Author Topic: What Now?  (Read 5902 times)

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Offline Joann

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What Now?
« on: August 07, 2016, 10:27:46 AM »
 So myself and my family went to Scotland this week to scatter Mum's ashes as per her wishes. She chose a very beautiful spot over the Isle of Skye bridge. We did it on Tuesday and I had a total meltdown, crying and wanting to get a train home but my family talked me into staying. There were some good times in beautiful surroundings with my family but this weekend I can barely function. I have dragged myself out of bed this morning but feel lost and hopeless. I should have gone to Church but cannot motivate myself to even get dressed.  How does life carry on as normal?
Taking it one day at a time.

Offline Brian71

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Re: What Now?
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2016, 03:14:36 PM »
All you can do Joann is take one day at a time,  I know it's not easy, some days can be awful,  I know that part of Scotland very well indeed,  very beautiful,  I was up there myself a few weeks ago, and have another week booked end of September,  I normally book into the Premier Inn at Fort William, but this year I hired a caravan which is positioned alongside the northern edge of Loch Ness.

Assuming the loved one was cremated, it can be difficult deciding what to do with their ashes,  I really couldn't think of a particular favourite place, as my wife and I had so many favourite places and none stuck out, and so I was very undecided....still am.    They remained in the box for weeks, exactly as the funeral directors had given them to me,  in the end I bought a very nice casket, which also takes a photograph in the front, and she is now in prime position in my lounge.  Whether they remain there until my demise, I don't know but I feel it's more appropriate than just remaining in that green box I was given, at least until I can decide.
The ashes being there don't upset me too much,  it's when you start thinking, and memories flood back and you look at their photographs that starts me off.    When you lose someone close to you, it has a massive impact on your life,  when my wife's life finished so did mine, that's' how I feel,  but they would want us to go on,  yes I agree with you, some days you do feel you cannot function, we can only try,  hopefully with the passing of time the pain we feel won't be so acute, and we can think of them without falling apart emotionally.

It's good, you have the church in your life Joann,  I did too many years ago, indeed at one time we had 2 vicars in the family, there is still one today, my cousin.  My family were very religious when I was young, but both my wife and I gave up religion some 30yrs ago,  but we both respected peoples desire to follow their beliefs whatever they may be, and if it gives comfort and helps people that's all that matters. Which was why my wife had a humanist service and not a religious one which is what she wanted.   In fact in a letter she wrote back in 2013  prior to her having lung surgery in 2013 in case something happened,  she stated at her funeral she wanted lots of laughter, buckets loads of PMA which was her favourite expression (positive mental attitude) red noses and balloons.   Absolutely true!  I hadn't a clue what she had written, it was opened in front of all the family on the afternoon of her passing in April, so at her service several family members wore red noses (not my idea, it was my sons, as I might have omitted those) and over 100 helium balloons including animal shaped one's were released after the service, many having personal messages written on them.  Certainly not what most people would want or choose, but she did,  one things for sure,  I doubt the funeral director had seen anything like it before,  sadly there was no laughter,  which I know she wanted, and though it was different it still remained very dignified.  She was the most positive person I've ever met, her glass was always half full.  The day before she died we were both crying, we knew it was terminal but nether of us even suspected she would pass away next morning,  if any family visited she would pass her hand over face saying 'the crying stops now'   'eh come on you wimp' to me.

I think Joann, we sometimes have to ask what would the loved one, be it a mother, a husband or dear wife or indeed anyone close to us, want you/us to do after they have gone ?  All on here know how hard it can be, because we share that same grief, the same sort of feelings.   The feeling that your life is empty and no longer has any meaning, and no future,  I feel like that, as so many on here do too I'm sure, all we can do is support each other and somehow hope that with time that pain we feel will get less and become bearable a day at a time.   I do feel that socialising more with people helps, though I'm not doing that myself, but I feel inside we should be doing more of that and hopefully in due course perhaps we can forge some sort of normality out of what remains.

You take care Joanna, and remember.......... a day at a time.   

Best wishes..... Brian.... :hug:
« Last Edit: August 25, 2016, 11:18:43 AM by Brian71 »

Offline Joann

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Re: What Now?
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2016, 05:26:50 PM »
Thank you so much Brian, and can I say that I am sorry for your loss.
I have kept some of my Mum's ashes, I dont know if she would be happy with that, we never discussed it, and I have kept the container which is really quite pretty with clouds and a dove on. I dont know what I will do with it yet, but I have it all the same. I didnt want to scatter her at all but it was my last promise to her. I miss her so much and wish I could just hold her and tell her how much I love her, I know she knew I did. Am just finding it hard to look to the future without her and am dreading the one year anniversary on 1st of October.
Taking it one day at a time.

Offline Julie Magson

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Re: What Now?
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2016, 06:55:19 PM »
You'll just know when the time is right to plan something with your Mum's ashes Joann. Do you know you can have them made into jewellery if that appeals to you?
If it's any consolation I couldn't get dressed till 3pm today, kept lying on the bed and crying. I know it's normal but it's horrible. I have a dreaded date coming  up too. On Tuesday it will be my birthday and our 45th Wedding Anniversary- we got married on my 21st Birthday. I've known it was coming and deliberately made myself think, well, it's not today so I don't have to worry about that yet and just concentrated on getting through each day, now I know it's so near I think that's why I've been so bad today. So if you can, put your thoughts and your energies (which are so precious and in short supply for us) into surviving each day, then it might make it easier not dwelling on October. Lots can happen in that time.

Offline Brian71

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Re: What Now?
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2016, 07:08:57 PM »
Thanks Joann..  :hug:

A double whammy on Tuesday then Julie...not good,  it'll be a hard one I'm sure, but your'll get through it Julie, I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday....  :hug:   funny enough I bought a birthday card my my wife when shopping yesterday, and her birthday is not till Sept 3rd,  not sure what made me buy it, but I'm fairly sure you do... :hearts:

I don't know about you guys,  but have you also had a tendency to not want to get out of bed so early as you used to do,  sorta finding a little solace or maybe the word should be 'escape' by having a sleep-in. ?  I'm doing it less often,  but I recall 2 occasions, in the early days when I didn't get out of bed until 3pm...not good.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2016, 11:01:58 AM by Brian71 »

Offline Julie Magson

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Re: What Now?
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2016, 07:24:18 PM »
Thank you for that Brian X
Yes I lie in bed for as long as I can, feeling bad because I'm doing it but just wanting to shorten the day when I know nothing is happening on that day so Sunday is usually the worst day for me.
And yes- I understand totally why you have bought your wife a birthday card. I hope you have some peace today  :hearts:

Offline Karena

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Re: What Now?
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2016, 07:29:43 PM »
 :hug:You did what your mum asked even though you didn't want too,but that's also accompanied by a feeling of it being the last thing that you can do for her,and so its not surprising that it has hit you so hard.Sometimes I think you just have to go with it on days like this and if you feel like staying in bed all day crying then that's exactly what you need to do,this too shall pass but its common to go back to the first days of grief every so often.
My personal belief is that our spirit leaves the body and is free to travel with or between loved ones and loved places,

But I think I would chose for my family to scatter my ashes in a place in Wales which is beautiful and which has brought me a lot of pleasure,somewhere someone once said they thought must be my spiritual home,in hope that in time they too would fall in love with it and also benefit as I did by visiting it,so in a sense their last physical act for me also becomes my gift to them.

Many people on here in the past have found anniversary's are worse in the dreading of them than the day itself.
I have found trying to ignore the day doesn't work but having a plan does,I buy myself a birthday present from him,I take the day off,spend it at a garden centre and come back with a plant to put in a special planter on our wedding anniversary,so I can enjoy it all year then it goes into a flowerbed on his birthday to make way for the next one the following year,also on or around his birthday I plant wild daffodils on a bank by the river,one for every year we were married,and on the anniversary of his death I go and visit them.That's just my ritual,I have others for Xmas,but I find it helps to do something to affirm what day it is,and lessens the dread planning what to do.

Offline Julie Magson

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Re: What Now?
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2016, 07:38:27 PM »
I find planning anything just too much at the moment Karena- too much effort, plus I don't drive which I regret now. Your rituals sound lovely and I hope I will be able to get to that stage in time.

Offline Karena

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Re: What Now?
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2016, 08:36:42 PM »
 :hug:a little early yet I agree but something to think about a bit further down the road perhaps ,its really just building strategies for coping but you can't do that until later,all you can do is go with the flow,if you don't want to get up then stay in bed,be kind to yourself and don't pressurize yourself .

Offline Julie Magson

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Re: What Now?
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2016, 08:51:06 PM »
Thank you   :smiley:

Offline Hubby

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Re: What Now?
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2016, 10:33:44 PM »
Big hug for you Joann.


Offline Gogga12

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Re: What Now?
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2016, 10:50:58 PM »
There are some lovely replies here. Julie I've been exactly like you for a few days now, in bed until nearly mid day today, not dressed until 3pm, just couldn't find any purpose in doing either. Yesterday was even worse, I was in my nightdress and crying all day, couldn't even talk to anyone on the phone without breaking down, so I then stopped answering it..... a really bad place in deed. It probably isn't being helped Julie by the double blow you are facing this week and I'm sorry you must go through that, I will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending hugs that I hope will bring you some strength.

Karena,  your post contains some lovely ideas for maybe when I'm further down the line too.....beautiful, thank you for sharing them.

Hugs to all of you and an extra one for you  Julie  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline becsj

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Re: What Now?
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2016, 04:19:54 PM »
I remember the dreading feeling of dates looming and I remember trying to plan something but for me personally that did not work . I found that pretending it was a different date which sounds crazy but it worked for me .  I try to pace myself through the days when dates come . I am three years down the road and although the fear and dread eases and dates don't feel as terrifying I find they still creep and build up slowly . I notice my anger surfaces and  it is still tough and painful . A restless feeling is also something I have experienced. I usually  book a day off work because I want to be alone and do whatever I feel like doing .
The dates can certainly throw us down .  Remember it's OK to do what you need to do . Whatever helps you through .

Offline Brian71

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Re: What Now?
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2016, 08:49:37 PM »
I just had another read of this thread, and read the 1st post I made on this topic, which on reading what I wrote started me off again, especially that last bit where my wife called me a

What Now ?  is a very good question indeed,  I wish I knew,  I suppose we somehow go on with our lives the best we can until our time comes to join them if indeed one believes that will happen.  I wish that were the case but personally I don't believe that, and my wife never did either.

Socialising more I'm sure will help in forming new interests in helping to cope after losing someone dear to us, my daughter suggested maybe I volunteer my services for helping the National Trust who manage many stately homes and national properties in the area, say one day a week or just a few hours a week.   This came about because she treated me to a years membership for fathers day, so I have been slowly visiting a few of the country estates they manage and very interesting it was too.  So maybe at some later time I may well do this, but not at the moment.

I certainly have no desire to replace my wife ever, as no-one can replace her,   but maybe in due course it would be nice to meet someone who maybe has also lost someone so can share that empathy and maybe develop a friendship to share the occasional meal or day out,  purely on a friendship basis, one never knows what the future holds, but for most of us olduns that future is

« Last Edit: August 25, 2016, 10:41:16 AM by Brian71 »