Author Topic: Lost my husband 8th August 2016  (Read 7649 times)

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Offline Millie

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Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« on: August 19, 2016, 01:30:06 PM »
My dear husband of 28 years passed away monday afternoon 8th August. He left home in the morning as normal heading to work. He texted me to say Hi which is what I ask him to do so then I know he has reached work and he is alright. But he didn't make it to work.

He suffered with multiple sclerosis for 38 years. A post mortem has been carried out but the cause of death has not been found and so tissue samples, urine samples etc have been taken for further analysis.

He was parked up on a layby not far from our home and found dead by the police. He left home at 7.50am. Work contacted me at 9.30am to say he had not arrived. I then  notified the police and myself and my neighbour retraced his route but there was no sign of him.

My other neighbour decided to have a drive around to see if he could find him. The police found him at 2.30pm but he had been dead for an hour. My neighbour said he passed the layby at 12.30pm and his car was not in the layby.

We loved each other dearly and I saw no signs that he was suffering or had visited a low place. He was a loving and honorable man and I will miss him dearly.

My brother has visited a couple of times to help with notifications to council offices etc. My sister has also visited but she lives 250 miles away.

I don't know how I am managing to remember to breath in and out. I've been sat by myself for the last three days even though my sister and brother do ring. My husband's sister also keeps in contact.

It is pouring down with rain as I look through my window. It's going to be a long time before I find out what happened as there is going to be an inquest. He was only 54. We didn't have friends, just good neighbours. We spent all our time together.

How does one carry on? My heart is broken.

Offline Norma

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2016, 04:39:15 PM »
Sending you a welcome hug Millie, 


My heart went out to you whilst reading your post, you must be in tumoil the not knowing, please talk to us on here im sure it will help xxx
Its been a rough week but i made it. How about you 💐

Offline Julie Magson

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2016, 07:13:47 PM »
Oh Millie- so sorry for such a traumatic loss. I'm glad you've found us on here, it's really helped me since I lost my hubby in May. At this moment in time you carry on by simply breathing, we are all in the same place and we all completely understand whatever you are saying however few or lengthy the words- it does help to write it all down. I hope we can help you on your journey, please keep posting and know that you are safe here  :hearts:

Offline Brian71

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2016, 08:58:42 PM »
I am so sorry to hear of your devastating loss Millie,  when something like this happens we tend to go into denial to some extent, still trying to grasp the reality of what's happened,  knowing we will never see their smiling face or share their love ever again.  I lost my wife Ann in April after almost 49yrs of marriage,  time helps,  but even after 4 months I get frequent moments usually when one starts to remember what we had together, and of course you get choked up and the tears start to flow, as indeed is happening to me a little as I type this.

You are among friends here Millie,  we have all lost someone very close to us, and sometimes talking about it does help, and a good crying session is completely normal,  few people fully understand how you are really feeling,  but we genuinely do.
Obviously this is very raw for you at the moment especially with whats going on,  take it one day at a time Millie, it's not easy I know.   Like you, my wife and I had no friends other than a couple of neighbours, we had each other,   my 2 sons have not phoned for 2 months,  thankfully however my daughter rings almost every day, she used to phone my wife a lot so I suppose I've replaced her mum on the phone,  though in reality I'm sure she would rather be talking to her mum.

Our thoughts are with you Millie,  I wish there was some magic words which would ease what your feeling right now but sadly there isn't, other than to tell you,  we do know, and you are not alone.

We all need a hug occasionally, especially so...where you are at the moment...    :hug:

Best wishes....  Brian
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 09:14:50 PM by Brian71 »

Offline Karena

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2016, 09:04:14 PM »
What an awful shock that must have been.the only way to carry on is one tiny little step at a time.I lost my husband five years ago so i am further along this journey but i remember only too well that shock and despair .
I,m glad you have people around you,don't be afraid to ask for help and accept any that is offered.meanwhile as the others have said,we will be here for you.There is a live chat room usually most busy in the evenings,and of course just making posts like you already did,there will always be replies and even just writing things down helps. :hug:

Offline angela33

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2016, 10:27:25 PM »
Oh Millie my heart went out to you when I read your post and I recognised your feeling of devastation. There is so much to cope with and everything (even breathing in and out) seems almost impossible to do but somehow we do and we get through the days, hours, minutes by taking the smallest steps imaginable. It sometimes just seems too much to bear but there are thousands and thousands of us who are coping (or trying to cope) with the loss of someone we loved. It is a club none of us want to be members of but somehow being able to reach out to others who know this awful place really does help. I lost my husband of 34 years on 2nd December last year and feel so lost and lonely a lot of the time, but find this support group a safe place to come to to share my feelings and read the stories of others who are walking this rocky road. I send you my love and wish that you find support here and from your friends. You will find your way through even though that might seem impossible just now.

Offline Hubby

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2016, 10:41:44 PM »
Welcome to the forum Millie. So sorry to hear of your loss.

There isn't much I can add that hasn't already been expressed by the others who have replied. I lost my wife five months ago today and I can still remember the numbness and disbelief of the early days.

Take care


Offline Emz2014

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2016, 08:25:53 AM »
Sending a welcome hug  :hug: xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Millie

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2016, 11:05:33 AM »
Dear all,

I am just so overwhelmed by all of your responses, thank you all so very, very much.

I woke up this morning to another day of loneliness. I wasn't going to bother getting up but I have two cats to feed and three hens that needed letting out of their coup so they can roam freely in the back garden.

Well, it's not such a back garden anymore, it's more like a farmyard. They've eaten all my plants and grass.

I spoke to my husband this morning. I told him how devastated I felt and that I couldn't see a future for me without him being a part of it.

The only consolation I have is that he will not be suffering with any more pain.

They haven't even released his body to the funeral parlour yet.  I'm having him dressed in his favourite jeans and chequered blue shirt.

I've ordered  a white coffin because when I think about our dear Lord and heaven, I imagine it to be light, bright, blue sky and white, not dark and miserable.

His favourite flowers are sweet williams and they will be on top of his coffin intermingled with white roses.

I am so very sad for all of your losses. As has been already said, nobody wants to become a member of a bereavement forum because nobody wants to have that tragedy in their lives and yet we are so very thankful, should we experience the loss of a loved one, that they are available for us to speak with others who are also suffering.

Thank you all again for taking the time to speak with me.


Offline Karena

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2016, 09:07:49 PM »
I found the dog was my only reason to get up,sadly he died too this year but I will always be grateful he got me through such bad times.I also used to talk to my husband in the garden,still do sometimes.
I had to move house and so set about revamping this garden that hadn't been touched for years.First thing I did was dig a pond,he used to laugh about my pond digging,at the old house I told him I was going to dig one,but didn't mention how big, he came outside looking for me and found me at the bottom of a 10 foot round crater.This one is slightly smaller, but the physical digging helped and as he loved the old one (once the shock wore off) I planted it up the same,I had brought his waterlilly with me, and so it became like a memorial garden which grows a little bit bigger every year.

I wanted chickens,but my daughters reminded me how soppy I am and how much it might cost to take a chicken to a vet.they have a point.

I don't imagine heaven to be a dark and gloomy place,I asked everyone to wear bright colours,and designed t shirts with a picture of our campervan,an owl and a dolphin with a sunset background.That's what our lives were about,the coffin bearers and me wore them.There were going to be a few young children there, and i didnt want them to have a last memory of sadness so after the service we gave everyone a daffodil to float down the river, children and water created some laughter,and they took the idea of sending him gifts down the river and ran with it,daffodils on the anniversary,but they've sent grass,letters,paper ships fircones and once a docked lambstail they found in the field.
The youngest grandchildren who went even born then have been instructed by the eldest ones ,so they do it too.

Offline Hubby

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2016, 01:12:08 AM »
It's so easy to stay in bed and try to sleep through the grief. I spent half of today in bed then the rest of the day feeling guilty because I had hardly done anything. I believe I'm only fooling myself though because all the tears I don't cry when I'm sleeping only come out later on. It seems there is no way of fooling grief and every last bit of it must be suffered

Wishing you strength

Offline Millie

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2016, 12:31:45 PM »

My two cats are brothers and are 10 years old. Peaches is the bigger of the two and sits in the garden room all day sleeping. Pebbles tends to follow me around. He has his own little comfort blanket (my old jumper) that he likes to sleep on. I talk to him often and he responds. My husband couldn't believe that I could actually have a conversation with a cat, but it really did seem as if he was actually talking to me because he made so many different sounds. If I walk up to him and call him my 'icle ootie cutie' (little cutie) he rolls on his back.

I had a little garden pond at one time but over the years the fish died and it got filled in and we planted a cherry tree.

You are right about the chickens they really can be expensive to keep. We had one that prolapsed and so we took her to the vet but there was nothing he could do and so we had her cremated and that was £75 four years ago. But we all have a duty of care with whatever pets we have.|If we own animals we must make sure they are well looked after.

You painted a wonderful picture of the funeral and a lovely way for your whole family to remember, especially with the gifts from the little ones.


Yes I think if I sleep it will stop all of the painful emotions that I'm experiencing but I guess I'm just kidding myself because it won't ease or take them away, they'll still be there when I wake up, waiting to churn my stomach and stab my heart.

Thanks again


Offline Karena

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2016, 08:24:19 PM »
 :hug:to both of you.I think if you feel like staying in bed that's fine because although as you say everything's as bad when you wake up,while you're asleep you're getting the rest you need and your brain is processing what's happened which it also needs to do.
Millie your cats sound lovely.we never had fish in the pond just frogs,and last weekend I actually had a chat with one of them.It has taken up residency under a rock,and I disturbed it,I was in the pond fixing the fountain when it popped up eyeball to eyeball.We had a chat and I built it some winter quarters llined with mud and leaves.
I do have an indoor fish,He was being accused of eating small fish in his former home and under threat of a trip to Blackpool,so the daughter begged me to take him,bought a little tank brought him home,not knowing that this isn't like other fish,this grows to 10 inches and can live for 12 years.He,s 7 now and living in the very expensive huge aquarium I had to buy.I talk to him as well,

Offline Hubby

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2016, 09:33:53 PM »
I think the emotions will always be there Millie. It does get easier to cope. Even for me at only five months down the line there can be bearable days without too much upset. Sometimes even small periods of almost 'normality'.

I would love to have chickens. My wife's uncle had some years ago. He only lived three doors away from us. Unfortunately we live in the middle of an urban area and one family took to complaining to the council about the 'noise' of the cockerel and worries about 'attracting rats'. The council sent a letter with conditions that would be impossible to meet so he had to give them away. He kept geese before that and they were noisy but, for some reason, nobody ever complained about them!

Offline Millie

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Re: Lost my husband 8th August 2016
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2016, 06:50:27 PM »

We too had an indoor fish tank, our goldfish grew to about 6 inches. We introduced baby goldfish but they kept pecking at the older ones and sadly it caused, can't remember exactly what you called it, but it was like a furry fungus that took hold of them. Even though we introduced fish medicine they all died. That was the end for me. No more fish, that too broke my heart.

Hubby, we never had a cockeral, they are too noisy. The only thing you need a cockeral for his to fertilise the eggs and so baby chicks would be born. If you just want the hens as pets, they still produce the egg that is tasty. The eggs that you buy from the supermarkets, by the way, aren't fertilised.

Thanks once again for being here. Still awaiting release of my husband's body :-(