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Time To Say Goodbye

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Hello my friends,  this is something I've been thinking about for a little while, and I'm sorry if my comments don't go down well with everyone, as this forum gives much comfort to many users and may it continue doing so.
This forum is unique in providing much support to people who are grieving, including myself, and I am truly grateful for the assurance and comfort comments you have all given me since I joined. I will be in your debt forever.

However,  I have been questioning for a little while, whether long term use of this forum is beneficial to me or not,   as I feel one can get drawn in to it, so it almost becomes an addiction, or maybe I should say a crutch to help us through the bad times may be more appropriate,  as I can certainly say it helped me.  I am now finding that posting/reading on here can also occasionally trigger swings of depression, as I keep reminding myself what happened to my wife, and I suppose reliving that sad time over and over again, and of course reading other people's tragic experiences can be upsetting too sometimes.
I would like to sincerely thank this forum and indeed all of you, for your kind considerate help and comments, because it has helped me a lot, as it does a lot of other people who are grieving.   We all deal with grief in different ways and AIS this forum has been a blessing especially those first 2 or 3 months,  but like some medications, long term use it can also become addictive and occasionally IME dare I say it, also depressing depending on ones state of mind at the time, as it can trigger emotions, there's no doubt about that.

So,  I have decided, in order for me personally to move forwards,  will be my last week using the forum.
I wish everyone on here my best wishes, and hope in some way the pain we all share will eventually subside to a point it becomes tolerable, one things for sure, I doubt any of us who have lost their wife or husband will really ever be the same again, we can only try.
God Bless You All,  and remember..................A DAY AT A TIME.

My best wishes to you all.........Brian

No one can stop the birds of grief from flying over your head
but you can stop them nesting in your hair.

Brian.  I wish you well.  We will be here anytime you would like to return.  Even if it's only to let us know how your getting on.  Please take care of yourself. Penny x

Brian I understand what you mean I disappeared from the old forum for a while for the same reasons but found I was much better able to cope when I came back.,so never feel that you can't do so if you chose too later.

Mutual help forums can be a bit of a double edged sword for the very reasons you mentioned. It's a fine line between comfort and trigger and it's hard call to make so I respect your decision.

I'd like to thank you Brian for your words of comfort to myself and others and wish you all the best for the future.

I to respect your feelings Brian and would like to wish you well. But the forum door never closes  hun. Xx



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