Author Topic: Feeling broken  (Read 1545 times)

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Offline Nickyb

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Feeling broken
« on: December 17, 2019, 06:06:47 AM »
I have started to really struggle over the last couple of days over the loss of my mother in October and feel completely lost and broken. I really don't understand why this feeling as hit so hard and suddenly as I have been coping really well up till now. I am lost, cannot stop crying and am unable to see how life getting any better xx

Offline Sandra61

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Re: Feeling broken
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2019, 11:51:10 AM »
Hi Nicky,  :hug:

I am not surprised at all. I sent you a longer response to your other post so please look at that, but what you are describing is very common after any loss, let alone the loss of your mum, which is one of the worst losses you will ever have to deal with, so it is not surprising you are finding this so painful.

You can only take it one day at a time and be patient and kind to yourself as you work your way to a place where you can accept and live with what has happened and that takes a long time, weeks or even months are rarely enough. It takes several years to begin to find you feel better and will sadly always have good and bad days and weeks. People describe grief as a roller-coaster ride because you experience so many ups and downs and they spring up on you so unexpectedly.

You will get through this, because you must. There is no going back, but it will take time, Nicky and probably much longer that you expect. Some people find grief counselling can help. Your GP can refer you for this. Others find it helps to go to a grief support group if there is one nearby. Others find ways to help themselves, as I did, with building a new life in my new reality and using little strategies to help myself feel better, as I describe in my other post. I also found it helped to get out of the house and take up a new activity. I also made some new friends there who have been very supportive. You just have to find out what helps you best and use those things to help you cope and find your way through this. Mainly, you have to be patient and kind to yourself. One day at a time, Nicky.

Thinking of you.  :hug: