Author Topic: Four days  (Read 125624 times)

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Offline Karena

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Re: Four days
« Reply #465 on: September 06, 2016, 12:11:14 AM »
I remember being upset by couples My first day back at work one of the managers was moaning he and his wife couldn't agree on kitchen cupboard colours,and just wanting to scream at him,it doesn't matter,just let her chose and be grateful sh,s alive,I didn't but I wanted too.Also a couple of women in a charity shop talking and one saying she was glad hubby had decided to stay home,because he always got in the way when she was shopping,again I wanted to yell at her,and didn't,but at least in that situation I was able to walk out.I don't notice it so much now,except in a situation where there couples,then me .Staff Xmas dinner for example,I just feel like a spare part,the leftover bolt from a flatpack.

Julie unfortunately I lost the desire to cook and lost weight initially,but then started comfort eating,and because I wasn't cooking it was all junk,Eating alone is awful,and for me I was so down I didn't think I was worth feeding properly. i never eat in the kitchen but opt for the coffee table and tv,but at lleast cooking gives you back some control of your life,how much bad stuff goes in,and because I don't eat meat veggie choices in microwave meals are limited so nutrition levels were bad,which in turn makes you feel even more unable to cope.My daughter gave me a cook book called the cake the Buddha ate,really simple recipes and not all the trendy unobtainable veggie foods,but it also has writing that makes you think about the food,who would have thought peeling potatoes could be therapeutic,but it can,like the colouring books you teach yourself to focus on that and nothing else for a while.

Offline Jacks

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Re: Four days
« Reply #466 on: September 06, 2016, 11:07:26 AM »
Hubby what a terrible shock for you , I can relate to all the things you have talked about , I too can cry at anything for no reason , I couldn't sort the funeral myself my daughter and son did that for me , I can't talk about it like on the phone having to tell people my husband has died I can't get it out without bursting into tears . I'm sure that with time you and all of us will learn to live without our partners but we will never be the same xx

Offline Hubby

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Re: Four days
« Reply #467 on: September 06, 2016, 11:30:54 PM »
Thanks for the replies.

I was like you in the early days Julie. Couldn't cope with any paperwork or phone calls but I've got better at it. Ther are a few legal letters I'm meant to sign that I've been putting off bug I'm getting on top of most things.

I know what you mean about eating alone Karena. I cook for my daughter and me now but when she's away I fall back to pinging things in the microwave as I really can't be bothered cooking for myself. Sometimes I replace s meal with crisps and biscuits.  :embarrassed:

I didn't get on the forum last night or rather I did but fell fast asleep with my phone in my hand. I get very tired lately.

Yesterday in work I did s big of my normal job then spent had rest of the day pottering around the depot tidying and making little improvements here and there. I did a big shop on the way home and cooked rump steak and chips for tea. That was dictated by the fact the steak had s best before date of Sunday. Similarly tonight's tea was sausages that were best before yesterday. I need to keep an eye on those dates.

Today work was going pretty well but I took in a little gadget to show someone. It's s little tank with s built in camera that you can control from an iPhone. I was showing a workmate how you can take pictures and video with it when I got to playing back one I had just recorded. When I pressed the playback button it showed a list of videos stored, today's of course but there were others from 2013.

I played them. They were of my dog billy attacking the tank as it drove around the house and were really funny, except one. That one was also billy attacking the camera like the others but in the background Margaret was sitting laughing. There was no sound but it's the only video I've really got where she can be seen clearly.

I walked out of the depot, went to a storage container and cried my eyes out.

I am absolutely delighted that I have thr video but watching it tears me apart. I don't know if there is any way to get if off the phone but I hope I can and that some day I can watch it without the tears flowing.

Take care everyone.

Offline Soleil

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Re: Four days
« Reply #468 on: September 07, 2016, 12:26:21 AM »
Hi Hubby,

To be honest, I think it's great that you are falling asleep and if it's without meds, then you are still progressing. Also, some of your teas sound really good. If you make a habit of buying just before the best before date, you'll be sure to eat well. I'm sure none of us would want to waste a good steak or sausage. Hopefully you can find a way to get the video copied so you will have it for the future. It may take a while, but one day you may be able to watch it without crying but those tears still need to flow. It's still not a long time since Margaret died so cut yourself a break.

Hope you have a good sleep and many more of those teas and maybe a cuppa to go with them.



Offline Emz2014

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Re: Four days
« Reply #469 on: September 07, 2016, 08:57:50 AM »
I have an android phone which is easy to transfer videos/photos to a computer via a usb cable. I have quickly googled 'transfer video from iphone' and several threads come up.  Looks like it might be a bit more fiddly but definitely do-able

I think its nice we are able to have videos now, I have a few which I find depends on my mood whether I can watch them.  I backed mine up on the computer and on to DVD too, to avoid any heartache if my computer ever gives up xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Hubby

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Re: Four days
« Reply #470 on: September 07, 2016, 10:30:54 PM »
Thanks for the replies.

I'm not sure if I can get the videos off the phone. They aren't stored where videos normally are and the only way to get to them is through the app they were made with. My youngest's fiancée is a bit if a whizz with technology so if they can be saved he will be able to do it.

There'd was no fancy tea tonight. I did have gammon and croquettes planned but I went for a few shandies while out walking the dog and when I got in my daughter had already eaten so it was microwave curry for me.

The rest of my day was a day of two halves. Half was OK but in the middle half I got quite upset and I found to be really difficult to hide it. I eventually went into the car park and started shovelling soil around just to be away from the office but the heat took its toll and I ended up back inside still just as upset with the added complication of sweating profusely. I don't really like this muggy weather.

So it's not been a 90% today. Probably a 60/40 split. Not as deeply upset as yesterday but it did take up more of the day.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 11:33:14 PM by Hubby »

Offline Hubby

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Re: Four days
« Reply #471 on: September 09, 2016, 11:38:44 PM »
Missed last night so its another two dayer.

I've had a tough two days to be honest. Not so much crying but fighting against it nearly all the time. I think its because of the video I found on my phone.

I have tried to work my way through it and, to an extent, its helped but the moment I stop working or travel between jobs I start going downhill fast and its really wearing me out. I stopped in a lay by on my way home and had a little cry then fell asleep there for three hours.

There was no counselling yesterday as the counsellor was off but that worked out OK because I didn't have to break off from work halfway through the day to go.

So two days filled with lots of work and little else.

I've volunteered for on call this weekend in an effort to have some reason to get up and get out of the house but I may not get called. I'm hoping I will pick up over the weekend but cant see it happening particularly as I have been low for the past few weekends.

Hope everyone has some good days

Offline Soleil

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Re: Four days
« Reply #472 on: September 10, 2016, 02:10:08 AM »
Hi Hubby,

Sorry you are still having many lows but you seem to know what to do when you are not coping. Pulling over the car is a very responsible thing to do even if you fall asleep. You are wise in what you do. I know that it's still up and down but I need to keep reminding you (although I'm sure you know), that you are still very deep in your grief.  You are managing fine so remember that. Working is a good thing to do but you have a good balance since you are able to keep grieving through it all. I wish you a good weekend work or no work. Just keep plodding along

Best as always,

Offline Hubby

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Re: Four days
« Reply #473 on: September 11, 2016, 11:12:50 PM »
Thanks Jakers.

You may have guessed by me not posting that yesterday was terrible. Even so I managed to get out with my daughter to a local retail park for an hour or so and bought a playpen to put my grandson in when supervising his crawling becomes tiring.

Today I did a little gardening and the usual Sunday meal for my youngest and her fiancée.

Not the job filled weekend I had planned. Even though I had the weather I just couldn't get started.

Offline Hubby

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Re: Four days
« Reply #474 on: September 12, 2016, 08:04:48 PM »
Another bad day today.

I struggled through work. Keeping myself busy didn't work and thoughts of Margaret filled my head the entire day. It was like I was permanently on the edge of tears. When I got home I couldn't hold it in any longer and cooked tea with tears streaming down my face. Thats done the trick though and I feel a little better now.

I'm going to try and relax a bit now. Its an early start tomorrow, I have to be up at 5:30.

Offline Hubby

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Re: Four days
« Reply #475 on: September 13, 2016, 10:26:25 PM »
Always when you least expect it  :cry:

Not a bad start to the day. I had quite a well planned day in work. Git up early, picked up a maccies sausage and egg muffin and a coffee on the way in, set up some contractors in a job, met up with the boss and some other lads and dismantled a bit of electrical stuff then off to the depot, stopping off for lunch, where I met the area manager to sort out some improvements to the stores before catching up with some paperwork and then meeting the contractors again to close down the site.

Why do much detail? Well, I was pretty proud if the day. It was productive, got me noticed and, because I was so busy, there wasn't any upset. I felt quite good when I got home and set off to the doctors for my regular appointment.

It was starting to rain so I put my coat on. I havnt worn it for a while and even mentioned that to my daughter in the way out. As I waited at the doctors I put my hands in the pockets and found a handful of forms that looked like prescriptions. I looked at them and thought "They aren't the tablets I'm on?". Then I realised I was holding the list of Margarets medication we had printed off by the doctor in the day she was rushed into hospital. I was called into the doctors and walked in with tears all down my face.  :cray:

Despite this I managed to convince him that, although I still have bad days, I feel OK to resume normal duties at work including night shifts if required and to start weaning me off the Prozac.  :yahoo:

I am getting there. Slowly and with many setbacks but also little milestones.

Offline angela33

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Re: Four days
« Reply #476 on: September 13, 2016, 11:14:04 PM »
Dear Hubby, you are an inspiration!!! Print off yr last post and pin it somewhere so you can read it when the day is dark and difficult. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay for Hubby!!!!

Offline Brian71

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Re: Four days
« Reply #477 on: September 13, 2016, 11:20:27 PM »
Good to hear you are slowly moving forwards Hubby....well done!

Offline Soleil

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Re: Four days
« Reply #478 on: September 13, 2016, 11:31:58 PM »
Well, like the others, I'll just nod my head and say, Cheers and you have sound judgement on your day, may it continue along.

Blessings   :hug: and a  :coffeetoast:

Offline Hubby

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Re: Four days
« Reply #479 on: September 15, 2016, 12:22:28 AM »
Thanks for the words of support.

Today wasn't so productive in work. The contractors turned up two hours late which threw all my plans into disarray. I only had time for a thirty minute visit to the depot before I had to leave for my counselling session.

The counselling was very upsetting today. I realised had been concentrating on Margarets secret debts so much I hadn't even gone over in my mind the events leading up to her death. I had been meaning to get them all down on paper before my meeting with the local NHS trust but kept putting it off as I find thinking about it too difficult. When I mentioned this to my counsellor they suggested I might go through it. I immediately got very upset just thinking about it and it was a good five minutes before I could even start to talk about it.

When I did start talking the floodgates opened. I could only talk about events in the day she collapsed. Everything after that is a blur. I believe it will help me to go through those days as I have been blanking them out completely. If I don't face them head on, as upsetting as it may be, I won't be able to move on. I only talked about it for about ten minutes and I may have missed parts out. It's very difficult to recall everything and get it in the right order.

That was the beginning of the session and the rest if it was spent winding down. I did actually feel a lot better for letting it out but I felt a bit daft blubbering in front of someone like that. If Joe the carpenter wanted us to air our grief in public surely he wouldn't have put doors on our bedrooms.

I had to go back to work afterwards but I had a few hours spare before the contractors finished with nothing I could do so I sat on a bench in the City Centre. I was surprised at the number of people who struck up a conversation with me. There was a woman who was upset because her benefits had been stopped, a man who lost his wife last year, another woman who's daughter had just emigrated. Listening to their stories I realised they were all lonely, just like me.