Author Topic: Any other white feather finders out there?  (Read 5684 times)

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Offline Sandra61

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Any other white feather finders out there?
« on: November 30, 2018, 02:28:49 AM »
This week I had a minor crisis at home. I opened the door to go into the kitchen and a reasonably large creature tore across the floor and disappeared behind a cupboard. Not surprisingly, I screamed and shut and locked the door and didn't go back in there for some hours! Eventually, I plucked up the courage to go and investigate how it could have got in and found a hole where a pipe used to run that had not been properly filled in. Also researched what the creature might have been as although resembling a rat in size, it did not have a tail and was very black. I now think it must have been a mole. Anyway, blocked up the hole in a makeshift way with some bricks and no more unwanted visitors and now trying to find someone to fill the hole more permanently, so crisis hopefully over. At the time however, I was scared half to death and terribly upset about it.

Anyway, next morning, I found a white feather on my front room floor with no way of explaining how it could have got there. I found a few white feathers around shortly after my mum died, but was not aware of any potential significance about this at that time. I have now read however, that finding a white feather can be a sign that a lost loved one is near or that the feather is sign of a guardian angel being close and watching over you. Later that day, I also smelled my mother's perfume in the same room, again without any way of it being explainable. I now think that both the feather and the smell of her perfume were signs that she was wanting to show me some support and sympathy at a time of particular difficulty and distress for me and really appreciated this.

Just wondering now, if this is a common phenomenon or if anyone else has experienced anything like this, as this is a new idea to me. Any other white feather finders out there?

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Any other white feather finders out there?
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2018, 08:03:09 AM »
I'm often finding white feathers, suddenly at my feet, when traveling. (On the train etc).  Maybe they're letting me know they're watching over me whilst I'm away from home xx
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Offline Karena

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Re: Any other white feather finders out there?
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2018, 01:42:06 PM »
yes i keep white feathers - at first i didnt really believe it - but when i moved i had been to the new house to get a carpet fitted - the fitter left and i stood in the empty room and siad to him - if youre really still around me leave another feather on the carpet - then laughed at my ridiculous notion - locked up and went home - no -one could have got in the house there was no way it could have been a draught there was no furniture it could have come from - but next morning there it was in the middle of the room.
I camet to the conclusion that although logic gives all sorts of reasons to not believe it - things like this had happened with feathers so often - it would be more logical too believe it.I dont pick them all up now though when i am outside because i think i have got to know if one is meant for me - and they are not always white i have white and grey and some owl ones too they will appear right at my feet or on the doorstep or in the house - they appeared in the old campervan two or three times with absolutely no logical explanation - not in the new one yet but then i havnt been camping in it yet.

 :hug: I am not sure what your creature was - moles dont generally dash anywhere and are not very big -it could have been an escaped guinee pig, as people often keep them in outside housing so if it gets out it is nearly impossible to find but they can survive quite well in the wild. 

Offline CarolineL

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Re: Any other white feather finders out there?
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2019, 10:14:01 AM »
Wow, I'm not the only one then, keep finding one outside my front door, didn't know what it was supposed to represent until a friend saw it too and explained. My husband was an animal fanatic so I like to think its him saying Hi x

Offline Thea

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Re: Any other white feather finders out there?
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2019, 08:41:21 PM »
I wish I could find feathers. I keep asking for a sign that Des is with me but so far nothing. I know that if I could find a feather or some other sign, it would be a huge comfort to me.

Offline Karena

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Re: Any other white feather finders out there?
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2019, 12:25:17 PM »
 :hug: you will - maybe not feathers, maybe something else, but grief can blind us too them sometimes as well and it takes a while for us to see the message when our brains are so occupied with that pain.

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Re: Any other white feather finders out there?
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2019, 09:00:20 PM »
I'm also probably trying too hard. But I so desperately need a sign, something to hold onto.

Offline Sandra61

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Re: Any other white feather finders out there?
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2019, 11:43:20 PM »
In my experience to date, such signs only seem to turn up in times of crisis, unless I ask for one. I found a few feathers shortly after my mum died, but did not know about their significance then, but now look back and can see them for the signs that they were.

The latest one was when I was typing on this website. I was writing back to someone who had had a similar experience to me and I suddenly noticed a tiny white feather on the end of my finger. No feather cushions in here, no drafts that could have blown it in, yet there it was. I still feel it was there to say I was doing something good trying to help someone else upset and in a similar situation to me.

On the couple of occasions I have asked for a sign, that has worked for me too. You do feel rather silly talking to someone who has died in an empty room, but on the odd occasion I have felt in need of a sign and have asked for one, I have got it soon after, so it might be worth a try.

I had a low period a few weeks ago, when I felt very isolated and alone and just wanted a sign that my lost loved ones were still around. The next morning I was making a cup of tea and a robin flew into my conservatory and perched on the edge of a bowl for about three minutes and just looked at me, then flew away again. This had never happened before, nor has it happened again since. The night before, I had asked for a feather in my empty front room, just so I could be reassured I was not completely alone. I got more than a feather. I got a whole bird and I still feel that was my answer. It still bolsters me up now, several weeks later.

You need to be open-minded I think and not expect anything specific. But then something occurs and you recognise that this was your sign. Sounds unlikely, I know, but I believe in the things that have happened to me. Keep your eyes peeled, Thea. You may even have had some signs you haven't even recognised yet! I did.  :rainbow:

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Re: Any other white feather finders out there?
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2019, 07:21:40 PM »
I keep looking but as I said, maybe too hard. And, yes, I've probably looked right past a number of signs.

I would love to have a whole bird fly in. I would be so excited. As I have parrots (a ringneck, lovebirds, amazons and an African grey), my sign probably won't be feathers. There are so many little fluffy white feathers blowing around in the house from the three big birds that if my sign was a feather, I would never notice it.  :rolleyes:   (Unless of course it was from a completely different bird).

I talk to Des all the time. I am all alone and the only ears that hear me are my cat and my birds. 

Offline Karena

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Re: Any other white feather finders out there?
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2019, 11:43:56 AM »
 :hug:There are a couple of old traditions which follow the idea of having animal spirit guides,(hence the owl in my case) so maybe those are more important ears than you think they are -  cats have a lot of symbolism throughout many traditional beliefs, Ancient egyptions, - Celts/pagans -   we think of a witch on a broom with a cat as stereotypical   -yet the traditional wise women/ healers of the celts really did often have cats, they represent healing,and also increased psychic abilitys, perhaps you cat is offering you healing -but also will at some point help you to find the message you are looking for.

Offline CarolineL

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Re: Any other white feather finders out there?
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2019, 07:54:23 PM »
Signs come in so may different ways, the week after I lost my husband I had a butterfly land on my leg and it sat there for at least 5 mins. Just kept thinking that it was Darren letting me know he was ok. Also had several white feathers too. There are signs everywhere in the beauty that surrounds us x

Offline Karena

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Re: Any other white feather finders out there?
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2019, 10:19:31 AM »
That is true Caroline,the natural world has so much to offer us and we spend a lot of our lives not really noticing.The idea of losing it is partly also one of the things that has pushed me to move forward - not forget grief and definitely not not forget him,but it has put something else into my life that gives me incentive.