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Offline Dave Administrator

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Re: New user
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2016, 12:36:18 AM »
Just keep posting Spaicer, no need for bravery or holding back emotions, this little group of real people will be here for you for as long as you need a shoulder to cry on or just an understanding listening ear.  :smiley:
Take care and please keep posting however small or large you can manage, we need them.

Offline Hubby

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Re: New user
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2016, 12:39:08 AM »
I can really identify with a lot of what you put in that post.


Offline Emz2014

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Re: New user
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2016, 09:25:13 AM »
Personally I think places like facebook (in general) doesnt help, I was chatting to my friend about this the other day, people post the good stuff, the best stuff - the selfie that has probably taken 20 attempts to get right (or is that just me with the 20?! Lol), the special dinner out, the good news.  If you had some kind of truth serum for people posting on fb I imagine it would be a very different place - those that may be feeling lonely but dont say, those with the perfect couple photo yet difficulties behind closed doors, those battling difficulties, those with low self esteem.  But if you're not careful you can think you're the only one feeling like you do and feel like you've gone wrong (so, if someones in on a Friday night looking at everyone elses partying photos maybe they start wondering why they dont have a social life, whereas their life is normal)  That's one of the reasons I like it here, people dont have to keep wearing a mask, and people understand

I saw an interesting programme on tv about loneliness, and one of the people on there was a student at university who felt so lonely.

Unfortunately grief also heightens our senses, seeing the couples out and about, seeing the family units, the parents.  Im not sure I have any tips for that.  Only thing I can think is to concentrate on friends and those that love you, they will be a great support through these difficult times xx

Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline longedge

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Re: New user
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2016, 12:02:01 PM »
My condolences to you Spaicer. There's times when we just need to rant and rave, cry and believe it or not have a laugh eventually. You can do any or all of thos things when you are with people who are in a similar position to you  :heart:
I'll never get over losing her and I used to think that eventually
I would learn to live with it - that's not happened yet.

        ~ I'm George by the way ~

Offline Karena

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Re: New user
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2016, 06:52:06 PM »
My husband was also life and soul of the party he was comfortable meeting anyone,where I was quite happy to be the quiet one .In that position I really struggled going anywhere but over time have come to realise I was putting pressure on myself,trying to join things,when I,m not a joiner,trying to accomplish things that I actually had no need or desire to do but just what others thought I should do.I also developed ways of being on my own but feeling more like I belonged.My weapon of choice is a camera,going to places on my own I have more confidence if I am busy taking pictures.I have car radiators from a steam fair,gable ends of Manchester,all sorts of odd things that came from going somewhere I might not feel comfortable.Even just going for a walk,somehow a camera makes me feel I look as though I have a purpose .

Offline Spaicer

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Re: New user
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2016, 09:41:50 PM »
Well thank goodness Sunday is almost over, never the best day. I've spent all day cooking, filling the freezer with about 10 different meals so I don't have to start cooking for everyone at 6 when I get in from work. I thought it would distract me but I spent the time thinking about the food Terry loved & listening to the radio playing music that kept bringing back memories, didn't make me cry tho, so that's a plus.
My middle child who is fairly severely autistic asked me today why I couldn't bring dad back from the dead, he's 22, I'm used to this, and he needs the same answer every time to reassure him which is that dads heart stopped working and we couldn't fix it so he died and once someone goes there's no coming back but we still love him and we have lots of lovely memories to remember him by.  Usually I deal with this ok but today my voice broke a bit which worries my son, I'm not allowed to be upset in his eyes. Also my daughter who has much milder learning difficulties wanted to know if her dad was told he was dying, this got to me too, even more so I think.  It was always unspoken between Terry & I.  My eldest, who has no learning difficulties is away on the uk mainland doing a training course for a month, so I'm missing his everyday chit chat too.
I wish I could believe in some sort of "after life" to give me comfort, but I don't, I believe that the end is just that, that he's not watching over us, that his spirit isn't around us, that his "energy" is gone, being with him when he died has only reinforced that, I am however glad it was just me and him when he died in our home and he was so peaceful and I'm sure he knew he was very much loved.
God I miss him so much, can't imagine it ever getting better. Now I'm crying after lasting all day!
Sorry for rambling tonight!

Offline Karena

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Re: New user
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2016, 10:39:29 PM »
Don't need to apologise for rambling that's what we re here for.sorry you had such a hard day.
people here have lots of different beliefs about whether there is an afterlife and what form it could take,I didn't used to think there was anything but I have a different view now just through things that have happened and reading lots of stuff including science I have an open mind on it, but no matter what our beliefs they don't make the pain of loss any different in the here and now.It must be so difficult not being able to show emotions around your son and answer his question like that. :hug:

Offline Hubby

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Re: New user
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2016, 11:05:02 PM »
Sorry to hear you've had a hard day.  :hug:

Offline Spaicer

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Re: New user
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2016, 09:24:35 PM »
Hardly any tears today only the odd one when a song came on the radio & I could hear Terry singing along, he was always singing.  A full day at work and Matthew wanting a lot of attention tonight, I really needed a friend to talk to but all my friends live on uk mainland or a different island (we're in the Channel Islands) I had a long phone call but it's not the same as actual company.
I'm so torn on what to do, move back to uk (been in Channel Islands for 28 years but this island for 5) so I'm near family & friends but then I wouldn't get the support I have for Matthew, I have a really good job (which I don't enjoy but it's very well paid)I don't have my own property or any savings or pension so work is important.  I wouldn't get anything like it in uk, especially as I'm 50 with only O levels & experience to my name. The children were born here so it would mean up rooting them.
I can't get out to make new friends (not that I'm anywhere near that stage yet) because as soon as I finish work I'm Matthews carer.
I know that I shouldn't make any decisions yet but feeling alone with no support is getting to me today, I've had a flair up of a medical condition which gives me quite a bit of discomfort which probably doesn't help.
 Hope tomorrow is easier.

Offline Hubby

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Re: New user
« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2016, 10:07:15 PM »
Sorry to hear your having a bad day.

Music can be a terrible trigger especially when your listening to the radio and have no control over what the next song is going to be. I've taken to listening to classic fm because Margaret hated classical music so there are no memories there to catch me out.

It must be so hard for you facing this without friends and family nearby. You are right saying that phone calls aren't the same as having someone there even if they aren't saying much. Do you know a friend or relative who could come and stay with you for a few weeks to ease the burden and give you a bit of company?


Offline longedge

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Re: New user
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2016, 11:06:20 PM »
I know that I shouldn't make any decisions yet

That is so true. I haven't wanted to move but when my Dad died, the first thing my Mum wanted to do was sell up and move back to Germany where she came from. She accepted my advice and didn't do anything about it although she did go and spend several months with my Auntie until one day when I was speaking with her she said she was home sick and was coming back. SHe was missing me and our family and all her friends. A couple of years later she thanked me for 'not letting' her sell up and realised how important her home that she and my Dad had built together was to her. She felt close to him there. I've felt like that right from the outset and only feel really at ease when I'm at home. I'm getting to the point where I can look at things in the house and have a little smile about where/when we bought them. I've even got to the point now when I can look at a photo of Chris and smile rather than cry.
I'll never get over losing her and I used to think that eventually
I would learn to live with it - that's not happened yet.

        ~ I'm George by the way ~

Offline Spaicer

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Re: New user
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2016, 11:21:45 PM »
Thanks for your replies, I had people with me the two weeks before Terry died up to a few days after his funeral, you're right Hubby it was such a comfort having company & they really looked after me, but I suppose life goes on (as everyone says - I wish they didn't!) and we all have to go back to work.

I think I'm lucky longedge as although I'm so sad & empty I smile all the time at photos of Terry and even laugh out loud when I remember him messing around or teasing us all, I know some people find that hard.
We only moved to this house about 7 weeks before Terry died (we moved to a bungalow because of his health) so not really any happy memories here which is a shame he would've really enjoyed the garden - I hate gardening, thank goodness for the gardener!!
No moving for me yet, I've had enough stress for now

Offline Karena

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Re: New user
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2016, 03:04:41 PM »
I had no choice but to move as i couldnt afford to stay in our house with half the income, so moved nearer to work but as i feared it didnt make anything better just added to my loss, the people who return to work at the end of their stay will be working there too and time will still be difficult to find,also how would your son cope with something else so major just now . I think maybe it is something you could consider in the future but perhaps not at the moment.Have you tried skype or daughter is in south africa and i do find with those, when you can see them is better than a phone.and also with whatsapp instant messaging -doesnt have to be organised preset times tied to the house we send pictures all the time even photo recipes or silly things we see out and about. Its not the same but its better than an ordinary phone call

Such a shame you dont like gardening i find the lonliness in the house doesnt happen in the garden, life is all around you outside. I dont need people when i,m there,Digging is a great and legitimate way to get rid of physical angst.Perhaps you and the kids could have a project to create a nice seating area and have Terrys favourite plants around, perhaps incorporate bird feeder and bath, somewhere where you, and they, can go and sit and just be for a while, I,m sure your gardener would help and I,m sure Terry would certainly have been teasing you but at the same time proud that you did something you hated but in order to make a garden in his memory.I talk to Keith to this day in the garden, he used to joke about my digging ponds when his back was turned (well it was a ten foot one) and when i moved here  the first thing i did  was to dig a pond just to feel that closeness again.

Offline Hubby

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Re: New user
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2016, 07:44:42 PM »
You may not have any memories in your new home but I am sure you hold many happy memories in your heart.  :hug:

Offline Kerrym86

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Re: New user
« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2016, 08:16:00 PM »
Offering you my sincere condolences 💜 I've just lost my husband and we have 2 beautiful children, I'd hate them to see me upset too x