?

Offline Karena

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Re: Lost my soulmate
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2021, 10:39:41 AM »
 :hug:Yes i did when my husband died -it is awful but then everything about this journey is.

I am at the other end to you though and although grief is not something that ever goes away  we learn to live with it and move forward with them in our hearts - It takes a long time longer than people around us  think and because it isnt a physical injury they cant see how much pain we are in - but just like a physical injury healing can be a long and exhausting process -  we start by being kind too ourselves and allowing the healing to begin without  trying to run any marathons As we  learn to walk again  we often fall over - some of the hazards are obvious and massive but more often it is the little things like no longer being able to smell them on their clothes that trip us up  Gradually we take more steps until we can walk again - the ache the scar or the limp remains with us and becomes part of who we are - but those steps are not ones we have to take in a direction that takes us away from them  we can find other ways to take them forward with us i didnt go to bed but slept on the sofa and when i say slept there wasnt too much of that  - didnt watch the same tv shows or listen to CD,s everything changed. When i did start to go to bed though i  filledl the space with cushions - and pushed the bed against the wall it shouldnt have helped but it did. Finding this place helped as well - somewhere to write waht i couldnt say out loud and some-where people did understand because they are on the same journey - we will be here as long as you need us  :hug: