Author Topic: My Wife passed 7 months ago  (Read 59296 times)

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Offline WOODY

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #135 on: July 25, 2017, 10:17:59 PM »
Hi Karena,
I assume, that there are not many helpful people on the camping site then. I always thought that they were supposed to be a helpful bunch of people.
I really like the sound of the bubbles and Dolphin decals, I think that will look really good.
So do you use a camping Gaz cooker, they save lugging a large calor gas bottle around with you.

Is there a shop on the site, or do you take everything with you, or go to nearest farm for fresh milk and eggs.
Making me hungry now thinking of eggs and bacon, trouble is, I can't eat bacon anymore, I have contracted a condition, called Burning mouth syndrome, which is not fair as I love bacon. I did not know, what was causing it at first, but I got a real burning sensation in my mouth and I would get ulcers coming up in my mouth, which were very uncomfortable, this used to last for three to four days. I then discovered, that this was only happening, when I had bacon. So I Googled the symptoms, and this Burning mouth syndrome, can be caused by different foods, one of them, being bacon, really annoying, but haven't had the problem, since I stopped eating bacon. xx

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #136 on: July 26, 2017, 07:15:33 PM »
Not that people are unhelpful Woody they're anything but,more that I,m a stubborn made who doesn't like asking.Its fine with bongo meets but if i want to somewhere on my own its not guaranteed so being able to do it myself if necessary is  the real issue Also depends on when I arrive,generally if I,m leaving after work its late when I get there so a quick setup before dark is a good plan.
This one isn't a proper site so no shop and no village shop.If there was I would shop there as people turning up in holiday cottages campsites etc is a big part of the reason village shops close,but I will stop end route and grab some stuff plus I have the chilli I made.Used to all go for a pubmeal one of the nights but that closed too.Someone might pop to town with a mass takeaway order sometimes.
I used to love bacon but don't eat any meat now,bacon cooking on a campsite was the only time I,be been tempted but I couldn't actually eat it.So eggs without bacon,or porrage,or in summe r its french style with yogurt,croissants and jam.I have one of those portable stoves in a case that takes little cannisters,never needed anything bigger than that and as you say no gas bottles to lug around.Never heard of burning mouth syndrome that's a new one on me.

Offline WOODY

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #137 on: July 26, 2017, 07:30:56 PM »
Hi Karena,
Sorry, I misread your post, I assumed that they were not very helpful sorry.
Well, I was amazed this morning, my Daughter sent me a text and asked me if the girls could come here, as she had to go to work. So I naturally said yes, so they got here at 11 o'clock, they went into the town, to buy their make up and got to their favourite shops, then they came back and I made them sandwiches. We then had to watch Ava's favourite film, which is Matilda, she has watched it thousands of times over the years and knows every word, then we watched their next favourite film, which is Uncle Buck, we still laugh at this, even though we have seen it so many times. We have a cupboard full of recent films, but they always want to watch these.

It was lovely seeing them, it really made my day, don't know what I would do without them.

It has rained here, nearly all day, but very fine rain, hasn't cooled down at all. Hope the weather is good for your weekend trip. xx

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #138 on: July 27, 2017, 07:34:00 PM »
Sounds like as close to perfect as a day can be at the moment.Reminds me of when my girls were at home. We used to get cheap pop from the popman,van that came round every week and a few crisps and sweets,must have been video back then.When they were young it was Annie on repeat, then later sister act,which I always liked,the idea of a pope tapping along to a bit of music.I was once talking on the phone to someone about films more recently and my eyes wentvtoo the DVD shelf.It appears I don't own grown up films withe the exceptions of lord of the rings,dirty dancing,love actually,phantom and les miserables,the rest are mainly Disney classics,harry potter, and the gruffalo,
My excuse being they were bought for grandkids. :rofl:
Naively I packed clothes for summer camping,now I have seen the weather forecast,I,m off to rethink that one,and stick some more layers in,its not looking promising.

Offline WOODY

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #139 on: July 27, 2017, 09:31:36 PM »
Hi Karena,
Here is a quite funny story. I knew that the girls would probably be here quite a bit,over the holidays, so I thought, better get some more DVD's that would suit them. I saw the DVD, FANTASTIC BEASTS ABD WHERE TO FIND THEM, which is a Harry Potter style film, written by JK Rowling. So I thought, they will like that. So I ordered it on Saturday, the expected delivery was Tomorrow, Friday, so I was surprised today, when a large envelope came through the letterbox, so I thought, that's good, it's arrived a day early, it was fine until I opened the envelope, to find,  THE TROLLS, SING-ALONG EDITION, I really was not impressed, I started with a couple of polite emails to the seller, until I read their feedback and found, that they do this quite a lot and never respond to people, so this made me quite mad, so followed up with a few more less polite emails, still no response. so the last one I sent was, I have reported this to eBay, also I have your address, so expect a visit, within minutes, I had a reply, saying really sorry, will post the correct DVD out by first class post, you should receive it by Saturday, so watch this space, see what Saturday brings.
Well, I ended up going out twice today, the second time was unintentional, the first time, I went to the post office, then to the jewellers and bought the chain, for Janice's rings, it's very nice and her rings look lovely on it, so that's the first part of my plan done. I came home, checked my emails and found an email from Waterstones books, I ordered some books from their website, last night, normally, I get them to post them, then I realised, that we have a Waterstones in the town, so I asked for them to be delivered there, I did not expect them to arrive for a couple of days, anyway this email said your books are there, well, the annoying thing is, I went out at 9.30, this email was at 9.40, so if only I had waited another fifteen minutes, before I went out, it would have saved me another trip, so I went back up the town, to get my books, still, it got me out TWICE,and the exercise was good, so that was my day, how was yours ? xx

Offline Karena

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #140 on: July 27, 2017, 11:08:33 PM »
Well that's a good thing getting out twice and worth it for books.I don't buy books any more having taken pikes of them too the charity shop and still got shelves of them left,I stick to kindle books now.I never thought I would,books are more than their content and a kindle can't replace the feel and smell of a book,but I got one for travelling as the number of books I can get through on holiday makes an impact on baggage allowance,and use it all the time now.
Trolls sing a long might be interesting. :rofl:I,m glad the rings look good and now you can keep them close too your heart literally.

My day involved a lot of getting frustrated with microsoft charts and word documents not working very well when I am trying to get a report finished,while knowing that I also have to design an advert in a week to meet a deadline,while also knowing the chances of getting away early tomorrow are diminishing because of said deadline.But I've been a good girl and done free overtime tonight to finish the report,so I think I need to get away for the weekend to seek inspiration for the advert. :whistle:
So now its time for a cuppa and early bed .Hope your weekend goes well.

Offline Emz2014

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #141 on: July 27, 2017, 11:09:46 PM »
Oh dear for sing along trolls! Lol. Glad it sounds like its sorted - fingers crossed.
Theres a very good seller on Amazon for music and films, dvds are often really cheap - around 50p with postage around £1.26,  have always had fantastic service from them.  Look for Zoverstocks in the list of used sellers

Great to hear about the getting out and about

Ive had a pretty crappy day at work so have been binge watching Sons of Anarchy again this eve.  And have just watched the cutest/funniest hamster video on facebook which has really got me laughing.  Time for bed now, hope you get some decent sleep

Good luck for your weekend karena xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline WOODY

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #142 on: July 27, 2017, 11:34:02 PM »
Hi Karena,
That's exactly how I feel about books, you can't beat a real book, turning the pages, opening a new book, just the feel of it , I have tried the Kindle thing, could not get on with it at all, books I think are the same as records, you can't beat a record, hearing every little crackle , and when the arm goes down and the needle starts on the first track, there is nothing like it, I can't stand this download stuff now.
Are you by any chance  a Graphic / commercial artist ? Just thought that's what you might do when you mentioned having to finish an advert. I went to the Camberwell college of art when I left school, it was to study commercial art and photography, when I left college, I got a job in the art dept of British Lion Films, my bosses then, were John and Roy Boulting, they were film producer and Director. It was ok, but not really what I wanted, I wanted to be out there on the set taking pictures, but no , I was stuck in an office as a paste up artist, with loads of Letraset, so I packed it in, probably a bad move, but I hated being indoors, in the late 1970's I eventually became a professional photographer, which I loved, very hard work though deadlines all the time. I was Freddie Star's photographer for six months, went on tour, did all his publicity photos, but he was very hard work and very unpredictable. So that's a bit of insight into my " David Bailey " days. Hope you enjoy your weekend trip, have fun xx

Offline WOODY

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #143 on: July 27, 2017, 11:46:26 PM »
Hi Emz,
How are you, that you for the Amazon seller, I will look them up. I have bought loads of CD/ DVDs from EBay previously never really had a problem until now, still there is always one. I don't mind buying stuff from eBay, but I couldn't stand the hassle of selling stuff on there. I have some cameras and lenses, surplus to requirements, but would rather sell to a dealer at a loss, than have, someone saying, this is broken or I never received it , or it's not how you described it, that would do my head in. Not a good day at work you said, what happened ? How are you getting on about the welfare officer job, any news about it ? Sons of anarchy, I have seen it advertised, but never watched it, its about a biker gang isn't it ?. Yes, I might even get used to this going out lark, but I am not rushing it.
Hope you have a better day tomorrow xx

Offline Emz2014

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #144 on: July 28, 2017, 04:05:29 PM »
The founder of this site, Dave, is a keen photographer - bet you'd both have loads to talk about!   I love photography and take loads of photos - mainly for instagram (it started with a daily challenge). I found it helped me on my journey, I find it a form of mindfulness now

We found out recently my team are being made redundant early next year. Along with a few other things made it a particularly crappy day at work.  My newfound welfare officer role may be short lived lol!

Hope your day has been ok. Did you get out today? Xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline WOODY

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #145 on: July 28, 2017, 04:40:33 PM »
Hi Emz,
Yes, I have already exchanged posts, with Dave about our photographic interests, he post one of his portraits, it's very good.
Are you doing one of these 365 photos, that a lot of people have started doing, a photo every day of the year, I often wonder, how many people complete it, it's like New Years resolutions and diets, not many stick to them.
Have you been with the company long ? Have you any idea, what you are going to do ?
It's sounds like you need a change from there Emz, as you are having to many crappy days there, so it will be good to have a fresh start somewhere else.
No, haven't been out today, have felt the gloom coming down again xx

Offline Emz2014

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #146 on: July 28, 2017, 06:56:01 PM »
I've done a couple of shorter challenges, that run for a month.  You are given a word/prompt for each day of the month, something like 'yellow', 'happiness' etc (depending on the theme) and then you add a photo for each one.  Gave me something to focus on, plan ahead for, be aware of my surroundings and try out different ways to look at/photo something. As there was a hashtag you could see everyone elses interpretation of the word which I found interesting too.  I think it improved the quality of my photos a bit :-)

Ive been with my work for around 14 years.  I also found my feelings towards work changed quite a bit after I lost my dad, it lost a level of importance.  I regret working so hard during my dads treatment, they never appreciated the work I squeezed in whilst my dad slept etc. dont think it helped when they also relocated our office which quadrupled my commute.  It may indeed be the right time for a change!

Yes, sons of anarchy is about a biker gang.  I get really absorbed into it, so can be great to escape reality for a bit :-)

What have you planned for over the weekend? Xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline WOODY

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #147 on: July 28, 2017, 07:16:39 PM »
Hi Emz,
Yes, it definitely sounds like you are ready for a change. Have you any idea what you want to do when you are made redundant?
Maybe, we should start our own photographic challenge for people here, to partake in, it may help, to get people out and more focused, no not meant to be a pun. People like me, who are struggling with going out. Don't know if there would be enough interest though

On Sunday, I am going to the Spiritualist church, with my Daughter and Granddaughters, it is the church, where Janice, was often the guest medium there, we always loved it there, all the kids were named there, it's a really lovely place. So nothing else doing over the weekend, what about you, are you going anywhere ?

Offline Emz2014

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #148 on: July 29, 2017, 01:53:57 PM »
Im off to the theatre to watch Grease with my mum and sister, setting off now xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline WOODY

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #149 on: July 29, 2017, 02:18:32 PM »
Hi Emz,
That's brilliant, I think the film Grease, is great, always watching it.
Hope the show is good, enjoy it xx