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Offline Sandra61

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Re: Hello
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2019, 09:22:09 AM »
Well done with the seeds, Caroline! I think all you can do is try to enjoy whatever you can in each day. The storms will come along anyway and usually out of the blue, so you have to make the most of the calm and good days. Keep going, Caroline. You are doing really well. :hug: :hug:

Offline Karena

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Re: Hello
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2019, 10:55:37 AM »
I have been wondering about keeping a rabbit - there is one up for adoption from the animal rescue place - but i know absolutely nothing about rabbits and this one says he would make a good house rabbit which worried me slighlty as  i have other peoples dogs who come for their holidays sometimes, so not sure it would work very well with a free range tasty house rabbit around. - To cap it off though a friend of my daughters has a landlord who is putting the house on the market and he might need some temporary accomodation for his pets if he ends up sofa surfing - two terrapins, two house cats and wait for it - two chickens - one of which is a permanant house chicken because its blind and a bit lame and old but he couldnt bear to kill it ( the other is a bit poorly but might be better and back out on his allotment where his others are kept by then hopefully ) - to explain how this happens, i already have three fish tanks - each one containing a fish that has been rescued and then brought to my door - each fish not able to live with any of the others - two of them were accomdated "temporarilly" allegedly -one i expected a couple of years tops (what did i know about parrot fish he has been here 8 now )  and now terrrapins - who will also have to be housed separately - my living room is going to look like a pet shop aquarium section soon.- house cats i assume dont go out, so thats going to mean litter trays (yuk) - and a house chicken which apparently gets on well with the cats - i assume that isnt house trained at all - although chickens do like scratching - maybe it can empty the litter tray and  maybe  it could spend some time at least during the day in a nice  (padded) run in the garden - or maybe i should have a nice padded run  and a strait jacket. :rolleyes:so anyway -  it looks like i wont be adopting benjamin bunny or any other bunnies until that is sorted.

This is  precisely why i dont have chickens, because they would be named, and be pets and taken to vets and kept nice and cozy, and then everyone would bring me their old lame ones knowing i am a soft touch.I also get poorly pigeons , blackbirds and hedgehogs dropped off from time to time. :rofl:

Offline CarolineL

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Re: Hello
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2019, 07:46:44 PM »
You have made me giggle x  :rofl:

Offline Karena

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Re: Hello
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2019, 10:02:00 AM »
 :hug: In the middle of all the pain that brings us here, its important to be able to giggle i think.

Offline Louise53

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Re: Hello
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2019, 09:41:14 PM »
I used to have 4 chickens and they would rush into the house whenever we opened a door. They would gobble down the cat food then make themselves comfortable in the sitting room.  I  remember it really freaked out an insurance agent once!

Offline Karena

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Re: Hello
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2019, 12:09:24 PM »
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: i can imagine.-The Jury is still out on whether i get these new foster pets yet.

My eldest daughter was suposed to be here by now - but there has been a disaster with passports and visas -and the seeds i bought are still in the packets as i just cant catch up with anything - although the later they come now, the better from a keeping warm point of view because my chimney has mysteriousely got blocked ( iam convinced now the carbon thingy monitor was not working and the reason i am so tired these days is fumes not old age and burning candles at both ends (although that would also create fumes) ) - so no heating. (theyre coming from south africa so anything below 25 is too cold)  but this delay has of course given me more time to get the house ready and that has created an over ambitiousness that has got me in a mess, as in bomb site looking mess. -I finally  finshed decorating the living room including painting the ceiling which i had not intended to do but had too once the walls were lighter as it looked a delightful shade of sulphur yellow - then the chimney -smoke blowing back into the room meant i had to do it again. ( that stove has been there for 7 years and never done this before it was waiting for me to paint the ceiling) 

The kids room was definitely ready for a refresh so last weekend i figured half a day would do it  - (given they do 60 minute make over in 60 minutes i thought half a day was realistic fool that i am )
They have a three year old little girl the others are all grandsons and age range 4 to 14 - so how do you decorate a room for such a mixed group - having pondered it for a while I decided i would decide once i had shifted the furniture round and resurected the cot bed
- too much thinking not enough action i told myself.
Its down to accessorising the paintwork will do, i told myself -
Then i pulled the wardrobe out and only then remembered i hadnt pulled it out last time i painted, still it wouldnt take long to touch up a corner - i told myself
and trotted off to get paint but it was the wrong colour and i only had silk left in the (almost) right colour  - which i cant paint on the outside walls as it stops them "breathing" -

By now i had of course painted over the patch with the wrong colour thinking it would dry the right colour - it didnt and there wasnt enough left to do the whole wall - so i made the patched shape into a tree - which looked odd on its own - so i painted another tree - several in fact - so there,s my theme - sorted  - but hand painting trees takes longer than i thought, especially if you are quite enjoying being creative with an entire room wall as your canvas - oh the freedom -

so now  the older kids part will have birch trees with silhouted bird shapes and a couple of silhouetted deer (yet to be stuck on the wall)  and the cot bed side  will have a more childish (girly: sorry Paul)  colourful  owl  decals that i bought on a whim yonks ago and never got round to using  - in between the top branches of all these trees and on the ceiling will be luminous stars (1,000 of them yet to be stuck on - i,m thinking of having a kids party - here you are kids a once in a lifetime opportunity to put stickers everywhere jump up and down step ladders and not get told off  :rofl:)  and the bedding and curtains will be white with stars as well.

Sunday afternoon and i have got to the point i can put the cot bed together - so where are the bolts why arent they with it - being the organised person i am i have a drawer for such things and i even keep them in separate bags if theyre a set and her was a toymaster bag of likely looking bolts (how clever of me to store bolts for a cot in a child related bag) then i tried to figure it out, but it would not fit together in any combination.
At this point the eldest grandson has turned up and  is wielding my drill and suggesting he just drills new holes and we cobble it with screws - ( tempting) but  luckilly i refused to go along with that idea, and we went down to re-think it (you tube) -which  didnt help - then he had a genius idea and we wondered how appealing the idea of an indoor beach tent  and air bed would be to a 3 year old girl (in keeping with the forest theme) I went back upstairs to see if the tent would fit the space. and on the way up remembered in a rare moment of clarity, when i took the cot bed apart i put the bolts in the top drawer of my dressing table, opened it and there they were a set of bolts all neatly lined up -  ( heaven knows what the other ones are off) -ten minutes later it was done - ( although i do still quite like the tent idea, certainly for the younger two, possibly three (but older than her)  boys maybe four given it was the eldest ones idea - a campsite even. The cot bed is too small for them and probably for her too by the next time they are over) :cool:

so having lost so much time last weeend , in theory this weekend i am going to
paint the porch door,
sort the spare room for the adults (i really hope i dont find any unpainted bits)
sort the bathroom put up a new shower curtain,change the back kitchen/ utility room into an office as he will need to work while theyre here,
move everything around in the "proper kitchen/ dining room to make room for the stuff formerly in the above room and create a play area,
Hide all the bits of spare furniture and other junk behind a curtain in my room (curtain pole yet to be put up curtains yet to be sourced ) -
Find out if the battery strimmer will charge and if it does, cut all the grass
tidy up the garden generally,
move and re-plant a dozen rasberry canes,
forget the protected seedling stages and plant pea and bean seeds straight into raised beds (yet to be weeded) and cover them in jam jars which will hopefully keep mice and pigeons out and protect from frost

- and they call this weekend a bank HOLIDAY. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Emz2014

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Re: Hello
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2019, 06:04:45 PM »
 :hearts: nature and growing from seed is so nourishing, I spent time yesterday prepping containers, then planting sunflowers and wildflowers.  I really enjoyed watching the sunflower journey last year and cant wait for the bees on the wildflowers xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx