Author Topic: THANKS  (Read 3465 times)

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Offline Jill

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« on: December 15, 2020, 09:45:37 PM »
  I have been reading some of my old posts and the replies.  I just want to thank everyone who has replied to my posts.  You all have really helped me get through this.  I will always always miss my husband, every day, but I am not as desperately unhappy as I was back then.  I still cry sometimes though but not all day anymore.  The support I have received here, I really appreciate very much and again thank you.  Jill x

Offline Karena

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« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2020, 09:37:38 AM »
Thankyou Jill. :hug:
I am glad you are managing a bit better i am sure being back in the UK around familly and friends will have made a difference -it is a roller coaster journey and of course there will be times you cry and probably will be for a long time to come but thats ok -  i imagine we all do - well i do anyway.

I have been watching strictly and cheering on Bill Bailey i have always liked his personality and humour- then only this morning caught sight of an older photo of Keith and realised how much like Bill keith was in looks too at the time it was taken - which brought a few tears - but they are shed for shorter times and less frequently now and today were quickly replaced with smiles  as i remembered that same slightly whacky sense of humour and fun and how he would have loved the theatre of that phantom costume.- Thing is we never watched strictly when he was alive - i never watched it much after he died either until this year - so  its also a timely reminder of better things in a year that has been dire :hug:

Offline Jill

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« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2020, 12:15:17 PM »
Hello Karena,  I know what you mean about Bill Bailey, he is a cheerful character.  Maybe I will have a look at Strictly in the future I've never really watched it either and it might be fun.  There are a lot of reminders of our loved ones, we will certainly never forget them, that's for sure.  I am very glad to be back with my relatives and friends, although I can't visit people at the moment but there is light at the end of the tunnel now, thank goodness.  There are some beautiful walks by the sea where I live now and I really like that.  I was always too nervous to walk alone in the country.  I am scared of large animals, apart from anything else!  Especially bulls! Jill

Offline Karena

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« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2020, 10:53:58 AM »
 :rofl:The only large animal here are cows but to be fair you have to be wary of them when they have calves with them - especially if you have a dog with you i think they are potentially more dangerous than bulls -i did once catch a bull and walk it back to the farm - it was reaping havoc in a campsite down the road -
But when i say havoc it wasnt actually doing anything just ambling slowly along -  the people were doing the panicking - and when i say caught it i just walked up too it put a rope through its ring  turned it round then lead it back to the farm and once turned it was perfectly happy to amble back again. 

 I would love a walk by the sea though i missed my trip to wales this year so haven't had my fix.There is something very soothing about the sea -i remember saying when we first went there you wouldn't get bored of looking at it here and we didnt - we spent hours sitting on the harbour wall in all weathers - because it constantly changes even when its flat the shadows from the clouds chase each other over it - then there's the awesome power of a storm or the excitement of a dolphin fin appearing - i even miss the seagulls (actually i like seagulls) oh well fingers crossed i can go next year.

Offline Emz2014

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« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2020, 10:32:30 AM »
 :hug:  :hearts:
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Jill

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« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2020, 06:33:03 PM »
Hi Karena,  I am with the campers - a tent offers no protection from a bull, scary.  You were brave!   I do hope you can get to see your dolphins soon and the lovely sea. Jill

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« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2020, 06:36:06 PM »
And for you Emz    :hearts:    Jill

Offline Karena

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« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2020, 10:11:10 AM »
 :hug: To be fair with tents i might have been a bit  worried if i was camping there - but i was  all caravans in that section   - although i guess a big shove might have rolled them if they  were on the slope  i dont think any bull would have had the power to do that - now elephants on the other hand i wouldn't have taken a chance with them - and if you ever get chased by a hippo you might  get away if you run up hill - - this of course depends on there being one available close by at the time  because their short little legs can move their roly poly bodies surprisingly fast  but not up hill - or so i have been told - i wouldn't want to put that to the test though. :rofl: 

Offline Sandra61

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« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2020, 10:37:56 AM »
So glad things are at last getting better for you Jill! I think Christmas brings a few tears for all of us who have lost someone even in a good year. This one has been a particularly hard one, so I am pinning my hopes on the vaccines enabling us to have a better 2021.

I know exactly what you mean about walking by the sea. I managed a couple of trips to Margate during 2020 and I have to say, my walks along the seafront at Westbrook, Westgate and Cliftonville were the highlights of my year and my best memories of 2020. Those are the times I remember being happiest this year. I made a couple of calls to friends whilst sitting on the prom - a double pleasure, chatting to friends whilst looking at the waves and the beach - my idea of heaven! And yes, Karena, I like seagulls too!

And what can I say about Strictly? Well that got me through the Autumn, when I couldn't get to the seaside and one of my dancing friends and I kept up a running commentary through each show by text, so that became a social event as well. It was so much fun, just to watch, a complete escape from our grim reality this year, though I will be much happier when I can finally get back to doing it myself, as will all my dancing friends, I'm sure! Dancing yourself if far better than just watching! As many who have read my posts on here probably know, I cannot recommend it highly enough for helping you in every way and it certainly helped me get come through this ghastly grieving process in one piece and still does. As Bill demonstrated, you are never too old to start!

So here we all are on Christmas Day, hopefully still well and making it from day to day. Jill, keep going. I am sure it has helped you to get back to the UK and have friends and family nearby. We are all still here for you too whenever you need us and, rampaging bulls notwithstanding, if this year has shown us all one thing, it's that even in the worst of times, we can get through anything if we try hard enough and however dark the times, there is still some joy and pleasure to be found and that can help us get through and always strength to be found in nature. Happy 2021 to us all!

Offline Jill

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« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2020, 11:59:06 PM »
Thanks for your reply Sandra.  It's good that dancing and watching Strictly has helped you get through it all.  It has certainly helped me getting home and being with people who really care, it means a lot.  It is one year and five months since I lost my wonderful husband  and I am getting 'stronger' most of the time but I must admit I have found Christmas particularly difficult, as no doubt many other people have
.  I read other peoples letters and the replies on here and that helps me also.  What I find is there are just so many reminders and it just makes me miss him, films we watched together, plants he loved, songs he played a lot.  But I am taking each day as it comes and counting the blessings I do have.  Jill