Bereavement Support Posts => Introduce Yourself To Us All => Topic started by: Joa1987 on September 12, 2016, 01:35:33 AM

Title: Recently lost mum
Post by: Joa1987 on September 12, 2016, 01:35:33 AM
My mum passed away very suddenly 3 weeks ago. She hadn't been ill that we knew of but suddenly became ill and a cat scan showed she had cancer in her brain. She died within 24 hours of becoming ill. It was a massive shock. I was very close to my mum, still living at home with my parents, seeing her every day and spending a lot of time with her. At first I was totally numb, hardly feeling any emotion, then suddenly I started becoming very anxious and emotional. I've also been experiencing a pain in my side (breast) which has been worrying me a lot due to the nature of my mums death. I've read up that grief can also be physical as well as emotional and stress can cause physical pain. I wondered if anyone else had experienced physical pain from grief?
Title: Re: Recently lost mum
Post by: Norma on September 12, 2016, 06:58:10 AM
Sending you a welcome   :hug:

The loss of someone very close brings about some of the hardest emotions you will ever have to deal with, pkease keep talking to us, know you will find comfort in hearing from others who have suffered a loss xxx
Title: Re: Recently lost mum
Post by: Brian71 on September 12, 2016, 02:22:23 PM
So sorry to hear of the loss of your Mum,  you remind me, how much grief my daughter had and still has when my wife passed away also very suddenly after 49yrs of marriage 5mths ago also to cancer.  Daughters seem to grieve much more for their Mums than sons do, thats only based on my own experience of course, and I have noticed that it's rare we see posts from sons who are grieving for their Mum on here.

Daughters tend to be much closer to their Mum, and as a father who is also grieving we sometimes overlook how it affects the family especially the daughter.  The symptoms you describe are well known to us on here, as we have all had those symptoms, when you lose someone you love so much and then they are gone, it's natural they leave a big emptiness in our lives, and we even wonder how we can go on living without them.  My sons grieving ceased at their Mums funeral so they tell me, and 5mth later in the rare event I see them they never mention her,  it's as though she never existed.  :sad:

Yet my daughter who is 40,  speaks about her Mum every day when she phones me, indeed I think if it were not for her support I doubt I would be here today,  I suppose we gave each other support as I've replaced her mum on the phone as rarely a day passed when they didn't phone each other.

You need to take it a day at a time... the inner emotional pain you are feeling right now will decrease with time, and it will take time,  I still cry like a baby some days, and I'm 71, indeed yesterday was a very bad day for me,  but those sort of days will become less frequent,  it will take a long time,  but eventually you will be able to remember the great times and fond memories of your Mum without shedding tears and getting that indescribable painful feeling inside.  It may be worth having a chat with your doctor too, just to be on safe side, it certainly won't do any harm.

Remember....A day at a take care.
Title: Re: Recently lost mum
Post by: Julie Magson on September 12, 2016, 03:25:04 PM
Grief can affect so much in our lives and I truly believe that it can cause physical pain for some. My sister had very similar when her husband died.
 However I wouldn't necessarily just presume it is what you are going through now and speaking to your GP about the pain you feel would be a good idea. (And I understand that you will probably have to motivate yourself right now to do that). It can only ease your mind. I had some symptoms I was worried about and got it checked out just to make sure, and it was one less thing to worry about.  :heart:
Title: Re: Recently lost mum
Post by: Hubby on September 12, 2016, 08:47:24 PM
Hi Joa1987, Welcome to the forum. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mum.

I think grief can cause physical symptoms. After all, our brains are working overtime trying to come to terms with our loss and it is our brains interpretation of the signals it is receiving that makes us feel pain. It wouldnt hurt to get it checked out though

Title: Re: Recently lost mum
Post by: Emz2014 on September 12, 2016, 09:35:37 PM
If you are not sleeping properly that could contribute to aches and pains, as you may not be getting enough of the stages of sleep where our body repairs itself. This in turn has an impact on our bodies
I had occasions when I felt a physical pain in my chest along with the extreme sadness/grieving. It happened when I was most upset
I agree with the others, there's no harm in checking in with the Dr if you're worried xx
Title: Re: Recently lost mum
Post by: BT on September 13, 2016, 06:11:47 PM
 :hug:sorry to hear of your loss.   I lost my mum over 4 months ago and like your daughter I keep in contact with my dad every day we seem to help each other and we talk abou mum a lot.   At the weekend we were looking through photos of her and i shed a few tears as we reminisced.  My brother sees my dad once a week.  But I have only seen him once since the funeral.
Title: Re: Recently lost mum
Post by: Joann on September 20, 2016, 12:00:29 PM
Sending you welcome  :hug:
Title: Re: Recently lost mum
Post by: rawareham on September 30, 2016, 06:23:06 PM
I'm so sorry to hear you lost your mum. I know the hurt must seem unbearable right now.

I lost my dad 6 months ago today. He was only 60 and died very suddenly from a brain hemmoraghe. One phonecall and he was gone, we were always really close. The sudden nature of losing him I am still really struggling to come to terms with and I miss him so desperately.

I wish I had some answers for you :( Be kind to yourself, take as much support from others as you can and I have felt that it has helped to write down some of how I am feeling and write to my Dad, that might help you too?

Just know you are not alone, thinking of you xx