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Hello Hubby,

So sorry for this sudden loss. I, like the others cannot form words that can give you comfort but just know this is a wonderful and supportive site.  My sleep was getting worse and worse over time so I had to get a little help with 1/2 a sleeping pill. I try to go a night or two and take melatonin and if I can nap during the day, make up for sleep- sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It's easier to do if you aren't working though.

You are at the very beginning and it will be just a roller coaster. You'll never know what sets you off so just go with it. Grief really takes charge of every emotion.  I'm at a stage of dealing with some anger which can rear it's head just before going to bed so after pacing and muttering a few nasty words under my breath or pounding a pillow, I am fully charged and cannot sleep but it just comes over me, we have no real control.

By the way, my poor dog just pins back his ears when I rant- I think he used to wonder what the heck was wrong with his mostly even tempered owner but now he seems to just take me in stride. I have a quote from a book "In grief we often have a deep well of different emotions occurring at the same time, which is what makes grief confusing."   Take care of yourself :hug: - sorry don't know why it is underlined.


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