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Offline Lucy78

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First step
« on: December 14, 2018, 10:22:27 AM »
Hi all,  this feels really difficult in taking this step but something I must do. I thought maybe I had this grief thing sorted with having so much loss in my at 40 I am not so sure. I lost my dad at 12...….a messed up age for anyone, then my grand parents in my 20's and 2 close friends. It was more difficult when I lost my friend to terminal cancer 4 years ago... it made me very ill but I did not get support (so stupidly stubborn) I lost my mum 2 years ago poorly for a few years with many health issues but her death was drawn out / painful and traumatic. I don't think I have been in a good place for a was in July when my friend went on a family holiday I had a giant wobble...I guess the unfairness of life. I had lost everyone but some have lost none..(this is not the normal me and makes me feel like an awful person) The last 3 weeks leading upto Christmas I have hit that wall...its all about family, awful when I have none. (well a brother ..we fell out during the loss of my mum) I have tried to reach out to him but he will not respond even though the I cannot get over the deception of what he did. I have pushed away my friends...I love them but they don't know what to say or how to help. I do not have a partner...again my own doing.. I feel have royally sabotaged my own happiness. I have a 13 year old daughter who is strong and grounded. She has noticed my change. I am scared once I start I may fall so had I cannot get up or could damage her in some way.
 I just don't know where to start....…….thankyou all for any advice xx

Offline Lucy78

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Re: First step
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2018, 05:44:07 PM »
have I posted correct ?

Offline Emz2014

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Re: First step
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2018, 10:01:40 PM »
Sending you a welcome hug  :hug:
It is hard after a number of losses, each one leaves a scar.  I think approaching Christmas is also hard as the message is always about jollyness, and we are bombarded with happy family adverts - makes it harder for everyone who doesnt have the tv advert situation.

It is hard sometimes talking to people who havent lost a loved one, some just dont get it (and think we should be 'over it' quickly) and some try their best but cannot understand.  Everyone here has lost loved ones, in my experience it really helps to be able to talk about our losses. Whether that takes the form of therapy, or writing with people in a forum, or writing a diary where you can download your thoughts (or a combination of those)

Even if you feel you have sabotaged things, theres always a chance to start again and make new friends/situations  :hearts: xx
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 
Hold on in there xx

Offline Lucy78

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Re: First step
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2018, 11:43:21 AM »
Thankyou... I am on a waiting list but it may be 3 months..unsure if I should seek out private support before.

Offline Karena

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Re: First step
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2018, 11:45:57 AM »
Hi Lucy.
I have also suffered multiple bereavements and i think a new one not only triggers the old ones but also when we live in a world in which there are accepeted processes for absolutely everything it comes as a shock when our grief takes different paths each time.
It makes sense that we grieve differently for different people as they each meant something unique too us, yet the theorys like all theorys tend to imply a set path where we go through a process and come out at the other side having "got over it" then slip quietly back into our slots of being who we were before, but it does change us and we, and those around us find it hard to accept that change - we think we are not doing it "properly" so there must be something "wrong" with us.
I did have bereavement counselling after losing my husband - the second time for me, having also lost my best friend,and my parents, and several other people over the years i was also in a very bad place - i found that the counselling helped because it helped me turn some of my thinking around - it isnt a cure there is no cure, but it sets us on the path to healing and learning to live with the scars. I also found this place and it helped me in the same way -but also to feel much less alone - the everyday chat section can help take care of the smaller lonlinesses and establish some lasting friendships even though we may never meet in person.

Being the mum of a 13 year old, no matter how grounded she is can also add to the loneliness when you have no sounding board and at a time when our children are starting to become less dependant on us we then start to question our roles in life - you are still a mum and always will be first and foremost but as you see them start to move forward in their own lives sometimes its difficult to see where you will fit in the future - and so this can also add to the depression and feelings of loss that dominate our lives.
We go through many changes in our lifetime and settling into those changes is very hard but more so when we dont have the people we have relied on to  all our lives to consult - even though we may not have always taken the advise on offer it was still there - although i do in a sense consult my mum because when the fog and turmoil of our loss starts to clear a little, then we know in our hearts what they would have said/done/advised and that they would have loved us no matter what.

Three months can pass fairly quickly but if you feel you are in crisis dont hesitate to ak for help - a few people here have used the samaritans -who now offer e-mail contact - so you dont need to speak on a phone -but also keep talking here, we will be here as long as you need us to be. :hug: