Author Topic: So lonely  (Read 2178 times)

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Offline Emma16993

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So lonely
« on: December 23, 2020, 06:33:49 PM »
Do you ever feel like you are so so very lonely, however surrounded by people who care about you?
I don’t know if it’s because it’s the first Christmas without mum or just a wee pity party I’m having.
I’m working right up until Christmas and am run off my feet all day, however I come home and I feel I have nobody.
Life is rubbish sometimes but it’s the world testing us because it knows we can get through anything.
Love and hugs
We are stronger together

Offline Sandra61

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Re: So lonely
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2020, 09:52:27 AM »
Hello Emma,

That first Christmas without your mum is very hard. I lost my mum in 2017 and Christmases haven't really been the same since. This year is particularly hard for everyone. That first Christmas without mum, I set up a tree to try to cheer myself up, but found it a comfort in the end, as I could sit in the evening with just the tree lights on and remember her and being with her in years gone by. Sad, yes, but also felt so thankful to have had those years. Missing her always, as I am sure you will be missing your mum too. Sadly times change and move on, but our memories are ours forever.

Loneliness is a quality of grief. You are right. No matter how many people are around, you still feel lonely, because that person you miss is not there and you know they won't be again. So yes, feeling lonely is normal and it's not exactly loneliness, it's missing that one person whose place no one else can ever fill. Treasure the happy times you had with them and try to learn to live with the person losing them has made of you. Your memories of them give you strength and help you when you need it. You will always be able to hear what they would have advised if they had been here to ask and you carry them in your heart with you always, so they will never really leave you.

It's a difficult change to get accustomed to, but I am sure those we love are still with us in spirit. Sending you an understanding hug.  :hug: