Author Topic: My Wife passed 7 months ago  (Read 59148 times)

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Offline Emz2014

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #180 on: August 11, 2017, 04:47:07 PM »
Im feeling a bit flat if I'm honest.  Been having some building works at home, my garage within my garden was falling apart and leaking so made plans to replace it.  Its been nerve wracking but had garage and the broken base removed a couple of weeks ago, and only yesterday the replacement concrete base was laid/finished.  With the new building I am getting the specification has been very clear, it has to match a specfic size.  Have been very clear with builder on the exact size (and very repetitive) insisting the base had to be 2.5m x 5m.  But, when the builder left today we just measured it to double check and it is 5cm wider than it should be.  And the company supplying the new building are very specific that it had to be 2.5m.   So feeling really flat and annoyed now.  Think that rules out my ability to replace the building now  :cray:

Hope your day has been ok xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline WOODY

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #181 on: August 11, 2017, 05:22:15 PM »
Hi Emz,
I am really sorry to hear that. This is without a doubt, the builders problem, to put this right.
You gave him specific measurements, that are absolutely crucial, because of the size of the structure, that's going to go on it.
He will either have to get a large angle grinder cutter, with a blade able to cut through concrete and remove 5cm, from it, or he will have to break that base up and redo it, either way, it's his responsibility to do this.
I assume that you have not paid him for this yet, or if you have paid part, you want the work completed, as per the measurements given to him, before you pay the balance.

This causes a great deal of stress, when things like this go wrong , really not what you need at all.
Is there anyway, that you could get someone from the company, that's supplying the new garage, to come and have a look and see if there is a way round fitting it to that base, at the builders expense, obviously.
I really hope that you can get this resolved, there is no excuse for what he has done. xx

Offline Karena

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Re: My Wife passed 7 months ago
« Reply #182 on: August 11, 2017, 08:15:38 PM »
I was also wondering if they are internal or external dimensions Space for the wall width 2.5 cm each side.But as woody says its down too the builder to put it right,but certainly might be worth giving the other lot a ring to explain the situation.
Seems to be a day for it my loo has develops a fault tonight which involves water flowing into cistern then straight into pan,So the cistern never fills..Have had to wedge the ballcock to stop it running.
And for tonights entertainment off to Google and learn all about toilets.Oh for the days when Friday nights were a few bevvys,disco and fish and chips.Of the three of those I had fish fingers for tea.Two to go then  :rofl:

Your angels are coming along woody.two versions so far,but can't do any more work on hem t until I can get on PC next week.