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Offline carolinepayne51

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New to the site
« on: March 07, 2018, 02:58:47 PM »
Hello- I hope that I am posting in the correct way. So sorry for all of the bereaved here.  I'm feeling horribly lost after the death of my beautiful husband almost two weeks ago.  I am only 44 and feel like I am going crazy with emotions that I didn't know it was possible to feel.  I just don't know what to do and feel so alone.  If anyone could part with some wise words, I'd be so grateful.  Thank you so much in advance, Caroline xx

Offline Norma

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Re: New to the site
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2018, 03:22:54 PM »
Hi Caroline, im so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband, i dont have any wise words that will take away the pain and emotions youre feeling right now, all i can say is you will go through every emotion known and more, 2 weeks is no time at all to expect yourself to be feeling any different, all you can do is take small baby steps, get yourself through each day as best you can, until one day the pain will lessen, and each day will become a little easier, you will sometimes think youre taking one step forward then two back, that is quite normal, but you will start to function normaly eventually, and start to remember the good memories rather than the heartache youre feeling right now, please keep talking to us, it really does help, when i first lost my hubby, i kept a diary and wrote to him every day, things i had done,  what i would have come home and told him about my day, told him how i was feeling, how much i missed him, and as the months went by, i would read back on my early days and could see just how much easier it had become, its nearly four year for me now Caroline, and i still write to him, not as much but occasionally when i feel the need to. Sending you a big (((hug)) xx
Its been a rough week but i made it. How about you 💐

Offline Emz2014

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Re: New to the site
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2018, 06:13:37 PM »
Sending you a welcome hug Caroline  :hug:

Like Norma has said, definitely take it day by day, baby steps and on really bad days just concentrate on hour by hour.  It's a rollercoaster journey but it does become easier.  Keep talking/writing, it does help xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Karena

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Re: New to the site
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2018, 12:43:31 PM »
Hi -all i can really do is repeat what Norma has said -just get through each hour, then each day at a time.
I do remember a distinct moment when i was doing something on autopilot in the garden and suddenly became aware of the sun on my back and a little robin singing almost like it was defying me to ignore it -and that was my first smile and the first time i thought that i will get through this some-how -The moment was just that and the nightmare black clouds quickly descended again, but i hung onto it in my mind, knowing that it happened once and could happen again and everytime another moment did happen i collected that as well, then i set myself a target of collecting them and so started looking for them - they start to last longer and become more normal - but it isnt a quick process and even that first moment was a few months in. :hug: