Author Topic: Scared of everything  (Read 3533 times)

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Offline Gill

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Scared of everything
« on: August 07, 2016, 07:38:42 PM »
Hello everyone.

I've been reading here a few days and finally plucked up the courage to post.

I lost my husband 11 weeks ago today, he was 45. My best friend, my soulmate. I have Crohns disease, agoaraphobia and ptsd, he had social anxiety. We were never apart, never wanted to be apart, for the last 14 years we happily spent every waking moment together.

He never had any health problems, apart from the anxiety. He came down with what we thought was a flu bug, he was sick a week then it all went so bad. He was rushed to hospital and diagnosed with pleurisy. Then they said he had pus in his plural cavity and it was too stubborn to drain, then he became septic. He was transferred to Leeds St James for surgery, where we we're told he may not survive as he was too sick, he made it through the surgery, but the next 48 were critical. The next morning we were told he might not live the day but he pulled through. He seemed to be steadily improving and they were gradually waking him up when something went wrong and his test results were worsening. They gave him extra sedation and left the breathing tube in as the surgeons were thinking about going in again, as it turns out he had a rare allergic reaction to heparin that is given to prevent blood clots, he bled into his adrenal glands. The process of waking him u as started again but just as we felt relief we got the bad news. They found cancer cells on his right lung. He had NO symptoms, until he caught this 'flu' he was healthy.

His state of consciousness varied over those 2 weeks he was in ICU, the last thing he said as he was wheeled to surgery was 'bring it on' He responded to my voice bu turning his head several times, and even at one point squeezed my hand when I asked him to. I know he knew I was there but I never got to talk to him I never got to say goodbye, he never got to tell me it would all be ok. The Saturday before he died they were going to take the tube out as he was almost to the point of being awake enough, when he took a turn for the worse. His organs were failing. Sunday morning they said he was dying and it would be that day. We were asked if we wanted to keep giving him the drugs to keep his BP up, or if we wanted to reduce them and let him go peacefully.

I still can't believe I sat and held my love and watched him die. WHY? it's not fair  :cry:

We couldn't have children, we have 7 cats instead, our fur babies. I also care for my Mum who is paralysed after a stroke in 09. I had a mini breakdown over the stress that caused, and was just starting to make real improvement when this happened.

I'm alone, im terrified. I feel horrible, upset stomach, overwhelmed with fear and anxiety. It's 11 weeks, people have said Im doing great and I thought I was managing ok but the last week its all gone downhill. I ache. I can't drive but we have a car, so I have driving lessons booked. With 7 cats and a mum to shop for I NEED the car. Everything is too much. I'm so frightened of getting sick. I've had crohns since was 12 and had it real bad for years. They took my colon out in 97 and I have an ileostomy, thankfully my last flare was 2005 and ive been in remission since then. I'm really scared it will come back and if it does I just will NOT cope.

How, just how do you do this? How do I live without him? How do I face my fears alone?  :cray:

Offline Julie Magson

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Re: Scared of everything
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2016, 08:13:35 PM »
Oh bless you Gill- I'm so glad you've had the courage to post. It's 12 weeks for me and my hubby also died in Jimmys at Leeds. Like your hubby he just got setback after setback. I know that the only person you really want is your hubby but by coming on here you are NOT alone, we all understand, we are all going through the same things. I have a fear of being alone, I have various illnesses too and just cannot afford to get ill.
Living through this is hell but not impossible. I didn't think I could make it past the first hour never mind twelve weeks but somehow, something keeps us going- a lot of my help comes from here.
If it's any help at all everything you are feeling is 'normal' Please do keep posting- many of us are at the same stage.  :hug:

Offline Gill

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Re: Scared of everything
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2016, 08:24:19 PM »
Thank you Julie xx

I'm sorry for your loss too, we must have been there at the same time. I can't believe I made it this far either, I was freaking out at first when they were saying he might be in the hospital a week, worried how I'd cope without him for a week *sigh*

(Hugs) to you. I have been keeping busy but I'm just so exhausted idk what to do.

Offline Karena

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Re: Scared of everything
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2016, 08:27:54 PM »
  :hug:let me start by saying welcome but sorry you have had to find us.As well as your grief there is so much else going on just now its no wonder you are scared,I think first thing contact your GP who may be able to advise you about where to get some help with your mum on a daily level,can you claim any kind of care allowance to pay for someone.Second have a look and see if there are any community transport schemes,to help you get where you need to be,then think about driving lessons later,because now isn't going to be a good time to push your stress levels up any further by taking that on especially round Leeds.If its just shopping could you order online and get stuff delivered,that way you can at least take the pressure off a bit.

Offline Gill

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Re: Scared of everything
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2016, 08:45:28 PM »
Hi Karina, thank you for the welcome. Sorry, I'm not being rational. Mum does have professional carers, I just get her shopping, meds, pay her bills and am there for emotional support and for when things need fixing etc. I always put so much pressure on myself, I need to learn to go with the flow. I have set up online shopping and my father in law will take me when I need to go too. It's just my anxiety, my OCD is freaking me out. I need to feel in control blah blah. I will have the driving lessons as I found a wonderful lady who understands my situation and wants to help, but we haven't got my first lesson scheduled until the end of September so I can prepare. I'm not in Leeds but my in laws are on the outskirts, I'm in York, not that makes traffic much better! ha

I have seen my GP, see my gastro tomorrow in fact for my check up and will see my GP again soon. They are keeping a close eye on me. I should have explained better that I have PTSD from years of illness and awful procedures and anytime I feel unwell I panic, if it's my stomach I lose it :( I'm just scared to face it all without my hub.

And then I'm thinking why am I turning this grieving into worry about me? And I feel guilty :/ This is what I do.

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Re: Scared of everything
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2016, 10:28:02 PM »
Hi Gill. So sorry to hear of your loss.

Don't worry about feeling guilty. It's just another of those emotions grieving throws into the mix to make sure our heads are truly mixed up. It's perfectly normal.

In fact, with grieving, anything can happen and it's all perfectly normal. We all grieve differently.

Wishing you strength.


Offline Soleil

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Re: Scared of everything
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2016, 03:39:03 PM »
Hi Gill,

So very sorry for what you're going through.  The members here will give you emotional and practical support. I'm sure that you will have the strength to go through this as you have had with other sadness's and challenges in your life. We humans are very resilient but you can really only go hour by hour. At times it will overwhelm you and if you can, take a time out. Grieving is one of the most exhausting things we do so make sure you try and eat and sleep as well as possible.


Offline Joann

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Re: Scared of everything
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2016, 09:13:12 AM »
Sending welcome  :hug:
Taking it one day at a time.