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Re: Loss of my partner.
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2020, 09:37:32 AM »
Thank you so much for you kind words. Laura passed unexpectedly after a short illness so I had no note or such like (If she knew, I'd have received a novel! (She was a teacher) but every morning I can hear her say "C'mon baby, you can do this" We said it to each other all the time. The mornings are the worst. 30 seconds of bliss while the memories load up again and bam! Also when I wake, although I can never get back to sleep, it's only when I come out of our bedroom (mostly) that the tears start flowing again and for the rest of the morning. I'm guessing less visual stimulation until I come down. Weird.
I also want to go and see her again at the funeral directors as I didn't touch her when I said goodbye in the Hospital. My Daughter went nuts at the thought. I so regret not touching here before we left (We ran from ICU screaming) after she passed. Would it be wrong to go and see my wife anyway without my Daughter knowing? I know she has her process but this is mine. I never knew why but when I ever experienced death first hand I instinctively touched the forehead, look into the eyes then say goodbye. My wife always found it strange, saying "They're not there my love. But do whatever you need to baby" She had a degree in Psychology so we had some interesting talks about this over the years. Aside from all the obvious horror we are living right now, Laura earned over double my wage (Such a legend that girl!) and so I've HAD to keep it together to some extent so I can TRY and sort this mess out and its not looking good.
Laura's death was so sudden and unexpected (she was on the mend), I think I'm still in shock. Added to that the pressure of trying to filter my emotional outpourings to my daughter as she found it hard. Its too much...

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Re: Loss of my partner.
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2020, 10:34:53 AM »
If I can give one tip, from experience, don’t make contact if you go and see her, remember they have been in the fridge, and the muscles also harden, unfortunately I did and regret it.

So sorry you are in the horrible mess that so many of us find ourselves in, the first few months are definitely the worst, I found that once the funeral was over and everything had been sorted that was the worst as there was nothing to do for my wife anymore.

It certainly doesn’t get much easier to bear as time passes I’ve found, but unlike you I am truly alone, and the loneliness just kills me slowly, but I try and keep in touch with the few friends I’ve got. Knowing others are suffering like you, although doesn’t make it easier to bear, makes it slightly easier to understand I find.

Wish you all the best on this horrid journey

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Re: Loss of my partner.
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2020, 11:09:14 AM »
I think that you need to do whatever you think would be right for YOU, And though we need to support our children, we also need time to feel our own grief! Although my partner was ill for a couple of years, we were told that his treatment was working, we were given the news that he wasn’t expected to make it on our daughters Birthday!
My youngest daughter was very close to her Dad and she has found it really hard, but is now talking to a friend who has recently lost her Dad.
Yes the mornings are hard at the beginning when you have that brief window of time when you feel okay but then everything comes flooding in. I could sit here and tell you that it will get easier, but I also know that when I was at the point that you’re at, if someone had made that statement to me, I definitely would have said there was no way!
I tend to think of it as something we move through, and there are times when things slide, but I now look back on where I was emotionally at the beginning and where I am now, and though I wouldn’t say I’m there yet, I’m definitely coping better than I was!
I now reflect more on the fact that I will be eternally thankful that my partner and I found one another, and had two beautiful children! It would’ve been nice to have had longer, but it wasn’t to be?!
I also lost my breadwinner, and the practical side of sorting everything out, though daunting, you work it all out eventually.
Be kind to yourself, cry when you need too! Allow your children to feel their emotions. I think the one big mistake I made when my Mum passed was hiding my emotions from my girls, so now we cry together and I tell them how much I miss him, and we share it! It’s early days for you, take things a day at a time!

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Re: Loss of my partner.
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2020, 11:42:19 AM »
 Thank you both for your kind words.
Laura went into hospital on my daughters birthday. Valentines day 3 days after she passed. Romantic trip to Budapest booked for 6 days after she passed. This was an attempt for us to get over both of us losing our mum 6 months earlier. I should mention that both by children are step-children, so this adds another element to the whole thing. I have been their Step-Dad for 13 years and both told me after Laura passed that I am truly their Father. I never saw them as anything other than my children, but to hear it at such a time... Heartbreaking.
Obviously they will feel alone like we all do when this happens and with Laura's family all estranged and my lot a bunch of idiots, it must be worse for them.
My son is about to take is final GCSE's too. My daughter is 23 and comes home weekends as she has to work.
I have to say, now I'm getting replies, sitting here typing back is stopping me crying at least so thank you for that. Did I mention?... I hate mornings.
Funeral is in 12 days and we started putting together our eulogies today. Cant do much else on a Sunday other than house work and having been a house husband for several years and always worshiping Laura as my Goddess, EVERY... SINGLE... THING I did in the home, I did with her in mind. No exaggeration either. Washing up, just for one, Laura couldn't wash up due to Excema, so I'd always scrub scrub thinking happy thoughts about her while she was either at work or just at home chilling. Every other housework job, it's the same. I used to take such pride in making the home nice for her and seeing her face when she came home from work and the place is lovely... Mowing the garden... "I Love watching you cut the grass" as she sipped a Long Island Ice Tea in her shades in the summer.
God I miss her so much...

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Re: Loss of my partner.
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2020, 11:47:02 AM »
 As for going back and seeing Laura, I think you might be right. I thought it just might be nicer for the last time I saw her to be at the funeral home rather than ICU with all the machines that were keeping her alive deafeningly silent. She died of Anaphalaxia so it didn't look like her at all when I saw her after she passed and the swelling would not have gone down either. I'm just desperate to see/touch her one more time.

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Re: Loss of my partner.
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2020, 01:42:47 PM »
I wish with all my heart that I had the chance to see my friend/ex after he died, but it was too late and they wouldn't let me see him. I think it would have helped me, because sometimes I think that he's not really dead, even though I went to the funeral, sometimes I think I'm going to see him somewhere. I saw my mum after she died and I don't regret it, I touched her hand, it was as cold as ice, but she looked just like my mum. I wish I could have seen David so much. I cry so much, it's been 4 months and I still feel so much pain every day, I don't think the regret of what might, (should) have been will ever leave me, sometimes it's too much to bear, I don't even have anyone to talk to about him, he didn't have any family or friends and all his things were thrown away, I just have some letters which I cherish. So I would say go and see your loved one, a chance to say you love them, I wish I had had that chance.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2020, 01:48:17 PM by Knightingale »
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Re: Loss of my partner.
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2020, 10:18:09 PM »
I'm having second thoughts anyway. Its been 3 weeks and I have no idea what the coroner did during the post mortem. The hospital don't even know what the original bug(behaved like a cold) was. Nor could they prove what medication might have caused the fatal anaphylactic reaction. She was tested for meningitis in ICU so who knows what tests the coroner will have done. She would not look like herself anyway as the allergic swelling doesn't go down after death.I think it comes down to the fact I'll forever want to see/touch her one more time.
They are getting me a nice large lock of hair though. Something...
I have found some stuff that really broke my heart. I found a velvet bag with a rose quartz heart in it hidden in a box. Wrapped around it was a lock of my long (ago) hair... A love spell. We used to be practicing Pagans.I keep finding hidden things of hers like this showing me how much she loved me. It's beautiful and just confirms everything I thought she felt about us, but it makes the pain so much worse.
I always told anyone who would listen I was the luckiest man on earth and I always will be.