Author Topic: Need your help!! Very frustrated :(  (Read 4715 times)

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Offline Julia

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Need your help!! Very frustrated :(
« on: April 13, 2017, 09:30:10 PM »
 I'm fuming! I'm so desperate for help and yet I'm the worst person to deal with at the moment, I need someone to just say it's ok.
I have so much anger towards everything today. I live on the apartment on the ground floor. I live the Netherlands, the universe of bicycles... There's a perfect bike parking area 10 meters away from the front door and yet somebody has been parking their bike right outside my windows!! Can they not move it to a parking spot a few steps away????

It pissed me off so much that I've just gone out and hidden the bike behind the tree. The owner of the bike will obviously think it's stolen and it will take a few mins to see it behind the trees, and wow.. Im so happy about this move! 

It is probably really wrong to be happy about hiding someone's bike...  :rofl:

Offline Dave Administrator

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Re: Need your help!! Very frustrated :(
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2017, 12:51:07 AM »
Oh Julia, i think anyone reading this post will have a snigger of what you've done, but hey who could blame you.

I guess if they knocked on your door asking if or why you moved their bike, you could always say, well you put it by my window to gaze at it's beauty I assume, and not use the bike park where I wouldn't keep looking at it. So I put it in the trees where it was much more fetching for me to look at as you obviosly wanted me too.

Dear me I'm bad as bad as you   :whistle:        :rofl:
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 12:52:42 AM by Dave Administrator »
Take care and please keep posting however small or large you can manage, we need them.

Offline missfrier

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Re: Need your help!! Very frustrated :(
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2017, 07:52:04 AM »
big hugs  julie but  ur  post made  me  laugh about  puttign  bike behind  tree  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Julia

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Re: Need your help!! Very frustrated :(
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2017, 05:29:02 PM »
You are just as bad haha  :rofl: I'm glad it's something that made you smile  :hug:

Who knows.. I might have started a massive fight, I'll let you know if i have eggs smashed into my windows or perhaps straight into me!  I'll count on you for more fun ideas  :yahoo:

Offline Karena

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Re: Need your help!! Very frustrated :(
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2017, 07:56:05 PM »
Anger is part of grief but I also laughed at you hiding the bike.There was a time I would have thought disputes over wheely bins were ridiculous but I have new neighbours who think they can do what they like,and to be honest they can,because they're not short of money,but last year I found myself in the middle of wheelie bin wars.Then they built an extension and caused more problems.Twice I found myself stomping around on the moor shaking with rage,they don't live there all the time its a second home so they would do something then leave before I got home from work and not come back for a couple of weeks by which time I would have calmed down.But as there are now 3 vents from their extension coming out over my garden,and as I had to landscape it again after their destruction it seemed like a good time to relocate the compost heap,and install new bins,along that fact I,m going to be so interested in the production of plant food this year it seems only logical that between the bins would be the best place for buckets of nettle and comfrey tea.Both particularly foul smelling. :whistle:

Offline Julia

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Re: Need your help!! Very frustrated :(
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2017, 09:12:11 AM »
Oh Karena, you are a true inspiration  :rofl: your ideas are fabulous! Like you've mentioned in another post, we want to know all the answers and we are nowadays used to have access to information, so yes, I did Google "anger and grieving" and one of the first suggestions was to draw or paint. They must be joking!  Who would go and paint quietly when you can spend some time making your neighbour's life smelly  :yahoo:

Do people not know we are grieving and should only be treated like royalty?  I'm joking of course, however perhaps these tragic life changes can make us especially resilient and capable to deal even with annoying neighbours.

In the meantime the bike is back  :angry:  it's sitting outside my windows again and I can see empty parking spots 5 steps away. Perhaps I should take it as a generous present and keep it safely in the shed in my garden. Or perhaps I should just get a cheap lock and lock the bike in a proper parking spot for its own safety  :whistle:

Offline longedge

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Re: Need your help!! Very frustrated :(
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2017, 02:21:21 PM »
..... nettle and comfrey tea.Both particularly foul smelling.
You could also try composting chicken manure if you know anyone who keeps chickens excellent for the garden when it's had a year to cool off but perhaps just a bit o.t.t. for your purposes  :evil:
I'll never get over losing her and I used to think that eventually
I would learn to live with it - that's not happened yet.

        ~ I'm George by the way ~

Offline Karena

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Re: Need your help!! Very frustrated :(
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2017, 06:52:01 PM »
 :rofl:sadly don't know anyone with chickens,but I did consider having chickens.problem is ,as put by my daughter ,mum what are you going to do if you get a poorly chicken,wring its neck or take it to the vet. Take it to the vet being the answer here ,it might take a lot of eggs to break even on running heating in a chicken coop or crocheting little jackets for them. :rofl:

I had a friend stay for a few months between houses.who left a bike at the front of the house to collect later and that was over a year ago.There are several reasons why I,m not going to ride the bike,shredded tyres no brakes being two of them.So I,ve planted flowers in the saddlebag.Not that I,m suggesting you decorate the offending bike at all. :whistle:

Its a good thing I,m a nice person.this afternoon I was in the garden and I heard said neighbour call for help.Assuming someone in the house would hear and she was just calling to help carry something or open the door I ignored it,but the calls got more frantic, but not overly distressed but clearly no one was helping so I shouted hello can I help you. and she said can you come round please.Got round there and she was hanging out the bathroom window. Turns out they were both doing something in the bathroom and shut the door which doesn't have handles yet but does have the catch fitted.So they were locked in there.lucky for them I had a handle that fit the hole and was able to open it,but just for a split second the lass angelic side of me (yes there is one  :rofl:) wondered how long I could string it out. :whistle:

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Need your help!! Very frustrated :(
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2017, 07:42:57 PM »
I always fancied rehoming some battery hens, have seen people rescue them and they have no feathers initially so sometimes they knit little jumpers. But I have foxes that live next door and a lurcher who wouldn't want to share the garden xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Julia

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Re: Need your help!! Very frustrated :(
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2017, 09:10:36 PM »
Now as I think about it, I might have inherited my mischievous side from my father (I promise we are generally a kind and loving family). My mum and dad have land in the forest where they are slowly building their dream home to retire together - I am so happy for them - and they are very eager to leave a suburban area close to the city where they still have a house built by my grandfather. The house has a lot of sentimental meaning to the whole family, especially my mum, it's become like a symbol of her father who she lost when she was 17. However, sentiments don't protect you from annoying neighbours.

Their neighbour decided to have a little farm - 2 pigs and a few chickens. My mum and dad both have green fingers and they have a stunning garden where they would often drink coffee in the morning and enjoy the fresh morning air. Now all they can smell in their stunning garden is... dung! The beautiful smell of all those roses and tulips I brought them from the Netherlands just get mixed up with a deep smell of dung and ruin their day every day. Those neighbours have also made my parents lives miserable by renovating their house without following all rules and regulations and it resulted in their property being flooded multiple times, not even mentioning the construction noise and ruined vegetable garden.

Back to the forest where they have no neigbours at all (their dream come true). As usual, they were leisurely exploring the forest one of the random days of their beautiful lives, and sadly they found a dead wild boar. They had reported the incident to the forest agency (not sure what is the proper word in English for that) and a few days later there were warning signs placed in the area notifying the of an "African Swine Fever" which is deadly for pigs and boars. My dad had one of those enlightening moments! He stole one of the signs from the forest and brought it to the other house to frighten those offending neighbours. My dad placed the sign nearby their neigbours house and then warned them that it might be safer to move their pigs away. I can only imagine the joy and guilt he felt inside at that moment.

The pigs were moved shortly after, but the chickens still smell  :rofl: and they are still keen to be away from any kind of neighbours.

Sorry for a long story! 

Offline Julia

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Re: Need your help!! Very frustrated :(
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2017, 09:43:03 PM »
Karena, I also had a laugh reading your story with the noughbour stuck in the window!  :rofl: You are clearly a kind person for rescuing them, especially considering the bond you've developed with them last year. I don't want to know what they were doing in the bathroom together, but I hope you didn't get to see anything more discomforting than 3 vents coming out over your garden  :hug:

Offline Karena

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Re: Need your help!! Very frustrated :(
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2017, 07:34:15 PM »
 :rofl: I saw nothing untoward.
Love what your dad did thoughIts the kind of thing Keith would have done.Where we lived before was just a hamlet most people were sheep farmers but next door did bed and breakfast for walkers.basically they walk a long route and a Sherpa service drops their bags at various accommodation providers along the way.So one day the luggage turned up but not the walker. They had instructions to ring and she would go and pick them up from the nearest point too the path but this guy hadn't rung.Eventually he turned up at the house saying he had decided to walk but was surprised at how "rural"the path to the village was.Keith was in the garden so heard this.The lady then asked him what he meant and he complained that there was cow dung on the field path.
Keith told me and came up with an idea.we faked a national park letter head and wrote a notice telling all farmers they had complaints about this and that in future they must either train cows not to poop on the paths in their field,put them in nappies or that extra large poop scopes were available from their head office for a  charge.
He then pinned the notice on the village noticeboard.
It may sound an obvious prank but the National park authority's and residents don't always agree and the authority had some ridiculous planning rule and sometimes tourists complain about rural smells or a tractor spoiling their view plus this guy had already complained about cow poo and everyone knew that so it wasn't entirely unbelievable,and so outrage ensued,and when it was brought up at the parish meeting as an issue for the press, he had to confess to the fakery.Luckily it was taken with merriment.

Offline Julia

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Re: Need your help!! Very frustrated :(
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2017, 07:14:42 PM »
 :rofl: I am going to tell this story to my dad next time I talk to him! Sounds like Keith was a fun and creative man! He must have left a lot of great stories that must not be forgotten, I am glad that some of them are still successfully travelling around the world as we share them in this forum. His character is still spread laughter and happiness through your strong and kind personality, Karena  :hug: