Author Topic: Newbie  (Read 2229 times)

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Offline Lou20

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« on: December 07, 2020, 11:12:43 PM »
It' just over a week since I lost my father to cancer.  I was with him when he passed at home, I was his carer. 

Feel lost and heartbroken never felt so lonely.  I miss him so much.  Have so much guilt could I have done more for him.  The pain is unbearable.

I also lost my identity for the first time in years I'm no longer a carer.

Am really struggling this feels like hell and not sure I want to be here. 

I've been living in the flat alone where my dad passed and it's awful can't stop thinking of the things I've seen my dear father slowly dying, it'll never leave me.  Am so angry with everyone getting on with their lives just want everyone to feel the pain I feel.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2020, 12:21:31 AM by Lou20 »

Offline Sandra61

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2020, 10:32:06 AM »
Hello Lou, sending you a big understanding hug.  :hug: So sorry to hear about your dad. The feelings you describe sound almost exactly how I felt when I lost my mum in 2017 and found my way here. I was her carer for many years too and I know how devastating losing a parent you have lived with for so long is.

It's very early days for you and I am not surprised that you are feeling anger, pain, lost and despairing. Sadly, that's what loss, well, love, does to you really. If we didn't love them so much, their loss wouldn't hurt so much. Like you, I felt like the world should have stopped turning and couldn't understand how life could be going on around me as normal. I found it a struggle to get through every hour, every minute at times. All you can do is try to get through each day, one at a time for the moment and if you manage to make yourself a cup of tea, that will be an achievement.

I know it is difficult to stop reliving those last days and that is normal too, but just to give you something to hold on to, it does get better as you begin to recover from the shock and the pain does lessen as time goes by. I know that is hard to believe at this point, and I am not saying this will be a fast process. It was eighteen months before I really began to feel like I was getting a handle on it all and I still have difficult times. This last few weeks have been difficult. But you will find a way forward. You will probably have to work at that. I did. Grief doesn't disappear or become manageable without you working at that, but it does get better.

Talking helps, so keep talking to us here and to anyone you are close to who genuinely wants to help. Use anything that helps you feel better. It helped me to have flowers around. It felt calming to know there were still beautiful things in the world and their scent helped raise my spirits a fraction. Getting out and walking in the park helped a lot too. I would read the inscriptions on the benches there from others who had lost people they loved and that reminded me that those we have lost are not forgotten by those who love them and love goes on.

Life will never be as it was and neither will you, but it does go on and it does get better. I think the thought to hold on to is that your dad loved you as much as you loved him and would want you to make the best of your life now, but isn't here to help you do that, so hold on to all the memories he left you and dreams he had for you. They will be your treasure and your strength in the future. It's up to you to make your life what he would have wanted it to be for you now, for him and in honour of his memory and all those years he put into making a good life for you, so don't give in to the misery and the pain. The good memories will come back in time and the bad ones will move into the background.

You have a future and a new you to get used to in this new reality. You might not like the new reality, but you will find your way forward into it in time. Be gentle with yourself. Let yourself grieve, but don't let it drag you down as it so easily can. Remember to eat and drink enough, hard as that is at the moment and just take it one day at a time for now. We are here for as long as you need us. Sending strength.  :hearts:

Offline Lou20

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2020, 12:07:43 AM »
Thank you  :hug:

Offline Lou20

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2020, 11:08:47 PM »

I am really struggling this evening it hurts so much.  My dad's cremation is next week, there's no service am dreading this day.  Part of my doesn't want to move on cause I miss him so much. 

My sister came round as part of our support bubble to help with cleaning and I started to cry she just left the room, obviously some people can't deal with emotions, but I have to!!  Am so angry and hurt.

Sorry am rambling.

Thanks for reading.

Offline Karena

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2020, 05:03:32 PM »
 :hug: you never need to apologize here for rambling - you are right some people do find dealing with others crying difficult but maybe she cant deal with her own emotions either so left the room because she was upset too and felt she would be no help to you if she as upset as well.

There is a difference between what people call moving on and moving forward and of course you miss him  you always will but the extreme pain will get easier over time.Not only that but the role as carer is all consuming  so suddenly not being a carer makes you lose all direction  - i found myself in that position when my husband died it was the second time i had been widowed -my life until then had been caring  i started carer being a carere for my gran when i was 16 then kids and husband and mum  and husband again  and suddenly nobody needed me any more - and i didn't have a clue who is was or where i was going any more. for me after this second time of being widowed it has become not about moving on and leaving him behind but moving forward and taking him with me in a different way - living my life for him and feeling he is still by my side pushing me forward - but it takes a long time before you can do anything other than get through each hour and each day  and there are times when you dont think you have moved forward at all - and in these very early days just getting up and putting a brush through your hair is  an achievement.

Offline Nice2bNice

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2020, 12:08:05 AM »
Hi Lou, unfortunately some people can't or don't want to deal with their own or other people's emotions leaving yourself in a tormented tornado so to speak.
I found the void created through both the loss of my partner and no longer having someone to care for quite overwhelming, all I know is when I was beginning to work through my grief it was the amount of free time that made me feel worse however speaking or in this case typing to people will help you understand what things or emotions you need to address and as stated there is absolutely no need to apologise for what words you reach out with.
This forum has been a lifeline for me and although I've not given much input, I have read and related to other people's experiences after their own loss.
Please remember though that just because someone is not being supportive to you, this doesn't mean they don't care, they are after all experiencing a sense of loss too