Author Topic: Does it ever feel ok...  (Read 2220 times)

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Offline Scrappy

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Does it ever feel ok...
« on: October 14, 2019, 10:56:51 PM »
I lost my mum just before Christmas in Dec 2018, it was a day after my birthday unexpectedly. I hugged her goodnight and then I never saw her alive again.  Although she was unwell she was still everything a mother should be and my best friend.  My world has been grey since then, and no matter how much I *fake* each day I'm still paralysed in that moment I lost her. I cannot reconcile her leaving or the massive void she left behind. How does someone go from being a part of your every day, to nothing in an instant.  I try and write down the feelings and I guess it helps me in that moment. I'm useless at talking out my "feelings". My whole life has changed and I have no idea what I'm doing so I just spend all my time at work burying my head in a job i get no joy from.  I can't bring myself to do any of the things that brought me joy, I can't bring myself to want it.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 11:03:04 PM by Scrappy »

Offline Sarah83

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Re: Does it ever feel ok...
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2019, 08:55:27 PM »
I don’t have any words of advice I’m afraid. I lost my dad in April 2018 and I too struggle to live in this world without him. Going from seeing someone all the time to never again is a concept I’ve yet to come to terms with. I have my little girl which at the moment is all I live for in the hope one day I’ll feel better about everything. Someone the other day told me to make a negative sandwich. Every time I have a negative image or thought I must sandwich it between two positive ones. I’ve been giving it a go and it has made me smile a few times, will keep doing it. Worth a try.

Offline GHOST

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Re: Does it ever feel ok...
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2019, 11:17:57 PM »
« Last Edit: November 15, 2022, 04:14:08 PM by GHOST »

Offline Karena

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Re: Does it ever feel ok...
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2019, 11:20:37 AM »
 :hug: They dont go from being here every day to being nothing - because what ever your beliefs about after life etc including if you belive there isnt one  they remain a part of you -they developed the person you are. your mum shares your genes,but it isnt just physical, she is in your heart and mind all the time, and at the moment in a way which brings you nothing but pain because physically she has gone.
In time you will start to replace that trauma with the best side of her.The moment we leave is just a moment in our lives and our lives are much more than just a moment. The things she said and did, some funny,some loving, some annoying at the time but which you can smile over later, the phrases she used that irked you when you were a teenager which you thought you would never say, you will, and if you have children or even be part of the lives of other people children. you will pass all of that on to the next generation, even when you dont realise you are doing it.
You will still seek of all her wisdom, you know what she would have said and thought,about a situation you find yourself in or decision you have to make, and i know its really painful right now and some times over the years it is more painful than others. I found myself crying over a xmas carol 14 years after my mum had died because it was a rarely heard one and i remember her trying to learn to play it for a school nativity play (she was a teacher) but when i finally stopped crying i went downstairs and learned it myself she is still teaching me just in a different way to when she was here. She isnt and never will be nothing the bond between us is still strong it has just taken a different direction i cant see her or touch her but she is always there.