Author Topic: My Wife passed 7 months ago  (Read 59225 times)

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #75 on: July 15, 2017, 07:54:32 PM »
Hi Karena,
It's nice when you have a vehicle, that has a forum, that arrange meets at different venues. We used to have a Chevrolet Astro day van, it was lovely, had everything you could possibly want, I had a seat fitted into it, that swung out and lowered down, for Janice, it was great, we used to go to meets with over Chevy Astro owners and made a lot of friends.
All went well, until we moved here, it's a retirement apartment, there are 28 apartments and only 10 parking spaces, which is absolutely ridiculous, anyway, from day one, everyone moaned about our van, they didn't even give us a chance, we moved in on a Friday evening, so I parked in the only available space, straight away the house manager came up and said I have had a complaint about your van, it's blocking out a residents light, I said fine, I don't actually think it is blocking out their light, but there is nowhere else for me to put it at the moment, I am not intending to offend anyone,but if and when another space becomes available, I will move it, but I said realistically, it IS a car park, so I can if I want park it anywhere I like. Anyway, I did move it later, when there was a space, but I didn't matter where I parked it, they continually moaned about it, can't park out in the road, as double yellow lines, so as much as we loved that van, we could not stand the constant hassle over it, even though, it was not really causing a problem it fitted into the space, just overhung a bit, so we had no choice but to sell it. Trouble with the people here they are so stuck up, they all think they live in the Ritz, they looked down on us because we come from South London and have South London Accents, but we pay just as much in service charges, maintenance and ground rent, as they do. They thought, when Januce had passed, that I would sell the Renault, not a chance, I will never sell it.

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #76 on: July 15, 2017, 08:32:02 PM »
That's terrible.Why do people have to make problems for the sake of it.We had plenty of room at our old house,unfortunately not here.Luckily my boss let's me park at work,and with previous neighbours I could park outside but didn't because I knew it would block light and I had a choice but if I needed to load or unload or make an early getaway there wasn't a problem.But this lot think they own the road actually they think they own everything.Park now and you get a note on the windscreen.Its a " second home" but they've secured police bollards,put planters out,etc so now I have to pull up blocking the road throw my shopping into the porch then drive off.Over the last year I,be had parking wars,bin wars,extension wars,tree wars,They wrecked part of my garden building their extension,then while I was away, installed their gas flu and kitchen cooker extractor to emit onto it.and Chopped an elder almost to the ground.I have never been more tempted to buy Leylandi in my life.Also perfected the art of temper tantrum walking which consisted of me coming home seeing the latest damage,leaving the house and walking very fast up the hill until I was too knackered to be in a temper any more.This village used to be a farming village now its like snotty suburbia on speed,and don't get me started on the " village in bloom" brigade.who seem to think they can tell me what I can and can't grow out at the front.The first time they tried that on with me I grew a lovely crop of potato's out there even though I had plenty of room to grow them out the back.The following year it was a " yellow " theme.I filled window boxes and tubs with dandelions.For some reason they have left me alone lately.I,m doing the house up gradually,then selling and downsizing and moving to somewhere a bit more down to earth.Certainly not spending my retirement among this lot.
You keep your Renault Woody,and if they don't like it I will come down and picket them.( and plant potatoes in their begonia tubs ).

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #77 on: July 15, 2017, 08:59:55 PM »
Karena, I just don't understand people like you have where you live and the neighbors that I have here. If you don't fit in here, they try to hound you out, they did this to one couple, that moved here, they sold their farm, which was up north somewhere, to come here, to be near their Daughter and Grandchildren, they used to look after their Grandchildren sometimes and sometimes they would stay overnight, well so many of them complained about them, they had to put their FLAT up for sale and move in with their Daughter, they used to come up to us and we told them to ignore them, as they had every right to have their Grabdchildren here, but they went. But I told Janice, they won't hound us out.
We were having our bathroom made bigger, by taking two feet off the bedroom and turning the bathroom into a wet room, well , we were getting complaints all the time, none of them realised, that we desperately needed this for Janice, none of them have any compassion, they moaned all the time for the two weeks that it took, we had a ceiling hoist fitted in the front room, they only had to drill four holes in the ceiling and they were all moaning about the noise. I would move, but these places are so hard to sell, as this town, is retirement city, there are so many retirement apartments here, in this town,it's a buyers market, so it would not be any good trying to sell it, just hope it improves as the moaning ones go and new people move in, it's a very unfriendly place, no community spirit, they knew how ill Janice was, yet, none of them came and knocked on the door and asked if there was anything we neede, or anything they could do, even when Janice passed only a couple of them put a card through the door, it's a lovely place, lovely people NOT

Offline Emz2014

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #78 on: July 16, 2017, 09:01:25 AM »
Its so sad when people are like that.  I just cant understand it.  Surely they cant be happy when they are so miserable, moany and just plain nasty.  Their lives would be better if they could just show some compassion and build a community xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline WOODY

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #79 on: July 16, 2017, 09:28:21 AM »
Hi Emz, Hope you are feeling better this morning.
Yes, there are some really nasty people in this world, just can't understand them. Another example, of the attitude of one of the real nasty ones here, about five or six years ago, just before Christmas,our Daughter, Son-in - law and our Granddaughters were here one evening, when they were going, they wrote HAPPY CHRISTMAS, on the White board, on the office door, that's all they did. After Christmas, the manager came up to us and said, I have had a complaint about your Grandchildren, writing rude words, on the board, I said well, if you consider Happy Christmas to be rude words, then yes they did, but I can assure you, that's all they wrote, they are certainly not unruly kids, their Father is a Police sergeant and their Mother signs for the deaf and blind, both their parents and myself, were there, when they wrote this, but obviously the nasty evil person, that reported this to you wiped it off the board first.
This is how petty minded they are here, but they never have the guts, to come and say it to my face.

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #80 on: July 16, 2017, 12:50:09 PM »
Karena, Here are some pictures of our Chevy Astro

Offline Karena

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #81 on: July 16, 2017, 09:01:08 PM »
That is a very tidy looking vehicle,seriousel wonder what they would say if I parked my tatty bongo there.I,m quite chuffed with myself today,I fixed the hole.OK so the finish is a bit rough,I only had sandpaper and elbow grease,and the paint doesn't match,obviously Ford changed their dove grey over the years,but I don't care.If it passes,I will buy some decals.
I really can't understand how people can be so mean spirited,bitter and twisted when I should have been obvious that the improvements you made were essential,how stupid are they.
A few years ago now some kids in the village created a snow man around the ornamental pump,it featured the extension part of the pump where the water came out being in a certain position.It was actually really well done and it froze so was there a while.The lad who did it went on to do art at uni.I think it brightened winter up and a few other people commented it made them smile.Unfortunately not everyone did and complaints were made to the police.Made me laugh,these are the types who brag about their cultural experiences visiting classical arts and sculptures ,like the p***ing boy of copenhagen but couldn't see the irony.
But they're not very kid friendly here either. They actually got the roof and benches removed from the bus stop to stop them hanging out there,(talk about cut off nose to spite face) then complained when they started hanging out in the square instead.They were not doing anything wrong just hanging round together.I know it can be a problem in some places but there was never any trouble with these. The boys mum wrote a very strongly worded letter to the local rag,pointing out that if any of them had slipped on the ice and fallen,without the kids being there no one would know,no one to pick them up or call an ambulance.I think she.made a really good point.
Anyway I can only surmise that if loads of money turns people into such Misery's they're welcome too it.

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #82 on: July 16, 2017, 09:59:27 PM »
Hi Karena,
Well done with your filler repair, I think there is great satisfaction , in doing something yourself and standing back and looking at and saying YES, I did a that and I am very proud of it. It does matter what anyone else thinks, you have done it, you are proud of what you have done and that's all that matters.
I have not managed to do a great deal today, made Toad in the hole, for my dinner, got some for tomorrow, the rest has gone in the freezer. I love Cumberland sausages, so always use them.

I am really pleased that the tennis has finished now, as it has been haunting me, as this is the first year that I could not bring myself to watch it, without Janice.

When is your MOT due, have you got anything else to do on your van ? I had a shock this year, as this is the first year, that I have had to pay the road tax on a vehicle, as our vehicles, were always licensed as Disabled , as Janice had a tax exemption certificate, I went to the Post office, asked to have it changed from disabled to ordinary tax, they then said, that's £280, I nearly feel through the floor, I said is that for ten years, which amused everyone else in the queue, I could not believe it. I actually phoned the DVLA at Swansea, as I thought it was a mistake, they said they go by the C02 emissions, so yes it is £280. Makes me wonder what they do with all the revenue they get from road tax, as the roads are getting worse, everywhere is pot holes now.

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #83 on: July 16, 2017, 10:34:12 PM »
My tax is also up there in the same bracket.I pay 6 months at a time though,also the rules have changed over getting a different vehicle.As far as I can make out the tax goes with the owner not the vehicle,so buying one with a few monthsctax left is a waste of time,you can't drive it away,you have to tax it in your name to drive it and the owner has to apply for a refund.I have no idea ,part of the madness that is dvla.
MOT runs out on the 24th,I have been lucky to find an old fashioned style mechanic who works for himself from a barn.He usually takes it for MOT,fixes the fail issue then takes it back.So I don't know what the next fix will be until then.If it passes and I don't have to spend a fortune to get it through I might invest in new wheel arches,this is really only a temporary fix.Also to get underneath oil sprayed for winter.
My back is regretting today's twisting and sanding now.ouch. :rofl:

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #84 on: July 16, 2017, 11:00:07 PM »
Karena, Its good when you can find a good reliable mechanic, that is not going to rip you off. There is a little garage just over the road from me, the owner Jason, is very good, I phone him, when it needs anything and he comes over and picks it up and brings it back.
He was very good, when Janice passed, I had not used the van for months, it wouldn't start battery flat , it looked terrible, as I hadn't cleaned it for months, anyway, Jason came and picked the van up,he had it for several days, so I was panicking, thinking, this is going to be dear, anyway, he phoned me and said it's all done, I will be dropping it back to you, he had given it a full service, charged the battery, had it fully valeted, inside and out, I said how much do I owe you, he said just give me £40, that will be fine. So there are some genuine caring people in this world

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #85 on: July 17, 2017, 08:15:42 PM »
There are indeed Woody,unlike the garage that completely ripped me off initially.I was so upset about that,not just the money but we had used them to years,Keith trusted them,and they wouldn't have got away with it with him,as he started his career as a mechanic.But they fitted an alternator suposedly ours rebored it underpowered everything so they said it was fixed sent it back  the problem didn't go away but they pretty much accused me of imagining it.One of the bongo people had a spare so offered to come over and try the spare.I was immediately obvious that the one they fitted was not ours devoted it was too small.The friend looked at the bill which was for MOT as well and went through everything they had overcharged for.600 Quid's worth.They wouldn't even take the alternator back and refund it,so then I had to buy another one.I still have it kicking around somewhere as a reminder of what gullibility can cost. :whistle: So anyway someone recommended this guy to my daughter and he,s been a star.The garage went out of business a couple of years later.Proof that there is such a thing as Karma.reinforced by the landlady refusing to give my bond back because it was apparently my fault the place was damp,perhaps it was actually damp because she never fixed the heating or came near the place in 8 years.Anyway shortly after I heard the roof blew off.Someone told them but they didn't check for 2 weeks during which it rained a lot.Guess it really was damp then. :rofl:We live and learn.

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #86 on: July 17, 2017, 10:04:33 PM »
Hi Karena, It's a shame you didn't get Trading standards involved, they could have taken them to court and possibly got your money back. Sorry, I know that's easy to say after the event.

Well, tomorrow, I am actually going to make the effort to go out. Not going far though, I have decided, to have Janice's wedding and engagement rings and my wedding ring, made into one ring, I still wear my ring now, I have had to take it off tonight, as I doubt if I could get it off in the morning, as my fingers swell up. feels horrible without it on, only been off when I had to have it altered years ago. I know people have different views about wedding rings, but , when I get it back, it won't come off again.
Dreading the heat tomorrow though, they say could be 30 degrees again, still no rain here. So I am hoping that I manage to get there, it's going to be a milestone and a very sad day

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #87 on: July 18, 2017, 07:21:45 AM »
Hi Karena,
Well, I got up this morning, feeling very unwell, I have not felt like this in ages, feel really sick.
Then it occurred to me why. I asked Janice, yesterday, if she wants me to have the rings made into one ring, I said, if you don't agree and don't want me to do it, then please let me know.

So, I think I got my answer, this morning, Janice kept saying, no don't do it, so I respect what Janice has said. I put my ring back on and nearly immediately, I started to feel better, the sick feeling, is wearing off.

I must admit, I can understand why Janice did not want me to do it, as her rings are quite unique, so to those that, by making them into one ring with mine, looses that originality. So they will stay as they are, I will continue to wear mine as it is

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #88 on: July 18, 2017, 08:14:26 AM »
Could you put her rings on a chain to wear? (I don't know if this is something men usually do or not) 
If you can, perhaps pop out for a little bit anyway. Set a small goal, even if it is to walk around the block.  :hearts: xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #89 on: July 18, 2017, 10:02:37 AM »
Hi Emz,
Good to see you back, hope you are feeling better.
Do you know what, that is really ironic, that you have said that. I was just standing in the kitchen, a minute ago and I thought, I think I will get a chain to put Janice's rings on, I already wear a chain, that I have dog tags on, that I have worn for the last thirty odd years, this is an 18 inch chain, so, if I got a longer chain, they would not get tangled up, so yes, thank you , it's a really good idea.

I am still going to go out today, I had geared myself up to it and already to go, so will give you an update, on how I got on later. xx