Author Topic: Covidiots  (Read 3173 times)

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Offline SarahB

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« on: October 15, 2020, 03:53:49 PM »

I'm sorry if this isn't the appropriate place but it does say you can talk about anything here!!

I am angry and it's a feeling I can't shake. I know the virus has put a lot of people's plans on hold, but one of my friends is really doing a wonderful job of pissing me off! He doesn't seem to see beyond himself during this pandemic and has now had 3 holidays, travelling abroad while the rest of us have had to cancel our plans. I lost my dear Mum in December and would LOVE to be somewhere else but have had to cancel 3 times due to the virus when a holiday is what I desperately need.

This guy has lost NO ONE. No one. His parents are in their 70s and his grandmother is alive too. He's gay and a bit of a party animal. He has been going across the border to the Republic of Ireland and getting past all the Covid rules that way and is making it very clear that he has no intentions of quarantining on return. He has been babysitting other peoples children, going in and out of homes and saying 'I refuse to live my life that way' when told of regulations. N Ireland where we are from has now the highest rate in the UK but he is just acting as if nothing has happened. One of my other friends isn't amused either but isn't as vocal as I am and his attitude is making me ANGRY. Added to which the girl he travels with is 'panicking' incase her work find out - she's a social worker!!!

I don't know why it's getting to me so much but it really is. I'm really starting to resent him. :(

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Covidiots
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2020, 09:45:54 PM »
I can understand that. Many of us are trying to do the right thing for everyone and missing so much yet some selfish unthoughtful individuals behave recklessly. Ive not seen my young nephew & niece since February and it truly sucks. People acting like that truly grates and makes things worse for everyone else  :hug:
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Karena

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Re: Covidiots
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2020, 12:18:09 PM »
 :hug: you are right to be angry it isnt fair - local lock downs simply cant work because people travel out of those areas dont social distance or wear masks and meet up with their friends in nearby areas that dont have the same restrictions  so of course it will keep spreading it is so frustrating that this just goes on and on - like you i long to get away - just to Wales but i cant and i fear it will get worse because more and more people are simply focussing on themselves and how they can get round the rules - why cant they understand  its not like school breaking the rules isnt cool on this one -but even if it was like school smoking behind the bike sheds is one thing setting them on fire and burning other people is something else entirely. 

Offline Sandra61

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Re: Covidiots
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2020, 03:01:14 AM »
I can't understand it either. It isn't about personal freedoms. It's about protecting one another from deadly disease! I am staggered that some people are not only so stupid, but so selfish and so uncaring. I know there is a degree of Covid fatigue setting in, but the fact is the virus will not stop infecting people. The only thing we can do to help is try to not be one of those helping it do that and seeing others who don't care if they do is nauseating! Having known two people who have nearly died as a result of it, I have no patience with anyone who behaves so dangerously and without any concern for those around them. I don't know what we can do to stop them - probably nothing, but I'm afraid I have started complaining in shops to the staff or the manager if people are not following the rules. I know others who have reported people who hold parties or ignore the rules by having people over. I haven't had need to do that except once yet, but have not yet been brave enough to do it, but my patience is wearing thinner as time goes on, so might resort to that yet, if I have to! It's their own fault if they get fined!