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Offline cardiffgirl80

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Hello - First Post
« on: August 13, 2020, 04:45:35 PM »
Hello, my name is Becky and this is my first post. Sadly on May 15th my wonderful Mum died after a fall at home, broken hip (4 breaks) and water infections. Sadly she died from Covid19 and early stage dementia. She was only 71. Her death has knocked us all. Before the fall, she was ready for lockdown and was fit. I am feeling so lost, I still can't believe she's gone and I feel like it wasn't her time. I was informed by the doctor I had to talk about it and start to slowly move on from this huge loss.

Offline Sandra61

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Re: Hello - First Post
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2020, 07:35:11 PM »
Oh Becky, I'm so sorry. There is no one like your mum and it is a huge blow to lose your mum at any age, but must have been very hard to lose her in such a sad and upsetting way and so unexpectedly. Sending you a welcome hug.  :hug: The doctor gave you good advice. It does help to talk and this is a good place to do some of that, as everyone here will have lost someone and will know only too well what you are going through. I found my way here after I lost my own mum in 2017 and can tell you that, despite the awfulness of it all, it does slowly get better. It is a very hard thing to go through, the hardest thing I have ever done and it takes a long time for it to get any better. I found the first couple of years very hard, but you just have to find little things that help, any little thing. For me it helped to walk in the park and have flowers around at home. The park was a calming place to sit and think and try to come to terms with all that had happened and flowers lifted my spirits a little and reminded me that, although I felt my world had collapsed, there are still good things in it. It also helped me to keep a diary and write down each day how I was feeling and what I was thinking and to write a one-off account of what had happened and how I had felt about it all very honestly. That somehow helped me feel that, although I couldn't change anything, I had, to some extent, got if off my chest a bit. If you find little things to turn to when you are feeling low, that will help a little and help you find your way through this terrible time. If it helps to talk to us here, please feel free to say whatever you feel. No one will judge and we will all understand. We are here for as long as you need us. You are not alone. Bless you.  :hearts:

Offline cardiffgirl80

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Re: Hello - First Post
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2020, 05:40:30 PM »
Hello Sandra,
I find myself angry or so upset I am in tears for ages. She was just too lovely to die the way she did. I feel I should write all my feelings down, let it out. I know she's free of pain and in a better place, back with her parents and friends. I have seen many butterflies, robins and white feathers and that's a sign from her to me (I feel it is)

I've been given some time off work now which means I can look after myself, Dad and our two cats (Poppy and Daisy) who are a joy and such a handful.

I just wish I could see my Brother (He lives in London) he came down for her funeral and we hugged (I know it's banned but hugs were needed) we facetime a few times a week and my Nephew keeps us smiling and laughing. He is missing his Nanna. He's only 3.

Life has changed so much and feels darker now. I have to carry on and grieve, she would tell me to keep going forward and never look back.

I am so glad I found this website and I know I can talk about the loss on here with people who have or going through it too

Offline Sandra61

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Re: Hello - First Post
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2020, 12:27:09 AM »
Sadly, feeling as you describe is a perfectly normal response.  :hug:  I am glad you have seen so many friendly signs already and you will need time to adjust to this unwanted new normal.

Do write down how you feel if you can. I am sure it will help a bit.

It is good that you have other family around you and pets always help too. I hope you find some comfort from our lovely members. Just take things one day at a time for now and look after yourself and your dad.

Thinking of you and sending strength.  :hearts: